Soulhaven School

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:05 am

Everything Bendir Vol. I


Fort Bendir was founded by refugees from the nearby monestary after it was successfully seized by Morguun the Black. Families and servants, children and surviving monks were evacuated under the leadership of Drum of the Hin Fist, as well as his student (and adopted son) Mallis Silverfist. It became the seat of government for the region as well as a home to a great many hin seeking a alternative to life in Cordor. Further residents came after the fall of Kohlingen, where the surviving hin of Minmir looked to the Dale as a safe haven.


Bendir Dale covers a large part of central Arelith. The regions are as follows; Fort Bendir, Bendir Dale Trader's Route, The Cave in the Mound, Bendir Ruins, The Vineyard and Bendir Hills. During the administration of Bendir's second Mayor the Ruling Senate of Cordor formally recognized Fort Bendir's sovereignty over these regions.

Bendir Hills and Bendir Ruins are considered to be occuppied Bendir Territory and the Guards of Bendir are sworn to do all they can to retake control of these areas, or at the very least prevent the influence of Morguun the Black from spreading.

Bendir Dale has an ongoing territory dispute with the Bloodmoon orcs, another sworn enemy of Bendir and rumoured to secretly be under the influence of Morguun the Black.

Occupying central Arelith, and at the meeting of many roads Fort Bendir has always been most aware of its trading potential. Primarily a trading fort, it has always taken efforts that anyone willing to pay is welcome. This is more than a mere excercise in greed, it is precisely the steady stream of trade income that prevents Bendir Dale from falling, being as it is a potential resource to all factions of Arelith.


Bendir was originally a hin only settlement, though following the formation of 'The Earthkin Alliance', a pact between first Mayor of Bendir; Mallis Silverfist and the King of Brogdenstein; Belrun Battlehammer, it became a potential home to all hin, gnomes and dwarves willing to settle there.

For the most part it remains hin, though there has been many notable gnomes that have chosen to settle there. The hin of Bendir generally favour the gnomish aspect of the Earthkin Alliance over that of the Dwarven, though the Strongheart amongst them have a reverse attitude owing to their people's traditional closeness with the dwarven race.


Everything Bendir Vol. II


Of course there are a great many of these, what follows in an overview of those one's considerede notable at the current time.

Stregio, Defender of Bendir

Stregio came to the Fort Bendir not long after the Stonehold Occupation. Having heard of the settlement's woes, and the enemies that surrounded it he pledged to defend it with his life. He is the commander of the Bendir Defenders and is charged with the providing the last line of defence against any invader. He is widely regarded as the strongest of the Bendir hin and not without cause, those that have seen him fight at a brief stint within Cordor Arena testify to his prowess. Any visitor to Bendir with a bounty to collect may see him for their payment.

Drum of the Hin Fist

Aged founder of Bendir Dale. After its founding he chose to forgo the luxuries of civilized living and instead chose to mediate and train in the seclusion of his Turfhouse dwelling. From time to take he would take an apprentice but other than that took no interest in the governing of the settlement he founded, leaving that instead to his student Mallis Silverfist (1st Mayor of Bendir). Not long after the death of Mallis, Drum left Fort Bendir to live out the rest of his life in the Skull Crag's monastary.


One of two sisters skilled in the arts of healing Prith is medic to Bendir Dale. She has had many years experience in tending to the Bendir Defenders, and with the many invasion attempts that have befallen Bendir she has seen more than her fair share of sorrow. Has long been rumoured to be having an ongoing romance with Darar


Popular with few the outgoing Darar makes his living from hawking overpriced jewellery to the many visitors to the Dale, and taking advantage of slow witted adventurers who don't realize the value of their hard won loot.

Myrtle, The Bendir Cow

The beloved cow of Bendir, times were hard before her arrival, green cheese and black tea, but thankfully that dark era is now over.


Everything Bendir Vol. III


Bendir Dale and Cordor

Bendir Dale has always had good relations with the city of Cordor, though has resisted any attempts at control by it's largest neighbour. This is a delicate situation, and the leadership of the Dale has always been reluctant to harbour any person wanted in Cordor or do anything else to jeopordise the good relations the two regions share.

Bendir Dale and the Grove

While under the leadership of Mallis Silverfist the two factions maintained a close relationship owing to his position as a druid. This relationship grew stronger following Bendirian intervention on an attack on the grove by the sorcerer Keth, but then suffered while the grove was under the leadership of Dacey Calhoun, a resident of Bendir who allied the grove with Stonehold not long after the latter sacrificed may captured Bendirians (from the first Stonehold war) to their god. Currently relations between the two remain neutral.

Bendir Dale and the Light Keep

Relations between these two groupings have always remained strong, though outwardly neutral. They have come to the aid of Bendir many times and during the time of his possession Mallis Silverfist was taken there and treated by their clergy. Lincoln Amblis's long term close friendship with priestess Lexi further strengthened the bond between the two during his leadership.

Bendir Dale and Clan Ironhelm

The dwarves of Brogdenstein have long been Bendir Dale's closest and only formal ally. The dwaven king was close to the first mayor and contunued to offer his support to the settlement during subsequent administrations. In almost every attempted invasion of the Dale the dwaves of Brogdenstein have been present. Their king was captured and flogged by the Banites during the Stonehold occupation and each and every Bendirian is aware they owe Ironhelm a great deal.

Bendir Dale and Stonehold

A long, complicated history involving much conflict that orginally erupted following Mallis Silverfist's decision to break the Banite seige of Cordor. The nearby Stonehold responded by mounting a ferocious offensive against the Dale. Capturing the Dale's leadership and taking a great many prisoners from among the Bendir Guard. Along with a shadow dragon they occuppied Bendir for some time, and despite many attempts to remove them the occupation only ended when the Banites chose to leave, when they did they took a great many prisoners with them.

It was not long before Stonehold fell under a mass offensive from the other factions of the isle, particularly the knights of the Light Keep who along with many celestial servants reduced the fortress the ruins. However the Bendirian prisoners from the occupation were put to work as slaves, building much of the new Banite fortress.

Some years later, after their work was done, these slaves were sacrificed in a huge pire in arelith forest. The then Mayor of Bendir, after being called to the site of the sacrifice and suffering the taunts of Stonehold's minions ordered the assassination of the Dreadmaster. The two groups then met at the Grove and war was again declared. It was shortlived, as facing much dissent over his decision from his fellow Bendirians who feared a repeat of the terrible loss suffered under Mallis, Mayor Lincoln Amblis reluctantly signed a truce before retiring from office. Stonehold agreed to recognize Bendir's autonomy and Bendir agreed to allow to any Banite to trade at the fort, so long as they came and went in peace. This treaty remains if effect to this day.

Bendir Dale and Udos

Bendir Dale's history with the drow is no less bloody than that with Stonehold. They have suffered many raids, and had many their people captured and taken prisoner in Udos. These include Perriry Bare, Felicia and Dacey Calhoun (albeit long after her residency of the Dale) The capture of Perirry Bare sparked an ongoing conflict between the two with the hin and gnomes of Dale seeking to take the fight to them in an attempt to rescue their captain.

During this period Mayor Mallis Silverfist, against the advice of his council agreed to shelter a female drow exile, who later betrayed the Dale, further increasing the tensions between the Drow and Bendirians.

Perirry Bare fell under the inlfluence of the drow, and following his accompanying them on raids of Bendir, and his kidnapping and torture of Felcia was exiled from Bendir and removed from the Earthkin Alliance, his exile remains in effect to this day.

In the years that followed Narcysia stalked the drow and killed a great many, proudly showing the stripes of blood she would mark herself with after each successful kill, with her and her sisters departure many feel that the drow threat will soon resurface as they realize the Dale is no longer under her protection. It was also during these years that elderly former mayor Mallis was captured and murdered by the drow, where it is said they removed his heart in some bizzare ritual.

Bendir Dale and Wharftown

These two smaller nearby trading settlements have always been on good terms, though contact was limited for a long time due to the old banite Fortress being positioned between the two. Even now, with few willing to travel past the Stonehold ruins and the dangerous Bendir Hills, caravans running west of Bendir are few and far between. Instead trade between the two is far more likely to travel the longer route via Cordor.

Bendir Dale and Myon

Over the last decade relations between Bendir and Myon have grown a good deal stronger. First under the leadership of mayor Amblis and then more notably under the leadership of the sisters Felcia and Narcysia. Many of the hin of Bendir have even been invited to walk within the majestic elven city, and stories of its beauty remain popular among the citizens of Bendir Dale

Bendir Dale and the transient factions

The leadership and citizens of Bendir have been approached by many other factions over the years. The Sons of Arelith came seeking an alliance which was rejected, the Knights of the Road have had civil relations with Bendir, The Silent Hand had little open involvement and the various factions operating from the abyssal lair, have needless to say, been treated with fear and suspicion the Bendirians. Of all the remaining factions of the isle the only one that can be said to have made an enduring impression on Bendir was Clan Calhoun, and despite this group being made up largely of hin this impression was sadly negative. This is owing to many factors, primarly the alliance made between the Grove and Stonehold during the Calhoun's control of the grove, as well as the treatment of ex-captain Spellblossom, and the clan's overall trend of trying to win hin from Bendir over to Cordor. As various minor factions come and go it has often been the approach of Bendir to treat these groups with a polite caution.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:06 am

"Jotun" These Notes Down: A Language Primer

Hello. I am Delair Dedralitte. You are looking for knowledge of Jotun, the language of the ancients. To begin, understand that it utilizes Dethek runes- the same alphabet used in the languages of ogres, orcs, gnomes, goblins, dwarves and planar earth creatures.

Next, understand its grammar. The typical order of Jotun is subject-verb-object, though there are exceptions.

My personal knowledge of this old language is limited. Therefore, I offer an array of words that I do know from my studies in the hopes that you may begin there. The remainder of this phrasebook is solely in Jotun.


1: et
2: to
3: tre
4: fir
5: fem
6: sek
7: sju
8: att
9: ni
10: tier
100: hund
1,000: tusen


Alv: Elf
Alder: Old
Anfal (noun): Attack
Anfel (verb): Attack


Bapart: Temple
Bla: Blue
Blad: Blade
Blod: Blood
Blodbok: Copper
Boye: Bow
Bror: Brother
Byrd: Birth


Dod: Death
Drofte: Dispute
Dverg: Dwarf


Engel: Ale
Esse: Forge
Et: One
Ettin: Runt


Fang (verb): Lead
Fange (verb): Take
Fare: Danger
Farvel: Goodbye
Ferd: Journey
Festing: Fortress
Fjell: Mountain
Fjelljotun(en): Mountain giant(s)
Flod: River
Fode: Food
Forbaus: Surprise
Forer: Chieftain, leader
Forvar (verb): Defend


Garasje: Garbage
Gave: Gift
Gi (verb): Give
Gil: Gold
Grun: Green
Gud: God
Gul: Yellow


Ha (verb): Have
Haug: Hill
Haugjotun(en): Hill giant(s)
Harbunad: Armor
Heim: Home
Hellig: Holy, sacred
Helsingen (slang, hels): Greetings
Hest: Horse
Het: Hot
Hild: Mother
Hjelm: Helmet
Hjerte: Heart
Husyld(er): Family (families)


Ild: Fire
Ildjotun(en): Fire giant(s)
Ise: Ice
Isejotun(en): Frost giant(s)


Jarl: Tribal leader
Jotun(en): Giant(s)
Jotunbrud: All true giants


Kalt: Cold
Kappe: Cloak
Kjott: Meat
Kom (verb): Come
Kong: King
Kongerike: Kingdom
Krig: War
Krigga: Warrior
Kue: Cow
Kunst: Art
Kvit: White


Lang: Far
Linje: Ancestry, lineage
Linjenstein: Ancestors of Stone
Liv: Life


Maat: Good, holy, honorable
Magere: Mage
Magisk: Magic
Maug: Evil, unholy, dishonorable
Mazin: Priest
Mazinmagisk: Divine magic
Minutt: Minute
Mynt: Money


Nar: Near
Nede: Nown
Nom (noun): Name
Nul: Nothing


Oks: Axe
Ordning: Order
Ostoria: The Father's Seat
Otte: Fear
Overin: Defeat


Paart (verb): Honor, respect; (noun) honor
Pil: Arrow
Platina: Platinum
Prakt: Bravery


Rad: Rank
Rang (noun): Honor
Rever: Queller
Rod: Red
Rom: Room, chamber


Sal: Saga
Seir: Victory
Seng: Bed
Sengrom: Bedroom
Skald: Bard
Skat: Treasure
Skilt: Rune
Skiltgravr: Rune cutters
Skod: Fog
Skodjotun(en): Fog giant(s)
Skold: Shield
Skye: Cloud
Skyejotun(en): Cloud giant(s)
Slag: Battle
Solv: Silver
Soster: Sister
Sort: Black
Spyd: Spear
Stein: Stone
Steinjotun(en): Stone giant(s)
Stig: Light
Stomm: Tribe
Stot: Second
Strev: Effort
Sverd: Sword


Tanke: Thought
Teeth: Tenner
Tid: Hour
Tosk: Fool
Traktat: Treaty
Trut: Truth
Tuv: Thief


Ubuden: Intruder
Uvar: Storm
Uvarjotun(en): Storm giant(s)
Uven(ir): enemy/ies


Vader: Father
Vaer: Weather
Van: Human
Venn: Friend
Vind: Wind
Vonin: Titan


Weirdner: Weird worker, ie wizards
Wyrm: Dragon

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:07 am

Librum Draconis: Arelithica Vol. I

Written by: Kaliyah Serafine
Compiled by: Anden Smith
Edited by: Elwood Thron

"The Silver Dragon"
The Silver Dragon of Lightkeep, now fallen, though was known as 'Imperator'. This creature supposedly helped judged the souls of mortals who passed the gate, and guard Lightkeep. Its remains lay in the Keep before the Hellish portal to Avernus.

"The Abyssal Dragon"
A curious beast, believe its 'name' is Zamashar. At a glance it appeared to be Gold, but this would contradict their existance, so more than likely was a light copper colour. It has some of the strongest wings I have encountered, and towers over most other Dragons. Very accurate and difficult to hit, though your prize for victory is Adamantine.
You can find this beast on the plane of the Abyss, though there are no true directions - when you find the one way valley in which there is no way out except forwards, you will find the beast.

"The Styx Dragon"
Cross the lands of Avernus, lurking along the River Styx and surrounded by the empty souls of the damned you will find the Styx Dragon. Seemingly a Black or Shadow dragon, it is more likely to be a Hellfire Wyrm. Powerful and with magical aid, though its greatest strength likely lies in its wings.
Approaching this without the ability to stand up against such wings is ill advised, though it is not immune to being dropped on its face itself. I have bested this beast alongside Sir Abidan Caelius, and whilst we spent a while on our back, it spent equal time on its own back.

"Sea-Serpent Mother"
Seemingly a True-Dragon, considering my Codex devours its heart. This is without a doubt the largest beast you will ever encounter. It comes across as a generic serpent like creature, just a hundred times larger. Blasting lightning breath and with a powerful bite, this beast is a good challenge for your above average warrior.
Approach with clarity or mindblank, deal with its minions before charging the beast itself, usually it finds itself trapped in the lair it has made for itself. You will find this monster at the end of the ruins of Kohligen, guarding the exit portal.

"The Gnoll Caverns"
By Lake Minmir one will find a cave often guarded by the Dog-Soldiers known as Gnolls. They are aggressive and defend both a passage to the Underdark, and a Shadow-Drake.
A protection of evil blessing can be used to fend off the Shadow-Drake, but as always, Clarity potions just in case. It has a decent buffet on its wings, a below average defence and a decent claw - though its greater weapon by far is its breath. If one is not fast enough on their feet, it's vile and powerful breath will cause immense pain.
Seek to knock the Dragon down after luring it away from its Guards, as opposing this beast and several Shamans will prove tricky.

"Icingdeath, Allies & The Auralites"
Within the Frost Temple found atop the Spires you will find a cave with two towering statues of Ice Giants. Within this cave bears, clerics wielding axes of various powers, half-dragons, white Dragons and of course Icingdeath itself.
If you have made it this far, the majority of the clerics and the bears will be of no great challenge - though be prepared for certain bears and their gazes, utilise clarity potions. The White Dragons themselves can be fended off with protection of evil wands, and prove a decent challenge, though strike strong and you will bring them to their knees.
It is not one on one with these beasts you will find difficult, but they will swarm, so be prepared to keep your footing. The Half-Dragons are much akin to the ones on Dragon Isle, using the same tactics, Shadow-shields and brute strength. Information on Icingdeath is scarce, but the Dragon itself is supposed to be one of the strongest on the Isle.
In order to avoid Icindeath, travel 'till you find the locked door that requires the lever to open, but go no further. Rest yourself and head back, and always remember to be wary of the Frost Mages that lurk alongside the Dragons.

"The Dracolich Of Mourn"
Hidden within the Manor of Mourn supposedly lies a Dracolich. Information on this place is relatively unknown, and more would be appreciated. Though tales of terror surround this dark land, and one should not tresspass lightly.

"White Dragon - Brog Lands"
Following the Crystal Caves path up towards the lands of the Dwarves, near the Harpy Caves, tucked away in a somewhat hidden gap you will find the White Wyrm. It has a relatively weak wing blast, though can toe to toe with most seasoned adventurers - assuming they do not knock it over. A decent challenge for any Slayer.

"The Cricket Carverns - Front Garden"
Near Lightkeep, through a passage hidden near a Tempurian shrine, one will find themselves in a beautiful place filled with the sounds of chirping crickets. To the back of this land a cave with quarters, but guarding this A Dragon of Green.
The Dragons that infest this area are known to be of the weakest kind on the Island, but one should never the less be prepared. Clarity potions are advised, and if you are capable, keep the Dragon on the floor - though an experienced Warrior might bring the beast down in a few strikes of their blade.

"Red Dragon Disciples I"
It is rumored that the magical powers of sorcerers and bards are somehow connected to the presence of dragon blood in their family tree. Red dragon disciples are sorcerers, and sometimes bards, who use their magical power as a catalyst to ignite their red dragon blood, realizing its fullest potential.
They prefer a life of exploration to a cloistered existence. Already adept at magic, many pursue adventure, especially if it furthers their goal of finding out more about their draconic heritage. They often feel drawn to areas known to harbor dragons.

"Red Dragon Disciples II"
A Dragon Disciple must willingly and actively follow the path that they wish to choose. They must research well into their past to learn of the bloodline they carry, this is due to the overwhelming ammount of mental, physical and emotional changes they must go through in order to achieve the full change.
In order to even awaken the blood offered to them by their wicked masters, they must become like their masters. A Gold Dragon disciple must be attuned to the aspects of Good, and Law, whilst a Red Dragon would be focused towards Greed, Mayhem and Power.
Once the blood of a Dragon has taken full effect of the Disciple, that litterally become 'it' in every mental sense of the word. Proud of their heritage and unable to turn back, they should be regarded as nothing less than the creature they have chosen to become.

"Sea-Serpent Mother"
Seemingly a True-Dragon, considering my Codex devours its heart. This is without a doubt the largest beast you will ever encounter. It comes across as a generic serpent like creature, just a hundred times larger. Blasting lightning breath and with a powerful bite, this beast is a good challenge for your above average warrior.
Approach with clarity or mindblank, deal with its minions before charging the beast itself, usually it finds itself trapped in the lair it has made for itself. You will find this monster at the end of the ruins of Kohligen, guarding the exit portal.

"The Gnoll Caverns"
By Lake Minmir one will find a cave often guarded by the Dog-Soldiers known as Gnolls. They are aggressive and defend both a passage to the Underdark, and a Shadow-Drake.
A protection of evil blessing can be used to fend off the Shadow-Drake, but as always, Clarity potions just in case. It has a decent buffet on its wings, a below average defence and a decent claw - though its greater weapon by far is its breath. If one is not fast enough on their feet, it's vile and powerful breath will cause immense pain.
Seek to knock the Dragon down after luring it away from its Guards, as opposing this beast and several Shamans will prove tricky.

"Icingdeath, Allies & The Auralites"
Within the Frost Temple found atop the Spires you will find a cave with two towering statues of Ice Giants. Within this cave bears, clerics wielding axes of various powers, half-dragons, white Dragons and of course Icingdeath itself.
If you have made it this far, the majority of the clerics and the bears will be of no great challenge - though be prepared for certain bears and their gazes, utilise clarity potions. The White Dragons themselves can be fended off with protection of evil wands, and prove a decent challenge, though strike strong and you will bring them to their knees.
It is not one on one with these beasts you will find difficult, but they will swarm, so be prepared to keep your footing. The Half-Dragons are much akin to the ones on Dragon Isle, using the same tactics, Shadow-shields and brute strength. Information on Icingdeath is scarce, but the Dragon itself is supposed to be one of the strongest on the Isle.
In order to avoid Icindeath, travel 'till you find the locked door that requires the lever to open, but go no further. Rest yourself and head back, and always remember to be wary of the Frost Mages that lurk alongside the Dragons.

"The Dracolich Of Mourn"
Hidden within the Manor of Mourn supposedly lies a Dracolich. Information on this place is relatively unknown, and more would be appreciated. Though tales of terror surround this dark land, and one should not tresspass lightly.

"White Dragon - Brog Lands"
Following the Crystal Caves path up towards the lands of the Dwarves, near the Harpy Caves, tucked away in a somewhat hidden gap you will find the White Wyrm. It has a relatively weak wing blast, though can toe to toe with most seasoned adventurers - assuming they do not knock it over. A decent challenge for any Slayer.

"The Cricket Carverns - Front Garden"
Near Lightkeep, through a passage hidden near a Tempurian shrine, one will find themselves in a beautiful place filled with the sounds of chirping crickets. To the back of this land a cave with quarters, but guarding this A Dragon of Green.
The Dragons that infest this area are known to be of the weakest kind on the Island, but one should never the less be prepared. Clarity potions are advised, and if you are capable, keep the Dragon on the floor - though an experienced Warrior might bring the beast down in a few strikes of their blade.

"Red Dragon Disciples I"
It is rumored that the magical powers of sorcerers and bards are somehow connected to the presence of dragon blood in their family tree. Red dragon disciples are sorcerers, and sometimes bards, who use their magical power as a catalyst to ignite their red dragon blood, realizing its fullest potential.
They prefer a life of exploration to a cloistered existence. Already adept at magic, many pursue adventure, especially if it furthers their goal of finding out more about their draconic heritage. They often feel drawn to areas known to harbor dragons.

"Red Dragon Disciples II"
A Dragon Disciple must willingly and actively follow the path that they wish to choose. They must research well into their past to learn of the bloodline they carry, this is due to the overwhelming ammount of mental, physical and emotional changes they must go through in order to achieve the full change.
In order to even awaken the blood offered to them by their wicked masters, they must become like their masters. A Gold Dragon disciple must be attuned to the aspects of Good, and Law, whilst a Red Dragon would be focused towards Greed, Mayhem and Power.
Once the blood of a Dragon has taken full effect of the Disciple, that litterally become 'it' in every mental sense of the word. Proud of their heritage and unable to turn back, they should be regarded as nothing less than the creature they have chosen to become.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:08 am

- recorded by Aramentia Sendia

In the thirty fifth year by Arelith-reckoning, while Biad Scheppen was Captain of the Hawk'ins and leader in the Dale, the forces of Urblexis Grond staged a series of raids on the surface lands. A mighty army menaced Wharftown, and we in Bendir, knowing of the emnity that the Tyrant of Urblexis, the svirfneblin Skeflock, held for the Dalelands, feared that we would be next. When information reached us of a planned attack, we sought to learn more.

After much discussion, I prepared myself and went down deep below the earth, to a trade post near to Urblexis. Securing an audience with the Tyrant at the second attempt, I sought to deceive him into giving away details of his plans. He was not fooled, however, and the meeting was a trap: his lieutenants moved in to encircle me, and it was only thanks to careful preparations that I was able to flee back to the surface, a few paces ahead of their spells and swords.

They followed, and their angry force charged through the minotaur-infested hills to the gate of the fort, where the defenders of Bendir stood ready and alert, waiting to hear of my mission. I returned scant moments ahead of them, and we barely had time to close the gates before they arrived. After some time spent sending undead against us, and frustrated by our readied defences, they eventually withdrew to the rise before the fort. Unsure, we watched to see what would happen, and as the Tyrant and his kobold mages gathered in a ritual our own mages readied to counter whatever thaumaturgy the forces of darkness could summon.

Even prepared as we were, the result of their ritual took us aback. A mighty dragon of bone arose from the earth, shaking the ground beneath our feet as it spread its wings and roared a challenge. Biad was ready, however, and countered the great beast with a calling of his own, a great prismatic dragon that flew down from the sky to our aid. Over the gates of Bendir the two beasts wrestled in the air, gouts of flame and magic wreathing both forms as they tussled. The fight was inconclusive, but Biad's ally had done enough, and prevented the bone dragon from breaching our defences. Seeing that there was no way in, the forces of darkness fled back to their hole.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:12 am

Kohlingen: The Lost City

The lost city of Kohlingen is one of Arelith’s greatest mysteries, and a source of many questions. Unfortunately, there are few answers. What answers there are, shall be found within after many years of research. I shall only try to highlight what is definite. There are many possibilities that I will only allude to.

What is known is that at least eighty years ago, Duke Tristam was a member of Galahad the Builder’s court. He was a devout man of Triadic faith; zealous and righteous in his conduct. For whatever reason, Galahad the Builder was allowing ambiguous banners into his court. Duke Tristam was appalled by this act, and since he could not change Galahad’s thoughts, he left.

With him, he took his loyal knights, retainers and followers and headed north, to a realm that existed beyond Minmir. He founded the great state of Kohlingen. We know it to be a Triadic state, morally virtuous and a place of Light, more so than Light Keep. It was a feudal state, with Duke Tristam likely at its head, with a council of earls beneath him.

The Triadic state was its peak between 5 Before Reckoning (BR) and 2 Arelith Reckoning (AR). It was a state larger than present-day Cordor. Through the finding of Earl Manfried’s diary, we know that his corrupted manor in Minmir was on the outskirts of Kohlingen. His estate is large, only hinting at the vastness of the entire Kohlingen realm. Furthermore, we know there were at least two earls in Duke Tristam’s court: Manfried and Montgomery. We predict there to be many more, and with an estate of similar size to Manfried. We can only imagine the sheer grandeur and size of Kohlingen.

The Triadic state of Kohlingen existed for what we theorize to be a decade. Simultaneously, Galahad the Builder had already built Light Keep, transforming the simple Benwickian castle into the now-called epitome of Light, Light Keep. Kohlingen, however, still dwarfed it in size.

Most of the goodly folk left with Duke Tristam in his departure north around, an estimation between 20-10 BR. Unfortunately, we know Kohlingen ended around 2-3 AR.

The mystery of the Lost City is a tragic one. All we know for certain is that one terrible night, Kohlingen just fell into the sea. The only survivors of the apocalypse were Duke Tristam (we know that Kohlingen never lasted more than a generation because of his survival) and a few of his loyal knights and followers. Almost all perished, swallowed up by the sea.

Duke Tristam and the last of the Kohlingenites made their way back to Galahad the Builder, who accepted them with open arms in the years of 2-3 AR. The home Kohlingenites blended back in with the Benwickians, and the great Triadic state was never spoke of again.

~ Ser Nelehein of Impiltur, Sage-Knight of the Road and Last of the Great Skalds of Impiltur, 73 AR

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:13 am

Gems: Natural Aspects

Smoky quartz is a grey, translucent variety of quartz that ranges in clarity from almost complete transparency to an almost-opaque brownish-gray or black crystal. Smoky quartz can be found in many different environments but is most characteristic for pockets in volcanic rocks formed from cooled magma deep below the surface.

Chrysoprase results from deep weathering and exposure to volcanic steam of silica, it is a gemstone variety of a soft quartz that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green, but varies to deep green. Typically found in tropical regions, however these stones can be found in varying qualities around the world.

Malachite often results from the weathering of copper ores, and is often found together with azurite. Malachite is more common than azurite and is typically associated with copper deposits which provides it's vibrant green color.

Fire Agate
Fire-Agate is a semi-precious natural gemstone primarily found in areas which were subjected to massive volcanic activity. Fire agates are formed during a period of volcanism when hot water, saturated with silica and iron essence, repeatedly filling cracks and bubbles in the surrounding rock. Fire agates have a beautiful iridescent rainbow of colors, the alternating quartz and iron essence layers diffract and allow light to pass and form an interference of colors within the layering of the stone causing the fire effect for which it is named.

Phenalope also called Rhodonite commonly occurs as cleavable compact masses with a rose-red color and dark brown to black lines accenting the stone. Rhodonite in high enough quality to be used as a gemstone is uncommon the material can be found in rocky mantle all over the world.

Aventurine is a form of quartz, characterized by its translucency and the presence of platy mineral inclusions that give a shimmering or glistening effect termed aventurescence. Aventurine, as other forms of quartz, can be found in many different environments but is most characteristic for pockets in volcanic rocks formed from cooled magma deep below the surface.

Amethyst is produced in abundance where it occurs in large geodes within volcanic rocks. Many of the hollow agates contain a crop of amethyst crystals in the interior. It's the gem that's most commonly associated with the color purple, its color can be cool and bluish, or a reddish purple that's sometimes referred to as “raspberry.”
Fluorspar also called Fluorite is a widely occurring mineral that is readily found globally with significant deposits. It may occur as a vein deposit, especially with metallic minerals. It is a common mineral in deposits of hydrothermal origin and has been noted as a primary mineral in granites and other volcanic rocks. Fluorite is a soft and usually colorless stone but can be blue, purple, green, brown, or yellow.

Garnets are found in many colors including red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, blue, black, pink, and colorless, with reddish shades most common. Garnet is a common gemstone, which can be found in rocky mantle all over the world.

Alexandrite is the highly regarded color changing variety of Chrysoberyl. The color changes under different lighting conditions. If viewed in daylight, its color is greenish blue to dark yellow-green. If viewed in candle light, its color is pink to red. Alexandrite is a very rare and highly valuable gemstone. Found in pockets of volcanic rocks formed from water cooled magma deep below the surface.

Topaz is commonly associated with quartz infused volcanic rocks. It typically crystallizes in granitic clusters formed from cooled magma deep below the surface. Or in vapor cavities in lava flows. Naturally occurring blue topaz is quite rare. Typically they are colorless, grey, or pale yellow and blue.

Sapphire is one of the two gem-varieties of corundum, the other being ruby (defined as corundum in a shade of red). Although blue is the best-known sapphire color, they occur in other colors, including gray and black, and they can be colorless. Corundum is found in some volcanic rocks.

Fire Opal
Fire opal is a transparent to translucent opal, with warm body colors of yellow to orange to red. Although it does not usually show any play of color, occasionally a stone will exhibit bright green flashes. Opal is deposited at a relatively low temperature and may occur in the fissures of almost any kind of rock

Diamond is natural gemstone, which is formed in very high pressure and temperature conditions. Diamond is supposed to be the hardest known natural substance, the most valuable diamonds are colorless, but never the less they can occur also in diverse colors. A common misconception is that diamonds are formed from highly compressed coal. Coal is formed from buried prehistoric plants, diamonds formed in this way are rare, and the carbon source is more likely carbonate rocks and organic carbon in sediments, rather than coal.

A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum. The brightest and most valuable shade of red called blood-red or pigeon blood, commands a large premium over other rubies of similar quality. Corundum is found in some volcanic rocks.

Emerald is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl, colored green by trace amounts of chromium. Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. Beryl of various colors is found most commonly in pockets in volcanic rocks formed from cooled magma deep below the surface, but also occurs in mica, and limestone. Beryl is often associated with tin ore bodies
This outlines the natural, accepted creation of these gemstones throughout Abeir-Toril. Future volumes on this study will focus on the common locations and any geophysical implications that may have. While all of these stones have mystical applications, the focus of this study will remain on larger scale implications.

Lor Arnden – AR 148

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:14 am

Audit of Sencliff; Observations & Summaries

On the 18th of Hammer, AR 86, I undertook research into the island of Sencliff's culture and population, including a wide-ranging census, the findings of which comprise this report. It was also written as a sort of resume on my skills and talents, to prove myself worthy of working for the population of the unhallowed halls of The Institute. This Second Edition of the report has been sponsored by The Institute, as the Rift Crisis reaches its conclusion.

[The introduction is stamped by a signet ring, in black wax, bearing an image of a humanoid figure clasping a globe in his hands. The Loross words follow;]


[To any with knowledge of that tongue or a scholar of pretentious villain sayings, it would mean "THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH". The emblem, and motto, of The Sencliff Institute. Then follows a signature typical of bankers and census-takers;]

- Damask, Ambassador-at-Large of the Institute of Sencliff, Underlord of Damask Holdings, AR 87


Located to the north west of Arelith, off the Bitter Coast, the island of Sencliff has a history of population stretching back possibly centuries. Dominating the island from afar, the colossal tower could be mistaken for a lighthouse at a distance in the daytime, but lighting up is the last thing this will do at night. The fact that the foundation stone of the tower is visible at ground level (and 'caverns', occupied by a Chultan witch doctor, are also at ground level beneath the tower) is indicative that the island has eroded substantially since the tower was constructed; and it is so far the earliest evidence of settlement on the isle. The foundation stone bears markings upon it signifying it to be a tower dedicated to the Black Sun, Cyric.

Accessing the upper levels is only possible by sacrificing blood upon a fanged gatekeeper-plinth. Un-dead lurk within the halls, along with a portal output nexus and a number of interesting notes - first and foremost being Cartwright's Shipbuilding Guide (all volumes, will be mentioned later) and notes from a being named 'Z.', whose orders also appear deep in the Cordorian crypts. The Horned Rat cult that lurked there could well have began in Sencliff, but what drove them away is unknown (if it were the outcasts that now occupy it, they'd likely boast of it).

At some point the Cyricists vanished, and the pirates began appearing. It is unlikely the Cyricists built the additional fortifications, as they'd likely incorporate the Tower into the construction, and defend it - the current walls and fortifications do nothing to protect the Tower, and the pirates avoid it. However, it is unknown if the current population then built up the island, as their numbers are not indicative of thriving, castle-building peoples; along with the situation of the estate (see below). But, pirates came to occupy the island, that much is certain. They appear to have owned it for quite some time, perhaps decades, but have consistently failed to provide an infrastructure that is self-sustaining; relying on the constant coming and going of trade (both legal and illegal) vessels.

Between then and now, all that has changed is that the Cordor Moratorium has provided for a select few vessels to be made available to the population of Arelith, enlarging the number of people with access to Sencliff (with the Liberator as sole exception to the Moratorium; the vessel is not legal, never mind piracy).


Describing the island as a pirate fortress may seem appealing but I believe it's not entirely accurate. For a start, it's not so much a fortress as that would imply it was well-guarded (it's laughably guarded) and also solely focused on piracy (it's a "port in a storm", to quote James Wayland). Consisting of sailors, both legal and illegal, outcast noblewomen, legitimate barkeeps, and all those that work docks, weird witch doctors and so forth, it becomes readily apparent that Sencliff is more of a refuge for outcasts. It's not that Sencliff is lawless, it's that Sencliff doesn't NEED laws. Its founding principles appear to consist of mutual disrespect and respect - disrespect for the societal mores of the mainland and of Arelith, and respect for those who similarly disrespect said values. This is, in essence, the only thing they share, and so long as they are of some use to the isle's upkeep or development, they're welcomed. The old noblewoman cares for oxen. The pirates keep the island in resources and provide some defense. Even the halfling torturer is afforded a place to practice his work so long as he offers surgery to the isle.

Religiously, the island appears to be a split between sea patrons, Cyric, Mask and who knows what else. This is another level on which the principle of mutual disrespect is upheld; nobody cares who worships who. An attempt to turn the place into a theocracy - or atheocracy in your case - would result in widespread disgruntlement and potentially low-level insurrection. It wouldn't last but then there'd be no population, no ships, no advantage. Just a barren rock-base. Which, again, has its appeal but there are innumerable advantages to having a small settlement over just a fortress (women and children as morality shields spring to mind, notwithstanding the economic benefits that can be reaped from Sencliff's continued smuggler's port status).

The demographics of the island appear to be in line with Arelith's - mostly (68.75%) human, with representatives of other races making up the rest, a few exotic races (genasi, rakshasa) and one outlying lunatic. I'm uncertain whether or not to be surprised at this, all told, though there appear to be no traces of elven blood (half-breed or otherwise) on Sencliff.


Due to the estate's nebulous origins, I think it prudent to note that ownership of the Liberator confers ownership of the Estate. The crew of the Liberator claim that the ship's design is based off the Sea Leopard, a claim I'm yet to validate. However, unless literal designs were procured from the Sea Leopard (and, judging by its status as a legal vessel under the Cordor Moratorium, the Crow's Nest are unlikely to be forthcoming with aid for a new ship) extensive shipbuilding knowledge would still be needed. Funnily enough, in the Black Sun Tower there is a full collection of shipbuilding manuals. There are also a pair of Cyricist banners draped in the Liberator. While the current pirates that crew the Liberator are unlikely to be directly linked to "Z."'s cult that built the tower, they may have been inspired in some part.


In any case, the estate's lack of pirate inhabitants (or any recent inhabitants), collection of skulls, library, and extensive water damage in the lower levels, appears to imply that the estate can really be considered a separate entity to the rest of the island's workings, with no recent habitation prior to Covenant reoccupation. What this means is that the island's future will be measurably altered by how much the estate (that is, we) begins to influence Sencliff. A tyrancy would be ill-advised, Archmalefactor, at least so rapidly. All trade would vanish, the 'odder' outcasts would probably actively revolt or leave and the people would forment revolt. However, using the populace's preference for "respect earned is respect given", it may prove valuable in the long-term to amenably acquire their support by aiding them.

Making the island a little more self-sustaining (the land seems arable enough), introduction of industry (the Malefactrix Jel suggests whaling or similar, with manufacturing facilities in the underdocks), increasing security against those who will inevitably take notice, and playing host to other outcasts and aiding those already on the isle (beneficial contracts, loans, exchanges) would earn the respect and trust of Sencliff. This also lays the groundwork for Sencliff's population to embrace and create the future we bring, willingly and voluntarily paving the road of good intentions - straight into our ultimate and direct control. For their own good. And the good of Vippin.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:16 am

Templates: Introduction

Ammunition templates are curious pieces of artifice that are designed to enhance the performance of ammunition they are applied to. The devices themselves rely on a mixture of magical and mechanical principles to function properly, the components of each must fit together. The templates in a sentence, store magic which is then transferred to ammunition that is treated to the template.

Ammunition templates work by storing power applied either through spells, permanent essences, or temporary essences. Once duly applied, then one can take an ammunition bundle and then apply the bundle to the template, which then draws stored energy from the template, creating ready to use ammunition. Only ammunition from bundles will work, stray ammunition cannot properly utilize the templates.

The utility of the templates is quite obvious, allowing one to create large amounts of enchanted arrows, greater in both quantity and potency compared to regularly enchanted arrows. Despite the complications required in constructing and assembling the templates, dedication and care can see to the creation of a large amount of extremely potent missile weaponry.

The origins of the templates trace themselves to the High House of Wonder in Baldur's Gate, put together by the clergy of Gond. Several designs have since spread throughout the realms. Time and further effort will likely continue to see new and improved designs.

Templates: Types and Construction

There are several kinds of ammunition templates. The known template designs as of the time of this writing are varied, and further research may see more template designs being created in the future. They vary widely in complexity. Generally the more complicated the template, the more magic they can imbue in ammunition, however it comes at a cost to construction and maintainability.

All templates have a number of receptacles which store energy, known as Stable and Unstable receptacles. Unstable receptacles can take the power of either a temporary essence or a spell, but their power depletes after being used to create 500 pieces of ammunition. Stable receptacles can take the power of a permanent essence, and they do not deplete unless the template itself does.

The most basic kind of ammunition template is known appropriately as the Basic template. Basic templates have only one unstable receptacle. The design is incredibly simple and can be constructed easily from softwood and Tin. This brand of template is easy to maintain, so should be able to last forever unless subjected to undue stress. It's mostly an introductory design for educational purposes.

The next kind of template is a “Simple” one. Simple templates contain one stable and one unstable receptacle. It's easy to maintain, though slightly more difficult to construct. It requires some specially artificed components to make: brass gears and make some vials to transfer alchemical compounds. Overall the design is simple and sturdy, and can add some significant power to one's ammunition.

The Standard design template contains three unstable receptacles, and is more difficult to make than the simple templates. Unlike the simple templates however, the standard template's unstable receptacles will eventually erode and after extended use a new template will need to be made. Most Standard templates can operate on about 3000 units of ammunition before they need to be replaced.

The Stable design template is designed for maintainability, though the initial construction can be complicated. This design is treated with an herbal mixture known as a Small Seed Balm, which eases the side effects of the energy transfer process. This allows it to be maintained with special repair kits designed for wood or metal work. Stable templates hold two stable and one unstable receptacles.

The Complex design is the most complicated template, and also the most potent, containing four unstable receptacles. Like the standard designs, the complex designs are prone to erosion and will eventually fall apart and need to be replaced entirely. Notably this design requires complicated gears to create, constructed from regular gears treated with dragon oil, emulsified oil, and an alchemic catalyst.

To construct one of the ammunition templates, one can apply varied crafting methodologies. However individual components to the templates require a diverse array of skills, so cooperation will likely be required to create the more advanced templates. One would need a knowledge of blacksmithing, alchemy, artistry, and herbalism to make the necessary components for all of the templates.

Infusing the Templates:

Templates can have their stable receptacles infused by a permanent essence. unstable receptacles infused with a variety of spells, primarily those utilized in enchanting weapons. The spellsword technique of imbuing a weapon does not work for templates. Essences both temporary and permanent can be applied, though only to the proper receptacles.

The power of spells cast into the templates doesn't necessarily correspond to the spell's power when cast on a melee weapon. Further a more skilled caster can infuse more power into the template with the same spell. A greater magic weapon spell for example imbues with the power of a greater essence when cast by a master, but only imbues with the power of a lesser essence if cast by a novice.

It should also be noted that while many spells of this nature may only be cast on unenchanted weapons, infusions into templates have no such restrictions. However, conflicts might arise if two similar enchantments are placed in a template. For example, the benefits of greater magic weapon and keen edge are largely mutually exclusive.

Infusions: Arcane

The first spell that can be imbued into a template is the second circle evocation known as Flame Weapon. The infusion adds additional fire to the arrows when launched, making hits more telling. In the best case, it's power is roughly equal to twice the power of a standard permanent essence.

The second spell one could imbue into a template is Greater Magic Weapon, a third circle transmutation. This imbuing will increase the amount of physical force the arrows will apply to their targets. In their best case, it's power is roughly equal to the power of a greater permanent essence.

The third spell that can be imbued is the third circle transmutation Keen Edge. Like the Greater Magic Weapon casting, it will add an amount of physical force to the arrows. It additionally will make the arrows cause a rapid loss of blood to it's target unless the wound is promptly treated. It's power in the best case is roughly equal to the power of a greater permanent essence.

The templates can also be infused with the eighth circle transmutation known as Blackstaff. Blackstaff will add a component of raw magical force to the arrows, adding penetration power which will bypass most known forms of magical protection that a target could have. It's power in the best case however is only equal to that of an intermediate permanent essence.

Infusions: Divine Magic

Darkfire, a third circle divine evocation, can be utilized to imbue a template. Notably, this spell will infused it with both fire and negative energy, a curious development since the base spell when applied to a melee weapon offers no negative energy. It will even do this for clerics that channel positive energy. The effectiveness for each is equivalent to that of a greater permanent essence.

Deafening Clang, a paladin transmutation, is a spell that will add a sonic damage component to arrows, roughly equal to a greater permanent essence in power in the best case. While one might find it odd that this enhancement comes from paladin magic, it's likely origin comes from celestial choruses, though this remains speculative.

Bless Weapon, another paladin spell, adds an amount of divine power equal to two greater permanent essences. However, unlike most of the infusions, the divine power will only harm certain kinds of foes. Particularly, the blessing works well against undead and fiends. Variances in the power of the blessing determine what this blessing can harm, rather than the raw potency.

Holy Sword, a very potent paladin spell, infuses the template with divine power that adds penetrating force to the arrows that will only strike true against the wicked. The potency added is roughly equal to that of two intermediate essences. It doesn't however add any of the base spell's other effects, nor does it require that the one shooting the arrows be a paladin themselves.

Infusions: Nature Magic

Blade Thirst: Blade thirst is a ranger spell that will add negative energy to the arrows. It however has a curious effect in that shooting the arrows will invigorate the archer upon hitting a foe, healing wounds they have suffered while causing injuries to their target. At it's best it will add a potency roughly equal to a greater permanent essence.

Sei: Blade Thirst, Ecthelion De La Tour: Paladin Spells, Jadoth Dawnfire: Cleric Spells, Samantha Lockeheart: Carpentry and consultation, Kodiak Nash: Arrow Bundles, Tryn Dralar: Blade Thirst and consultation, Thulk: Blacksmithing materials.

Conlan Lani'aela - Marpenoth 5th, 144 AR.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:17 am

Part One : What is Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy (Being a Werewolf) is a curse/disease that is contracted by bite, scratch or transference of blood by Were-Creatures (Common examples are Werewolves).
Thus this document when referring to Lycanthropy and Werewolves, is also interchangeable with other forms of werebeasts and Thropy

Once infected with Lycanthropy the following may occur.
Canine-teeth extending. Sudden hair-growth. Nails extending into claws. A craving for raw meat. An urge to bite people. An aversion to Silver. An urge to growl and Howl at things.

Under the Full moon [Day 25-28 each month] an infected will forcibly transform into a werewolf/werebeast (A rather painful process) And lose their mind in a form of bloodrage/lust and attack the first living things they see.

They become a danger to themselves and others and only with immensely strong willpower can the Beast be brought under control by the individual infected.

Part Two : how to Prevent Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy can be warded off by the rare plant known as Belladonna (Also known as Deadly Nightshade) And is actually toxic in excessive quantities.
Belladonna acts as an anathema to Werewolves (much like Silver) Providing one protection from both their attacks and from the curse of Lycanthropy itself.
If one is infected they can consume Belladonna before the infection truly takes hold to purge it from themselves.
The other option to prevent Lycanthropy is not to fight Werewolves and other Lycanthropes.

Part 3 : How to cure Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy is a difficult curse to cure. The only true cure for Lycanthropy (That is accessible) is the plant commonly known as WOLFSBANE.

The Wolfsbane plant is a nocturnal blooming plant. Giving rise to the myth that it needs to be consumed at midnight to cure Lycanthropy, this is untrue as the plant only blooms at midnight. But can be eaten as a cure at any time of day provided it is picked fresh.
Wolfsbane Leaf Spoils within the hour of its picking thus rendering the cure inert.

Wolfsbane is highly poisonous in middle-high quantities and only grows in certain locations (for indeterminable reasons).
Wolfsbane should be taken in quantities of 1-2 Pickings the rest of the plant (if Unneeded) Should be left to continue its growth.
Other cure methods are hard to come by, and usual require rituals, wishes or immense arcane/divine intervention.

Known Locations of Wolfsbane
The Forest of Despair (Malarite Temple Exterior) Near the far corner past the temple
The Skull crags Viper monastary (Top of the crags) far left side of the mountain
At the top of the Dreaming tree within the Arelith Forest
Near the Yuan-Ti Ruins in the Southern Jungles near the Crows nest

Part Four : Ethics and Morality concerning Lycanthropy

Lycanthropy in and of itself is an affliction whether willing or unwilling.

Individuals whom are unwilling (Or Unknowing) Lycanthropes should be considered victims of an unfortunate curse/disease. During struggles versus werebeasts whom may turn inside settlements and harm villagers, citizens and bystanders they are likely to get hurt and or be slain.

If possible to capture or drive the werewolf off and secure them in a location unable to be broken out of, I urge readers to do so. If you know you are infected, I recommend approaching sympathetics or healers whom will be able to aid you in getting to a wolfsbane plant, and please ask you to seal yourself in isolation away from living beings during the full-moon.

These people are victims and should be helped and not villainized, If they have hurt, killed or put others in danger during a full moon or unwitting transformation I urge officials and guards to seek recompense either via asking the victim to work off the damages, or via coin/items dependent on the victim and severity of the damages.

To those whom become werewolves willingly and do not seek to cure themselves. You are a danger and menace to good societies everywhere, putting innocent lives at risk for your own power and gain. A cursed individual who has given themselves into a bestial nature.

This information was compiled and researched by Meriam Fuzzypaw and associates.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:20 am

§ The History of Wild Magic on Arelith §


Wild Magic has a long and diverse history on this amazing archipelago.
It all started many decades ago when a few young mages had managed to tap into power sources not filtered through the weave, raw and powerful in nature they were but ultimately, as they are today, unpredictable.
Among the first was the most famous of Wild Mages that any practitioner is likely aware of, Kiravias. He is known for practically pioneering the craft and today is widely considered the most skilled in the art of Wild Magic.


§ The First Iteration: §

Back when the practice of wild magic was still in its infancy on Arelith there were several defining characteristics. Many of these are still present today, but at the same time, many are not.
First and foremost is the unchanged chance for a spell to “surge”, as the Wild Mage has tapped into an unwoven source of power it’s possible, however small the chance, for their magic to surge uncontrollably and cause an entirely random extra effect, from something as simple as conjuring up some butterflies, to as disastrous as conjuring up a small volcano to wreak havoc for a short time!!
Secondly is the fact that because the spell had surged and the power came from the raw source, of which there are many, the prepared spell itself was not expended. As we know Mystra only allows mages to cast a set amount of spells at a time before they need to prepare to cast more, such is one of her rules. But when the source of power bypasses the weave then that spell is usually not expended in the process, but this likelihood depends on the skills of the practitioner in question.
Third is what was called the “Chaos Shield”. A long forgotten ability but really very useful back in the day, one of my favorites and sorely missed I might add. The Wild Mage was able to open up a rift of power around them, pure chaotic energy streaming into their immediate area causing all manner of effects on those around them, generally used to fend off enemies or attackers when out venturing and exploring. Though sometimes used during a game called “Chaos Shield Roulette”... I won’t go into detail but it was generally quite chaotic and fun.
Forth was the ability to force a surge, with practice a Wild Mage could muster up the strength to intentionally cause their next spell to surge and have a random effect. This was generally a last ditch effort in dire situations, or a risky tool used in preparation to save the use of prepared spells. Either way it was random and chaotic and no longer technically something we can do.
Fifth and finally is the “Fatadical Manipulation”, or simply a Fated Surge, or just Fate for short. This ability was known to only powerful Wild Mages that had been studying their craft for a very long time, and the mastery of it was known only to the most powerful and dedicated to the craft. It grants the Wild Mage the ability to actually decide, with absolute precision if they were skilled enough, their next spell to surge with a specific outcome. It takes time to learn what may occur when your spells surge, but with the Fate ability you can just straight up decide what will happen. An immeasurably useful ability, but also quite draining as doing it more than once before taking a proper breather is impossible for almost all Wild Mages.


§ The Second Iteration: §

After many decades without Wild magic changing in almost any way there was suddenly a great shift in how it worked. No longer could Wild Mages use the Chaos Shield ability.. Instead they could simply choose to keep open that rift to their chaotic powers and greatly increase the chances for their spells to surge naturally. True Chaos would ensue when this ability was used to its full potential and it really was the epitome of a double edged sword.
There were some caveats of course, because this chaotic flow was so forced and the raw magics flowed so freely, during the use of this ability any surged spell would always expend that spells prepared use, on top of that if one were to close this rift to chaos they would have to wait some time before they could open it up once more. But overall it was an interesting change that many welcomed, though the loss of the controlled Chaos Shield ability was a great loss indeed.
The other effects of the pursuit of Wild Magic were unchanged during this time.


§ The Third, and current, Iteration: §

Finally, and most recently, comes the largest change in the history of Wild Magic on Arelith. Only a few years after the last great shift new studies have come to light and new discoveries too. Wild Magic has changed once more.
The largest change in the Chaos this time would have to be in the “Forced Surges”, in that it was no longer possible the “old” way. After many years of research, study, and practice a new method to use this ability as a spell itself had been developed, and so we now have “Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer”, a spell that when used will cause the next spell cast to surge. However the benefit of having the prepared spell that surged possibly not be expended is no longer possible with this method. It is a safer alternative though and thus has been adopted by all Wild Mages.
The only other change, arguably equally as large, is that the ability to open up a rift to the Chaos is no longer possible, instead another new spell has been developed to grant the Wild Mage a modicum of control over their surges in place of simply letting them fly wildly. Affectionately named Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield these two spells are the precursors now to the vaunted Fate ability, though they don’t grant potentially complete control like the Fate ability, they do offer a much more controlled outcome on the next natural surge itself, each one increasing the odds of that surge being one that is “beneficial”, so to speak. The Improved version increasing those odds more than the other of course.
These most recent changes are… tentatively welcomed, some feel that even though it does technically increase the safety of the abilities we possess that we are straying a bit too far from the freedom of Chaos that we once held.
Personally I see it as a good thing, I've always been an advocate of what I call, even though it’s an oxymoron, “Controlled Chaos”; a little chaos in life is fine, in fact it’s arguably necessary, but when you take that too far and begin to disregard responsible use of such powers then you are nothing more than a threat and a danger to others and you should not have such powers in the first place. A little Chaos can make life interesting, but that doesn’t mean you should put others in harm's way irresponsibly at the same time!!


I look forward to seeing what the future will bring to the craft of Wild Magic, by its very nature it is ever changing and unpredictable, all we can do is go with the flow and be responsible as we do so.
Thank you for taking the time to read my book, there may be more volumes in the future if further shifts in the Chaos occur, but who really knows.

The History of Wild Magic on Arelith -
Circa AR 155 -
Eldermage Patrick O’Sullivan
Last edited by Orian_666 on Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:22 am

Okay, that's all I can handle for now, expect more to come eventually though :)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Kuma » Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:28 am

please do not include the secret books of mesmer, thank you

edit: also a lot of these books seem to be pretty specifically in-game stuff, and don't take into account module changes which might are already awkward enough with spawn changes and dungeon rewrites, some of it's already outdated
Last edited by Kuma on Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

House Freth: Reference Information
House Claddath: Reference Information
"What's a heretic?": a guide to religious schism terminology

Irongron wrote:

4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:35 am

I was just shotgunning tbh, he's already added some and not added some.
He'll know himself what works and what doesn't.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Irongron » Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:01 am

Thanks so much Orian

Some of these were already in, and I'll look over the others soon.

And remember, everyone else, I'm really keen to get some proper Forgotten Realms lore, and most importantly, real world knowledge that can be applied both to our world and the setting. Let's give players the opportunity to learn stuff!

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Kuma » Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:44 pm

oh and the thaumaturgy book is especially just someone's theory of lumping all non-traditional magic variants together. i've changed my mind on the audit of sencliff because of a few queries;

when considering it's a reference library, does this also serve as a repository of historical IG documents (as distinct from books on opinion/spell analysis/fiction)? i've yet to visit it, unfortunately, so i'm unsure on that matter.

and if so, is the inclusion of, say, a "curator's note" something that would make it in? like the ones i did on the arelithica for my entries:
(Curator's Note: "Anno Imperii" was an attempt by the nascent Second Dominion to restructure history and dictate the structure of its retelling, by phasing in a new dating system. It did not persist. Regardless, this document can be dated precisely to the 12th of the 9th, 117AR.)
since so much history is word of mouth and quite lost, a lot of older texts require a little background for unfamiliar/newer players to gain any interest from. using a detached and dry point of view.

are we able to present "newly written" entries (let's say, a glossary of unusual real-world words) as having been written by extant characters (be it PC or NPC) or should they occupy the voice of a nameless monk?

and lastly, when it comes to stuff that's useful IRL, even when it comes to fun facts, it's hard to come up with topics where the inclusion of that knowledge isn't a little anachronistic. this isn't a question, more an observation, but i'm keeping an open mind when thinking of topics

House Freth: Reference Information
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Irongron wrote:

4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Orian_666 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:07 am

Kuma wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:44 pm
oh and the thaumaturgy book is especially just someone's theory of lumping all non-traditional magic variants together.
Actually the Schools of Thaumaturgy are a legitimate lore/official literature supported way of categorizing magic based on how you cast spells, rather than the traditional schools.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Kuma » Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:20 am

huh. i did the research just now and, yeah, apparently, in an optional 2e splatbook as a way of lumping all non-traditional magic variants together.

(the other reference on FR wiki was for a 4th beta test pdf and the link to the concept goes to the 0th level Cleric spell)

that is a wildly deep cut

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4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:14 am

Can we throw in the Dark Matrices and Make Shar Great Again? Selune's a load of crap anyways. Bunch of fiction, that Sisters' War. It was a coup d'etat.
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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Kuma » Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:51 am

Seven Sons of Sin wrote:
Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:14 am
Can we throw in the Dark Matrices and Make Shar Great Again? Selune's a load of crap anyways. Bunch of fiction, that Sisters' War. It was a coup d'etat.
that's one character's interpretation, so not really no

House Freth: Reference Information
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4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Borin Drakkmurl » Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:20 pm

Irongron wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:01 am
...real world knowledge that can be applied both to our world and the setting. Let's give players the opportunity to learn stuff!
I am really interested and curious about this part, and just want to make sure I understood correctly.

Let's say that in the real world I have decent knowledge of some outdoors activities, like open water kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing, fishing and some hunting.

Could I submit some tidbits about this kind of stuff, through the lense of an old wandering ranger character of mine that would, very logically, have said knowledge as well, and so marry real world and arelith stuff together in a series of ig books?
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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Irongron » Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:56 pm

Borin Drakkmurl wrote:
Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:20 pm
Irongron wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:01 am
...real world knowledge that can be applied both to our world and the setting. Let's give players the opportunity to learn stuff!
I am really interested and curious about this part, and just want to make sure I understood correctly.

Let's say that in the real world I have decent knowledge of some outdoors activities, like open water kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing, fishing and some hunting.

Could I submit some tidbits about this kind of stuff, through the lense of an old wandering ranger character of mine that would, very logically, have said knowledge as well, and so marry real world and arelith stuff together in a series of ig books?
That would be great. It doesn't make for interesting reading, but can help with a character's role-play too.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Borin Drakkmurl » Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:30 pm

Irongron wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:01 am
That would be great. It doesn't make for interesting reading, but can help with a character's role-play too.
Ahah I beg to differ! I'd be the kind of player to really enjoy finding stuff like that in there, and I am hoping a few others would too.

With some work put into the writting and presentation, it could be cool, in my humble opinion.
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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Irongron » Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:09 pm

Borin Drakkmurl wrote:
Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:30 pm
Irongron wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:01 am
That would be great. It doesn't make for interesting reading, but can help with a character's role-play too.
Ahah I beg to differ! I'd be the kind of player to really enjoy finding stuff like that in there, and I am hoping a few others would too.

With some work put into the writting and presentation, it could be cool, in my humble opinion.
Sorry, that was a typo on my predictive text!

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Babylon System is the Vampire » Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:55 am

So, I'm interested in putting some Forgotten Realms lore up for books since I love researching that stuff and I'm totally looking for things to keep my mind busy these days like most of us, but I'm curious as to how you want it formatted.

Do you want it to be focused on specific events, or a general history (and thus far less detailed) of specific areas? For an easy example, do you want something like the history of Cormyr volume 1, vol 2, ect. or would you rather I focused on specific events like "the founding of Suzara's city", "Gondegal's revolution", "The Goblin Wars", ect.

Also, do you want the author of said books to be generic, made up, or famous folks in history? This question may seem unimportant, but how specific the information is can easily be swayed by what you want, since a first hand account would be much more encompassing of the events.

And lastly, do you want me to start on the sword coast and maybe eastern Maztica (mostly from an Amnian perspective, though I think the Payits were good keeping a history) so its closer to Arelith, or that doesn't really matter?

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Irongron » Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:21 pm

Babylon System is the Vampire wrote:
Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:55 am
So, I'm interested in putting some Forgotten Realms lore up for books since I love researching that stuff and I'm totally looking for things to keep my mind busy these days like most of us, but I'm curious as to how you want it formatted.

Do you want it to be focused on specific events, or a general history (and thus far less detailed) of specific areas? For an easy example, do you want something like the history of Cormyr volume 1, vol 2, ect. or would you rather I focused on specific events like "the founding of Suzara's city", "Gondegal's revolution", "The Goblin Wars", ect.

Also, do you want the author of said books to be generic, made up, or famous folks in history? This question may seem unimportant, but how specific the information is can easily be swayed by what you want, since a first hand account would be much more encompassing of the events.

And lastly, do you want me to start on the sword coast and maybe eastern Maztica (mostly from an Amnian perspective, though I think the Payits were good keeping a history) so its closer to Arelith, or that doesn't really matter?
Really the answer to all of these questions is that it is entirely up to you.

Look forward to seeing what you come up with!

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