The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

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The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Kuma » Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:55 pm

Okay. Arelith has a problem.

Nobody records dates properly. IC or OOC. Nobody records history properly. Everything is wrong.

I got a spreadsheet from Someonehere123 that the Encylopediea Arelithica uses - when you made a new entry you could pick a real-life month and year for your character's start and end date, and it would use a formula that basically linked a real-life month to an in-game year to determine it.



Due to the fact it can't factor in resets, downtime, alterations in How Time Works over the past 11 years (yes, really, 11 and a half years) and good old fashioned bugs and the fact that One IG Year DOES NOT Equal One Real Life Month, It's Just Close Enough For Ease Of Reference, it's woefully inaccurate.

Now, I've been testing this, thanks to a combination of my own disgusting metagaming Evernotes, DM corruption, IG journals and the old forums' Kudos and Update threads, I've compiled The Most Accurate Chronology of a single four-IG-year (ROUGHLY four month) period.

The Rift Quest.

86AR - May into June - The Rifts Open

87AR - June into July - Hell & Sencliff Attack Benwick (Month 6/Kythorn 87, 23rd June)

88AR - July into August - Benwick Vassals to Sencliff's Occupied Guldorand (Month 6-9?) / The Hells Destroy Benwick, Month 11 (Uktar)

89AR - August into September - 21/7/89 - The Last Battle of the Rifts

Now, if, like me, you aren't an idiot, you've noticed something. You can't attach a Real Month to a Game Year if there's overlap that stretches well into the two-weeks ratio.

This means that formulating a full 23BR to 100AR and beyond timeline is going to be a bit of a problem. What we can do is stick with the extant EA spreadsheet up until it goes a bit wonky, but going by that places AR 86 as starting in May, when in fact it started in April.

So if we cut off the Chronology at 85, and we kind of. Give up trying to be super accurate, and just attach a Real Life Year to a particular In Game Decade Or So after 85, purely for the purposes of reference, and then from more recent events we can be a bit more accurate. Or, hell, stop bothering to attach real time to game time, since stuff will actually be GETTING ARCHIVED AND HISTORIFIED rather than this mess of "hey what happened in ar 13" 'dick if i know'
Last edited by Kuma on Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by Kuma » Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:56 pm

BR is Before Arelith Reckoning, before what I believe is the server split between Arelith and Amia.

The year-titles are from the Arelithica itself, and are not mine. Annotations in brackets, links where available.

03-May 23BR - The Time of Arrival (Server is created)
03-Jun 22BR
03-Jul 21BR
03-Aug 20BR
03-Sep 19BR
03-Oct 18BR
03-Nov 17BR
03-Dec 16BR
04-Jan-04 15BR
04-Feb 14BR
04-Mar 13BR
04-Apr 12BR
04-May 11BR
04-Jun 10BR
04-Jul 9BR
04-Aug 8BR
04-Sep 7BR
04-Oct 6BR
04-Nov 5BR
04-Dec 4BR
05-Jan-05 3BR
05-Feb 2BR
05-Mar 1BR
05-Apr 0AR Arelith Reckoning (server split?)
05-May 1AR The Destruction of Kohlingen/Valtheran's Stonehold Takeover
05-Jun 2AR Stonehold-Cordor War}
05-Jul 3AR Stonehold-Benwick War} (See Valtheran, Ryan/Stonehold (The Blood Age) entries)
05-Aug 3-4AR Stonehold-Drow War}
05-Sep 5AR The Lost Chalice (No idea)
05-Oct 5-6AR
05-Nov 6AR The New Order (I have no idea)
05-Dec 7AR The Trials (No idea)
06-Jan-06 8AR The Fall of the Hand (See The Silent Hand article)
06-Feb 9AR
06-Mar 10AR The Threat of He Who Waits (See He Who Waits article, but frankly, this needs more elaboration from someone that's not passive agressive and was active during this time plz)
06-Apr 11AR
06-May 12AR
06-Jun 13AR The Destruction and Reconstruction of Stonehold (See the Mount Valtheran article, event of the attack on (Now) Old Stonehold needs elaboration. See also Bendir-Stonehold Wars and the Bendir history books IG, that you can buy in Burrowhome.
06-Jul 14-15AR The Death of Aristotlus Bibliophilius the Fifth See article.
06-Aug 15AR The Fall of Keth / The Duke's Year (Dunno what the Duke thing refers to; Keth got banned and I'm tired of glorifying banned players)
06-Sep 15-16AR The Shadow Throne Period (What)
06-Oct 16AR Rise of Baator (what)
06-Nov 17AR The Fall of Giovanni / The Year of the Rosewind (Rosewind exists; I imagine this refers to either Cameo or Simone Giovanni - is this when they killed Galverson?)
06-Dec 18AR The Stonehold Reform (Something to do with Lothar?)
07-Jan-07 19AR
07-Feb 20AR Rise of Pax Cordoria / The Great Banishment (Kobolds/Goblins become monster races in the Underdark; Lord Vetinari begins his illustrious reign)
07-Mar 21AR
07-Apr 22AR The Blood Sail Incursion (No idea, though I think I may have been around for it on Shas. Didn't pay any attention)
07-May 23AR
07-Jun 24AR
07-Jul 25AR
07-Aug 26AR The End of Sharran Wars (what)
07-Sep 27AR
07-Oct 28AR Myon-Brogendenstein War (we need more of these; also what)
07-Nov 28-29AR Execution of the First Ilharess (thanks chris i just love how descriptive these are)
07-Dec 29AR
08-Jan-08 30AR
08-Feb 31AR
08-Mar 32AR
08-Apr 33AR The Year of Dark Bazaar (a massive Underdark trade event)
08-May 34AR
08-Jun 35AR
08-Jul 36AR Gnollhold Ruins (The Stained Paw tribe take up camp outside the Ruins of Old Stonehold)
08-Aug 37AR
08-Sep 37-38AR
08-Oct 38AR Spread of Lycanthropy (self-explanatory)
08-Nov 39AR Portal Collapse (something something duran sane and maximillian pindrop help)
08-Dec 40AR Thayvian Wharftown (BITCHIN)
09-Jan-09 41AR Massacre of Wharftown(See article)
09-Feb 42AR Chaotic Temple of Bane (what)
09-Mar 43AR
09-Apr 44AR
09-May 45AR
09-Jun 46AR The Kradbunch Tolls (not glorifying banned players that doxxed me on the forums; find links yourself)
09-Jul 46-47AR
09-Aug 47AR Mesmer's Blighted Hope (I actually have no idea what this one's about. The last History of the Tower entry is set in this period and is distinctly biased, so it might be a "the tower died! : (" even though it totally didn't)
09-Oct 48AR
09-Sep 48AR
09-Nov 49AR
09-Dec 50AR Cordor-Wharftown War (No article afaik)
10-Jan-10 51AR
10-Feb 52AR The Rumblings of the City (what)
10-Mar 53AR BAATOR'S AWAKENING (a lizard did it)
10-Apr 54AR
10-May 55-56AR The Unliving Blight (this isn't Lazarus Caan's stuff, is it? That was before Hell, surely)
10-Jun 56AR Life's Rebirth (what)
10-Jul 57AR Recovery of the Isle (what?)
10-Aug 58AR Infernalist's Woe (what/??????/?)
10-Sep 59AR
10-Oct 60AR
10-Nov 60AR
10-Dec 60-61AR
11-Feb 62AR The Reconstruction of the Underdark (Pit Town, etc)
11-Mar 63AR Reshaping of Cordor (no article, afaik - Cordor updated in a quest, DMs Void and Watchtower plz halp)
11-Apr 64AR
11-May 65-66AR
11-Jun 66AR
11-Jul 67AR
11-Aug 68AR
11-Sep 69AR
11-Oct 70AR
11-Nov 71AR
11-Dec 72AR
12-Jan-12 72-73AR The First Banite War (not to piss on your parade but it's definitely not the first and it certainly won't be the last)
12-Feb 73AR Diabolist's Rise (was this a thing or did people Just notice their cities were ran by devil-worshippers about now?)
12-Mar 74AR
12-Apr 75AR The Black Shroud (I think this is that eternal night&winter Auril quest, well-doc'd by Nelehein)
12-May 76AR
12-Jun 77-78AR The War of Horns (Crown of Horns & Kohlingen Quest)
12-Jul 78AR
12-Sep ????
12-Aug 79AR
12-Oct 80AR
12-Nov 81AR The Second Banite War (guys really)
12-Dec 82AR
13-Jan-13 83AR
13-Feb 84AR
13-Mar 85AR


86AR - May into June - The Rifts Open

87AR - June into July - Hell & Sencliff Attack Benwick (Month 6/Kythorn 87, 23rd June)

88AR - July into August - Benwick Vassals to Sencliff's Occupied Guldorand (Month 6-9?) / The Hells Destroy Benwick, Month 11 (Uktar)

89AR - August into September - 21/7/89 - The Last Battle of the Rifts

Which gives us 11 years to fill in with events, and name. Oh, and the MASSIVE GAPS and erroneous bullshit and lies to expunge.

Last edited by Kuma on Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by Ecstatic » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:11 pm

Hit me up on steam sometime, Kuma, and I'll see what I can dredge up about the 2005-2009 period of Arelith's history. If we arbitrarily anchor "Way the hell back then" and "right the hell now" to some point in the Arelith reckoning, we should be able to get a roughly functional framework for a timeline out of it. Any discrepancies can be attributed to shoddy scholarship, religious arguments over the calendar, or anything else that amounts to "it's someone else's fault".

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by DM Watchtower » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:14 pm

This is pretty accurate, and the latter half has a lot of specific months to help put IC events into context.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by Kuma » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:56 pm

Updated my placeholder; Ecstatic and WT I'd appreciate you glancing over it in particular for your eras.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by DM Watchtower » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:11 pm

Crown of Horns - I'm pretty sure this took place a few IG years earlier than what is stated. By 78 it was over - in fact (SPOILER ALERT) the logbook on the docked ship in the Sea Caves details a chronology of events. The years in those are accurate. Also, there's a date listed in a certain room in the Keep itself that references the height of the war. If I remember I'll check in game and see what dates are listed, but I know those are accurate (since I added them during the event).

Cordor Reshaping - This was the Rat King plot. Basically a terrorist calling himself the Rat King began setting off bombs in Cordor, and the government raced to find his true identity and work out how to stop him. I remember a lot of this plot, but I won't spoil it here. It ended in the previously-kidnapped Amnish architect rewarding Cordor by rebuilding large portions of it. It marked the introduction of shop/quarter properties and temporary shops.

Queen of Bendir - Sadamara's reign happened sometime around AR 46-50. I remember specific events, but not specific dates.

Fey Pact Intervention - Don't remember when this happened, but I remember a lot of the events we ran. It was definitely a big server-wide event used to change the perception of fey-pacted Warlocks.

Diabolists Rise I believe this was when Samir Lyons and his infernalists were at their height in Cordor, but it was happening a loooooooong time before that.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by The Rambling Midget » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:17 pm

DM Watchtower wrote:Crown of Horns - I'm pretty sure this took place a few IG years earlier than what is stated. By 78 it was over - in fact (SPOILER ALERT) the logbook on the docked ship in the Sea Caves details a chronology of events. The years in those are accurate. Also, there's a date listed in a certain room in the Keep itself that references the height of the war. If I remember I'll check in game and see what dates are listed, but I know those are accurate (since I added them during the event).
(ADDITIONAL SPOILER ALERT) There should still be a log entry on The Arvora which has the exact date of the big fat Kohlingen quest.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Marsi » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:48 pm

most of the EA was written by some biased and vengeful dude, right?

Why should the great bell of Beaulieu toll when the shadows were neither short nor long?

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:49 pm

Along with the War of the Crown, there was also the "War of the North"- the resurface of Auril's avatars, and her trying to seize the power of that sleeping northern ice good.

I have a lot of chronology from a KOTR perspective. And I think it's worthy to note the emergence of the Forsworn. That kinda marked the beginning of the end of Benwick some decades later.

I'm also with Ecstatic- there is an "old and new" framework in AR. I think it should fall at the implementation of the political system (which I believe was in the 40s).

But yeah, there's a lot of bias stuff on the EA. Especially with the "eras".
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:50 pm

SPOILER I wrote the stuff that's on the Arvora- or the Troubadour? I forget. Anyways hit me up
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by The Rambling Midget » Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:58 pm

Seven Sons of Sin wrote:SPOILER I wrote the stuff that's on the Arvora- or the Troubadour? I forget. Anyways hit me up
Probably the Troubadour. Mari had The Arvora.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:20 pm

06-Mar 10AR The Threat of He Who Waits (See He Who Waits article, but frankly, this needs more elaboration from someone that's not passive agressive and was active during this time plz)
This was a DM quest that was never resolved. A lot of events were done apparently in exposition of a rising, unidentified threat. But "He Who Waits" never materialized. Because of the antagonist's name, the event was remembered as a running joke. He's Still Waiting.
06-Aug 15AR The Fall of Keth / The Duke's Year (Dunno what the Duke thing refers to; Keth got banned and I'm tired of glorifying banned players)
06-Sep 15-16AR The Shadow Throne Period (What)
06-Oct 16AR Rise of Baator (what)
06-Nov 17AR The Fall of Giovanni / The Year of the Rosewind (Rosewind exists; I imagine this refers to either Cameo or Simone Giovanni - is this when they killed Galverson?)
The Duke's Year refers to the dissolution of the Cordor Senate due to a coup by the Cordor Guard. The PC element of the guard was, at the time, under control of acting-Commander Rask Under-River, who supported the coup. The old Senate was, ostensibly, rife with corruption (a reputation that has not escaped Cordor's ruling bodies, whatever form they may take, since), and Lt. Galverson was the primary mover behind the Senate's dissolution.

Galverson became Duke of Cordor, hence "The Duke's Year."

No sure what either the Shadow Throne Period or the Rise of Baator refer to, even though I was active at the time. The "Rise of Baator" seems woefully misplaced in the timeline.

"The Fall of Giovanni" likely refers to Cameo Giovanni. Both Cameo and Simone were contemporaries and cousins (the latter having married Rask Under-river). Cameo Giovanni was a Baroness under Duke Galverson, in charge of the Merchant District.

She was revealed to be a Sharran, and managed to assassinate the Duke prior to being executed, herself.

The Year of the Rosewind likely refers to the first of a series of Rosewind celebration events that featured story-telling, poetry, cooking, and other cultural competitions. That tradition, sadly, died out some time after.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:24 pm

07-Apr 22AR The Blood Sail Incursion (No idea, though I think I may have been around for it on Shas. Didn't pay any attention)
DM arc run by Pindrop. The Blood Sails were a notorious Nelanther pirate fleet that made a major armed incursion into Arelith. In reality, they were hired mercenaries of a Shadowvar wizard seeking several specific children born on the island.

There was actually a huge event summation and writeup on the old forums, but they were lost when the old forums went down.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:01 am

08-Nov 39AR Portal Collapse (something something duran sane and maximillian pindrop help)
Maximillian is the human name for a high-ranking devil, who has thus far kept his real form and actual name a secret from mortal pawns and enemies.

Previously, the ley lines in Arelith were much more expansive. You can portal back and forth between many different points. One-way portal and destination portals were the exception, rather than the rule. The portal in the Cordorian outskirts were particularly popular.

The island of Arelith was also exceptional in that it had a semi-stable portal leading into one of the layers of the Abyss.

Either due to maliciousness or carelessness (I forgot which), some players managed to widen/open the portal in the ruins of Old Stonehold, leading to Baator.

The devils seized upon the opportunity to establish a foothold on the island. The intention was to use the island's unusual affinity with portals and inter-planar rifts to open a new front of the Blood War. Being able to move troops directly into one of the unguarded layers of the Abyss would be a strategic advantage for the forces of Hell.

A coalition of Arelith settlements, lead primarily by Stephen Hull and Dante Lyons as co-councilors of Cordor, marched an army to the ruins of Old Stonehold. After many losses, they secure the site.

My memory of events at this point is fuzzy. I think Duran Sane played a role. Whatever the case, the rift to Baator in Old Stonehold was closed (though you still see lingering infernal influences in the ruins).

The blowback of this event was that the ley line network of Arelith was permanently damaged. Only the Arcane Tower managed to keep their ley line node under control, as a nexus point that can send you to various parts of the island. For the rest of Arelith, many portal points either vanished or degenerated into destination nodes.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:06 am

05-Aug 3-4AR Stonehold-Drow War}
This one is actually a less glamorous than it sounds. Ryan Valtheran's Stonehold did butt heads with the most influential Drow house. After some inconclusive skirmishing on the surface, the Banites marched down to the gates of Udos and camped there, besieging the city. The drow PCs decided to remain within the walls and declined to give battle.

Eventually, the Banites got bored and egged the gates. They left only after Quizzia started hellball-ing them.

Random trivia: Ryan Valtheran had a drow wife and a half-drow daughter.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by DM Nosferatu » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:19 pm

yellowcateyes wrote:The blowback of this event was that the ley line network of Arelith was permanently damaged. Only the Arcane Tower managed to keep their ley line node under control, as a nexus point that can send you to various parts of the island. For the rest of Arelith, many portal points either vanished or degenerated into destination nodes.
Considering the Underdark's portal network appears to have widened and stabilised (most are two-ways) during the two destructions of the Underdark, and the stable, easily accessible and undefended portals to both the Abyss and Hell, this does raise >implications as a DM for a sequel...
Peppermint wrote:Nosferatu have you considered that maybe you are just bad at this game.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Ecstatic » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:50 pm

Marsi wrote:most of the EA was written by some biased and vengeful dude, right?
Pretty much. The guy had a massive chip on his shoulder about a lot of things, and had a tendency to write articles to trivialize or demean characters and factions he didn't like, while putting together articles on his factions and characters that border on hagiographic.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by The Man of the Moon » Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:59 pm

[UPDATED the 03 Sep 2014]

Joining and synthesizing all the available information with the wonderful contributors (in alphabetical order): Cuchilla, DM Watchtower, Ecstatic, Kuma, Seven Son of Sin, Marsi,
Mithreas, Qizzia, Realoms, Reptile in paradise, The Man of the Moon, The Pretty Prince of Parties,
The Rambling Midget, yellowcateyes, Yma23 and the funny Encyclopedic Gang.

(In progress to fill missed data as far as I could by checking every imput on forums or IG or your own data)

Categories of the entries:
[PHE] : Phenomena (Natural or Arcane world event)
[EVE]: Event (unclassified and of great impact)
[GEO] : Geography (Exploration, land discoveries...)
[POL] : Politics (Settlements, battles, diplomatics...)
[SOC] : Society (Religion, culture, floklore, Fairs...)
[TRA] : Trade (Comercial and merchant entries)


? BR [POL] Myon is founded in the heart of Arelith's forests. The date gets lost in the memory of the times. Four High Mages, whose names are lost to us, were part of the founding expedition, they gave their lives to the creation of the Mythal. Its sentience is all that remains of the spirit of the Center of the four, and are those High Mages who yet wards myon to this day.

? BR [EVE] The odd golem sentient race of the Myart vanish, leaving only a Shrine as follow-up of their existence.

+ 430 BR [POL] Tollidor, an ancient town of craftsmen is founded in Arelith.

~420 BR [GEO, POL, SOC] Tollidor Cataclysm. The town is sunk into the underdark after a rupture of the ground planned by Mind Flyers using Umber Hulks. The small amount of survivors ended slaved or worse things by the Mind Flyers.

?BR [EVE] Abazuur flight to a volcanic isle, laying at the northwest of the Arelith island. There made her lair, dominating the former inhabitants, a fire giant’s clan.

? BR [POL] Foundation of the Halls of the First Dwarves (in Dark Spires)

? BR [POL] Foundation of the dwarven Fortress of Glorang Mur 8Skull Crags) as a Metalurgic Factory.

? BR [POL] Foundation of Udos Dro’Xun, in the Underdark.

? BR [POL] Foundation of Minmir, in the northern lands of Arelith.

? BR [POL] The First Brogendenstein Realm in the Dark Spires is overrun by a coalition of barbarians and duergar clans. The survivor dwarves move to the southern Golden halls, fouding there the Second Brogendenstein.

? BR [POL] Fall of Minmir, betrayed by Mandfred, the tainted Earl who was playing a plot guise as an elven ally. The elves migrate to the Arelith Forest.

? BR [POL] After the fall of the former Brogendenstein and the fall of the near elven realm of Minmir, the dwarves of Glorang Mur leave this fortress on the Skull Crags, to join their kin in the new Brogendenstein, in order to aid them in the works to expand the Golden Halls and to enforce the survivors of the fallen first enclave.

0. THE FOUNDATION. [From 23 BR to the Reckoning.]

23 BR [POL, GEO] The time of Arrival. A huge settler fleet arrives to Arelith, a lost archipelago in the trackless Sea, settling mainly the Arelith island.

23 BR [POL] Foundation of Cordor. At southern Arelith coast.

23 BR [POL] The Cordor guard is created to support the Government and keep the peace and order in the Cordorian streets.

23 BR [POL] Allestrius Thoramind discover or build (¿) the Arcane Tower in the Bramble Forest.

23 BR [GEO, POL] Thoramind discover the existence of ancient devices all along the island that allows to attune the people with the Arelith Leys, as teleportation gates.

23 BR [POL] Myon settlement. Vestool Moonarrow lead the remnants elves of the tainted Minmir and become the First Coranal of Myon, holds the Silver Chalice, a relic of Myon.

23/2? BR [POL] Senator Tifa Nguyen drafted the first codified laws of Cordor during the Senate era. This first codification was the basis of all Cordor law, outlasting the Senate and surviving well up through Vetinari's early reign.

? BR [POL] Foundation of Stonehold (Old Stonehold), north of the Forest f Despair. Leaded by the Dreadmaster Daller Mange. Ryan Valtheran, a Luskanite, becomes First Knight on Stonehold.

15 BR [POL] Benwick Realm foundation. Galahad built Castle Benwick, founded to guard what was burried underneath it. Not later will found a realm and reigns by as the King Galahad the Builder.

? BR [POL] Darius Tristam, a knight under Galahad, leaves Benwick because he believes Galahad is granting entrance to individuals who are antithetical to Triadic faith. Foundation of Kohlingen.

11 BR [POL] Ryan Valtheran becomes the second Dreadmaster on Stonehold.

? BR [POL] Colonization of the Zanshibon isle and foundation of the desert city.

? BR [POL] foundation of Wharftown

8 BR [POL] The Silent Hand arrive to Arelith in close relation with Stonehold.

5 Br [POL] Arrival to Arelith of Aristotlus Bibliophilius the Fifth, taking residence in Cordor, where joins the Temple’s Guard under Haulfest Command.

5 BR [POL] The Time of the Seven Seals. The Arcane Tower attracted many promising arcanists, some of them took keen interest in Thoraminds' studies of the wild magic and seeked to took advantage of it. Led by a sorcerer Halen Van, a group of arcanists took control of the Tower, leaving Thoramind to mere administration and researching duties.

1. THE ARELITH RECKONING. [From year 1 to year 10 approx.]

? BR/AR [PHE] The Wave is distorted in Arelith area, turning several magic items in useless dust

1 AR [POL, SOC] Arelith Reckoning

1 AR [POL] Fall of Kohlingen. Darius Tristam escapes alive, with a few survivors, and returns to Benwick where Galahad the Builder accepts them warmly.

? AR [POL] The Mayfield’s Inn, originally located in the outskirts of Kohlingen is relocated close to the Arcane Tower, at north of Cordor outskirts.

2 AR [POL] Stonehold vs. Cordor War

3 AR [POL] Stonehold vs. Benwick War

3/4 AR [POL] Stonehold send a strong force against Udos, sieging the unbreakable gates. The drows refused to battle them and finally, the Banites had to leave the siege because a poor support against the well-resourced drows.

5 AR [POL?]The lost Chalice. (???????????)

6 AR [POL] The New Order (Arcane Tower). With the brief return of Archmage Halen Van, the Tower was magically moved within the boundries of Cordor. During this time and with the Thoramind's influence reduced to casual and small influence on domestic duties, and almost limited to research, the Arcane Tower will become as a reference of power in Cordor, creating a mirage of safety.
During this age, the Arcane Tower mages creates magical mirrors, that can be used to tune clothes and colour them. Soon every settlement acquire many of those mirrors for the highest social classes.

7 AR. [POL?, SOC?] The Trials (?)

8-9 AR [POL] Era of Shadows. The Arcane Tower falls under dark influence. As Zedeln vanished from much of the public eye, councilwoman Allanna became an archmage. Many arcanists in Cordor found themselves in an akward position, access to the Tower and its library was difficult, only possible under the careful eye of Archmage Allanna. Later found records show however that the new members of the Tower were corrupted, and turned to the Shadow Weave by the self-proclaimed Black Witch.

Allana will drop when the Cordor Guard caught her and sent her to trial and found guilty. Her goddess Shar, abandoned her as she lost all her spellcasting abilities. Finally, she was setenced to behead, surrounded by the gathered crowd of many Cordorians

After the weaken of The Hand, Allanna and her Sharran arcanists, along with her loyal servant only known as David waged a war in Cordor that resulted in a strong uprising against the Sharran influenced Arcane Tower.

Aristotlus, together with many Cordorians spent weeks in a war that took place on the streets of Cordor, which ended in Allanna's capture and a final, standoff battle with David on the upper floor of the Tower where Cordor's forces along with future archmages Kaeshan Se'Lhane and Sway Sand, defeated the last remaining Sharrans.

10 AR [POL] Relocation of the Arcane Tower in the north of the Bramble Forest. Kaeshan Se'Lhane (A Myon mage devoted of Mystra), patiently managed to end the Sharran influence on the Arcane Tower and through political and high resources invests, get sucess to buy the Tower from the Cordor Council. Relocating it through a high portal magic to a newly bought area of land in the northern regions of Bramble Woods. His goal was to achieve political neutrality and make sure the Tower remains independent from outside influence, stablishing itself as an independent, academic institution.

10 AR [POL] The threat of the One Who Waits: An infamous and unknown mastermind villain behind a plan to overtake the entire island of Arelith. Some of his plans got frustrated by heroes and he returned to the shades, where he is said to be continuing waiting to a better time.

? AR [TRA] The Crafting Guilds experience a brilliant age.

? AR [POL] In a sudden conflagration in the Northeastern district of Cordor, the Library of Cordor was set aflame. Through efforts made by Johnathon Diastole, and Grand Shifter Merdock Took, the majority of the records were preserved.

2. SECOND DECADE (Year 2005/2006) [From year 11 to 20 approx.]

1? AR [POL] King Galahad of Benwick passes away, leaving the citadel to be governed by his Queen Xyndral.

1? AR [POL] Morghum the Black arises.

1? AR [POL] Founded the settlement of Bendir.

13-14? AR [POL] Benwick becomes Light Keep after Queen Xyndral (Castle Benwick), Grandmaster Berichance Arnesen (Order of Purity) and Prince Baltak (Brinson Family) decided to combine their Forces under one banner.

15 - 20 AR [POL] The Queen of Benwick passes away and the monarchy is abolished. Benwick is henceforth ruled by a Council of Three. High Priestess Lexi presides over the first such Council and continues to do so over the course of a long and storied lifetime of service.

15+? AR The Brinson Family camped at the outdoors of Cordor with their followers found the Rosewind Campment. Formerly, they played an important part in the formation of Benwick.

10-15 AR [POL] Chath Zress plays a very important part in Udos, as either First Matron or Highpriestess, or both.

10-12 AR [POL] Wharftown: The Waymen are created as the guard of the town, formed by Aristotlus Bibliophilus and Rune Degrem.

12 AR [POL] Aristotlus Bibliophilius V, passed away after leave the Cordor Guard and move to Wharftown, where he reached some years as a sucesful mayor.

13 AR [POL] Bendir vs. Stonehold Wars. During the Maliss mayorship of Bendir, the hin settlement was brutality attacked by the Stonehold Banites who brought a terrible dracolich. Bendir was only aided by a darven army led by the Thane Belrun, not enough for the massive threat. Bendir decisively lost and the Banites took scores of hin slaves. After this first battle, Benwick, who stayed neutral during the first Banite attack, decided to intervenite and with the survivor hin led Severian, Weapon Master, Lord of the Praetorian Guard and husband of Xyndral, they came with an army of celestials, paladins and clergy, imposing a hard defeat to Stonehold, detroying their fortress and disbanding the Banite army.

13 AR [POL] The Great Plagues.Two plagues strike successively Cordor in which thousands had died from the virulent pox, started by a talonist group working within the lizard mound in the jungles.
The plague was quickly stopped By the Ilmatarian Priest, Dredi Harren, while he felt contacting the illness and spreading it in a second plague. An Artifact, "The Satchel of St.Beldarr" was required to definitively heal and stop the Plague.

14/15 AR? [POL] The Silent Hand on Lower Cordor is told to be banished.

14/15 AR [POL] The Archmage Kaeshan Se'Lhane rebuilt the Order and Law of the Arcane Tower. Well defined after the Mystra's own guidelines, he restored the original Conclave rule and attrat by his side in the Conclave two of the most accomplished and known arcanists on the island: Archmage Landy Snowpetal and his long-time trustee - already Archmage of Light Keep - Sway Sand.

15 AR [POL] Disoluttion of the Cordor Senate after a couple years of fights and ascens of Galverson as Duke. The Cordor Guard, who atempted the coup after the desaparition of Aristotlus. Galverson who was the Guard liteunant, became Duke of Cordor.

15 AR [POL] Abyssal insurrection. the "Witch Sisters" (wizards) Quimelya and Venmelya Grel'tâcae took over the Fortress and made themselves rulers. Taking off on the reign of the former leader, a sorceror whose name was banished from the memory.

17 AR [SOC] Celebration of a Great Rosewind Fair.

18 AR [POL] Foundation of the Second Stonehold in the mount "Valtheran". Eastern peak at the howling pass in the Skull Crags. Ryan had completely reorganized it's divisions, heirarchy, and system of law - the Articles. Most of this still stands long after his disappearance.
The Banites took their revenge massacring the hin slaved during the war that ended with the destruction of the former Stonehold, in an atrocity where the hin, after be forced to build the new Stonehold were forced to dig pits before being forced into those pits and buried/burned alive.

19 AR [POL] Definitive desaparition of Ryan Valtheran. After some time in which Stonehold suffers an emptiness of power, Lothar the Steelsworn will impose himself as the third Dreadmaster (and the most powerful behind the own Valtheran).

1? AR [POL] Benwick is renamed as the Light Keep during the Queen Xyndral reign.

1? AR [POL] The Queen of Benwick passes away and the monarchy is abolished. Benwick is henceforth ruled by a Council of Three. High Priestess Lexi presides over the first such Council and continues to do so over the course of a long and storied lifetime of service.

20 AR [POL] Rise of Pax Cordoria.- Lord Vetinari begins his illustrious reign.

20 AR [POL] The Great Banishment. Goblins and Orogs start to create big societies in the UD.

22 AR [POL] Raid of the Blood Sail Pirates on Arelith. A great pirate fleet incurses the island with hidden purposes.

? AR [TRA] The Arcane Tower mages creates magical mirrors, that can be used to tune clothes and colour them. Soon every settlement acquire many of those mirrors for the highest social classes.

3. THIRD DECADE (Year 2006/2007) [From year 21 to 30 approx.]

2?/3? AR [POL] Lord Vetinarii allows the creation of a Council to serve as his advisors, ending the baronial Age on Cordor.

2? AR [POL] Foundation of the Knights of the Road[/b. A group of dedicated and solemn individuals sworn to uphold peace amongst the roads and the protection of all the shrines upon them. Their original master was Ser Dafydd Silvertongue, a paladin who resided in Light Keep.

2? AR [POL, SOC, TRA] Cordor build new docks.

2? AR [POL] UD: Foundation of Urblexis Grond.

2? AR [TRA, SOC] The Speedy message service is created in all the Arelith Archipelago, developed by the hin businessman , stablished in Cordor.

2? AR [POL] The Lemur monastery gets direction changed and renamed as Soulhaven Monastery.

28 AR [POL] Brogendenstein declare the war to Myon. After an incident caused by the arrogance of an elf in Brogendenstein. The war lasted half a year, without any blood spilt.

4. FOURTH DECADE (year 2007/2008). [From year 31 to year 40 approx.]

3? AR [POL] Flux'sin d'Aerth becomes the Udos Valsharess, reingning with iron hand over all the other Drow Houses.

3? AR [POL] The Light Keep Royal Quarters start isolated and ends ruined.

3? AR [POL] Whartown Boys expand in their Hideout, in the Bitter Coast.

3? AR [POL] The Gnolls tribes strikes the elves. The Bridge gets destroyed and rebuild several times. Ghosts in little shack there.

33AR [SOC, TRA] The Year of Dark Bazaar. A great Fair in the Underdark.

35 AR [POL] Seize of Gambler's Bluff. A huge army of united drow and outcasts seized for almost a week the Gambler's Bluff at the East Coast of Arelith in the attemp to stablish a permanent surface outpost, but a strong counterattack led by Cordor was sucesful to make the dark forces retreat.

35 AR [POL] Skeflock, Tyrant of Urblexis Grond sent an army against Wharftown. But Biad, Bendir's Captain and Leader on the Dale, afraid that Bendir could follow in the plans of conquest, led an army to counter the svirneflin forces. Skeflock brought a dracolich to smash the hin files, but Biad had a strong ally that descended from the skies, countering the dracolich: a prismatic dragon. While the dracolich was unable to defeat the Bendir's protector, the Svirneflin decided to retreat back to Urblexis Grond.

38 AR [PHE] Spread of Lycanthropy from the Forest of Despair (Malarite activities behind?)

39 AR [PHE] Baator's Awakening. The Nine Hells have stretched their corrupting influence further to open Gates upon the isle of Arelith. As a ley was used to open a portal to Baator, this was used by the Devils as a chance to gain a sideway to move troops into the Abyss during the Blood Wars. A coalition of Arelith settlements, leaded by Stephen Hull and Dante Lyons, co-Councilors of Cordor, defeat the first devil hordes, closing the said Gate to Baator. As a side effect, the leys got collapsed and many of them vanished or degenerated into minor destination points.

40 AR [POL] (Thayvian Wharftown) The fishing town is taken under Thayan control. During this period get's revitalized and become an important portuary town.

5. FIFTH DECADE (Year 2008/2009) [From year 41 to 50 approx.]

41 AR [POL] Bloodbath of Wharftown. The "Wharftown Liberation Movement", led by Herial Ghalen, Magil Mahr, and Kathele Se'Lhane, gets a bloodthirsty sucess assasinating the archimage Ayin and almost every male defender from the town. After the carnage, where the defenders fought firce the Thayvyan were gone. Since that battle the guard has been female ever since.

42 AR [POL] Reconstruction of the Bane Temple. Lead by the Dreadmaster Gorgoth Deathcrush, the Temple of Bane is brought back into power in a vast horizon.

42 AR. [POL] A treaty of neutrality and mutual military aid is signed between Wharftown and the Temple of Bane by the mayor Jheramaine Naethandreil and the Dreadmaster Gorgoth Deathcrush.

46-50 AR. [POL] Reign of Sadamara, Queen of Bendir.

47-? AR [POL] Arcane Tower: After the removal of the Old Conclave and its traditions, the Tower was held in sole hands of Duran Sane. As years passed, Duran and his supporters lost interest in Towers management and moved on to other businesses. Soon after, Duran supposedly died in a shameful mistake, 'killing' himself when under influence of alcohol.

4? AR [GEO] New territories are discovered by explorers venturing into the Swamps.

4? AR [GEO] The Arelith Forest is better explored by a Cordorian expedition.

4? AR [POL] The dwarves carv new mines in Brogendenstein.

4? AR [POL] Light Keep is again renamed as Benwick.

4? AR [SOC] A Shrine of Umberlee is created in the Crow’s Nest.

4? AR [POL] Half-Orc bandits under the leadership of Morguhn the Black installs in the Bendir hills area as the BloodMoon Tribe.

50AR [POL] Cordor vs. Wharftown War

50AR [POL] Murder of Arlan Swordhill

50AR [SOC] Mage Fair, organized by Shäalira the Younger. The event consisted on a trio of competitions including arcane duels, magic shows and a poetry storytelling contest hosted in the Rosewind.

50AR [POL] Aramentia Sendia replaces Sadamara as Bendir's leader, adopting the older title of Mayor.

6. SIXTH DECADE (Year 2009/2010) [From year 51 to 60 approx.]

51 AR [PHE] An unholy mist shrouds the isle, with undead sprouting everywhere. The paladins of Light Keep lead the efforts to dispel the strange evil, and after some days, they are successful, piercing the undead lines with allies from Cordor and Bendir to deal with the source of the evil, deep within Minmir.

53 AR [POL] The Arcane Tower is relocated by second time, magically moved in the road to Bendir, close to the Mayfields' Inn. During this new age of the tower, the mages, under the guidance of their Archimage Ayin Mesmer, researched and developed new arcane features in diverse arcane areas, like the skills to scry and summoning.

53 AR [POL] Baator's Awakening (II). The drows try to definitively seal the leys opened to baator, but after a try to invade the Hell layer and perform a ritual to close the gate, they fail, losing several trops.

56 AR [POL] The drow matron Nives killed Oblodra and made herself First Matron.

5? AR [GEO] New Ley gates discovered.

5? AR [GEO] Exploration of the Burning Shores

5? AR [GEO] Exploration of the Underdark Badlands.

5? AR [GEO] Settlers of Guldorand explores the Skull Crags, finding a druidical community worshipping the Mountain Spirit, that fight them back, owning control on the mountains.

5? AR [POL] Second Stonehold reformation.

5? AR [POL, SOC] Dark cults reopen the Old Stonehold temple.

5? AR [TRA, SOC] The Caravan company stablishes in the island, communicating some settlements.

5? AR [POL] The Guldorand logging camp starts strongly settled and turns into a small town.

5? AR [TRA] The Captain’s Laurick sail Company installs in the main portuary settlements (Cordor, Crow’s Nest, Wharftown and Brogendenstein)

5? AR [SOC] The Oghma Church pushes a campaign creating several prhase books and grammar books in order to try raise the general linguistic knowledge.

5? AR [TRA] ALCHEMY: Developed an attunement potion that allows to be ported to the strongest closer Ley line.

5?/6? AR [POL] Guldorand expands with a Lumber mill.

7. SEVENTH DECADE (Year 2010/2011) [From year 61 to 70 approx.]

61 AR [POL] Hostilities between underdarkers and surfacers become stronger.

61 AR [PHE] Great Cataclysm on the Underdark. In one brutal attack, swarms of mind flayers attacked both Udos Dro'xun and Urblexis Grond, destroying both settlements.

61 AR [POL] Foundation of Blingstonhold by the Svirneflin exiled from the destroyed urblexis Grond.

62 AR [POL] The Pit Town foundation as a haven against the Mindflyers. Most of the surviving former residents of Udos and Urblexis settled in Pit Town.

62 AR [POL] The Stained Paw Gnolls have moved from their temporary camp in the ruins of Stonehold to Minmir.

63 AR [POL] Cordor works to rebuild some buildings after the Rat's King terrorist destroys.

67 AR [POL] The Knights of the Road is reborn. Ubaldo Ferraz and Nelehien of Impiltur sought to restore the order. Alongside them was Marceline Diamanti, and betwixt the three figures did they successfully manage to rebirth the Order.

69 AR [POL] The Wharftown Clash. One of the largest battles in Wharftown's history, that ended in a successful defense. The Archmage of the Arcane Tower, a tiefling named Hound, led the hostile force against Wharftown, he was captured by Sando Saikoro, captain of the Sea Leopard and associate of Wharftown. A second force led by Valden consisting of Tower mages and Infernalist Cordorians (most of them Infernalists aswell, others unaware of the true reasons behind this), came as reinforcement against Wharftown. Lillia Aylows, Queen of the Abyss and the trusted First Knight Lady Nelyata Wennarnes came to aid Wharftown and successfully defended it against the whole attacking force. Slaying a great number of Infernalists.

6? AR [GEO] Discovered a way to enter in the Shadow Plane and the Shadovar Trading Post.

6? AR [POL] Formation of the Forsworn.

8. EIGHTH DECADE (Year 2011/2012) [From year 71 to 80 approx.]

7? AR [PHE] The Wave gets a new distortion in Arelith, making the mages in need to enforce their spells with new material components to get a stronger bound with the Wave.

7?AR [PHE] The plane rift open some breaches allowing to enter in diferent planes more easily.

7? AR [GEO] The Sailing exploration discover new routes and isles in the Archipelago.

71 AR [POL] A battle between Myon and Wharftown forces succeed and starts the War between Wharftown (under Banite control) and Cordor. Called the First Banite War as the Second Mistican War.

74 AR [POL] Northern War. Auril's conquest of some territories on the Dark Spires, building a temple in the deeps of the moutain caves. Apparition of the White Great Wyrm Icingbreath.

76 AR [POL] War against Udos Dro’xun and Pit Town. (2nd month) and fall of Zar’Rocc Qu’ellar (3rd month).

76 AR [POL] Month 12 First meeting Blingstonhold-Brogendenstein renews the Earthkin Pact. (Between the Thane Doilli Troff-Herald Tavar Trollhammer and the Bligstonhold Regent Fraya)

76 AR [POL] The War of Horns. Crown of Horns & Kohlingen Quest.

77 AR [POL] First War between Udos Dro’xun and Bligstonhold. The duergar leader Olga Anvildriver atemped an unsucesful try to get the hegemony over Udos, the svirneflin managed to stay neutral.

78 AR [POL] Second War between Udos Dro’xun and Bligstonhold. After a second duergar attemp, aswell unsucesful, to get power over the drows, Blingstonhold needs to reinforce his neutrality policies, avoiding once more time the war.

7? AR [SOC] Benwick start organizing great tournaments and festivals.

80 AR [POL] The Ilharess of Udos gave an ultimatum to Bligstonhold. But the regent Fraya avoids the war through a successful diplomace, ending the war.

80 AR (winter) [POL] The Pathfinders Expeditionary Corps is founded in Arelith with a couple centuries of well trained scouts.

9. NINTH DECADE (Year 2012/2013) [From year 81 to 90 approx.]

81 AR [POL] Second Banite War.

84 AR [TRA, GEO] Sailing evolutions with the construction of better ships.

84 AR [POL] Month 11. The Ken'virr Qu'ellar (drow house) arrives to UD.
Kris'alix Ken'virr declares The Unity Pact. Blingstonhold remains neutral.

85/86 AR [GEO] Discovered new paths and routes in Minmir, Dark Spires, Swamps.

86 AR [POL] Foundation of Andunor.

86 AR [PHE] the Rifts Open

86 AR [GEO] New caves and under areas are discovered and explored.

87 AR [POL] The new Bramble Watch outpost is built.

87 AR [POL] Hell & Sencliff Attack Benwick (Month 6/Kythorn 87, 23rd June)

88AR [POL] Benwick decay and fall.

88 AR [POL, SOC] Destruction of Benwick. The Hells' forces destroy Benwick, Month 11 (Uktar)

89AR [POL] The Last Battle of the Rifts suceed with the creation of the Astrolabe by a council of mages and sages led by the Archimage Kouto, as a solution to fix the planar breach.

90 AR [GEO] The southwest Skull Crags paths are opened to travellers.

90 AR [PHE] New creatures seems to be appearing now in Arelith, maybe under some conjuration great complot to control the monster hordes as troops.

10. TENTH DECADE (Year 2013/2014) [From year 91 to 100 approx.]

9? AR [POL] Cordor enhances several builds that were menacing ruin.

91 AR [POL] The Brambles’ Goblins discover and inhabit an ancient forgotten fortress located at north of the forests.

91 AR [TRA] Cordor dig a mine in the pursuit of new iron resourcement.

92 AR [TRA, POL] The svirneflin build an Ironclad and a shipyard in Blingstonhold.

92/93 AR [GEO] Some explorers discover some points of interest in the Sibayadian desert.

95 AR [POL] Fraya leaves the Blingstonhold regency to Breena Seamfinder, and goes undercover.

95 AR [TRA] The Speedy Message Company installs a representative in the Guldorand Logging Camp at the Skull Crags.

95 AR [PHE] Slimes from unknown origin becomes found in the Underdark more often.

97 AR [POL] Blingstonhold is now isolated and unaccessable for the rest of the Underdark. A new shipyard is built in Andunor and the svirneflin Ironclad stationed there.

98 AR [POL] Bendir, now alone, is renamed as Burrowhome as Haven of all the Arelith hin.

99-100 AR [POL] Brogendenstein gets an overhaul under the Thane Gar greybeard leadership.

100 AR [PHE] Strange and powerful electrical storms flog diverse locations of the island (probably the Weatherstone is being manipulated?)

100 AR [TRA] High increase of waves of new creatures makes roads and paths more dangerous.

100 AR [POL] Arrival of the Army of Light (AoL) (AUGUST-SEP 2014)
- Aparition of preachers
- Incidents of Wharftown and Cordor.
- Attacks on Wharftown. Pin’Ny the phrismatic dragon strikes.
- Diplomatic contacts with the Church of the Light are sucesful
- The Arcane Tower is attacked by a Demonic horde leaded by a Dracolich. The Army of Light appears in the siege and defend the tower within many heroes that come to the call of help. The Demonic horde is repelled.
- The Army of light tries to take control over the Arcane Tower. The Mages refused them.
- The Army of Light takes control over Glorang Mur.
- The AoL starts to produce massively golems using the factory hiden in Glorang Mur.
- The AoL send a massive golem attack on the Arcane Tower, that is repelled.

100 AR [POL] The Zhentarim War of the Black Diamond. (AUGUST-SEP 2014. AR 100)
- Lord Norkul, a Zhentarim General owning a mysterious relic capable to imamate a unbelief power on monks and leading four ships and a small Zhent army, arrives to the eastern coasts of Arelith and send messages to all the settlements, requesting them to join his force or be smashed. Every settlement refuses.
- Laureen, the left hand of Norkul is sent with a generous army of mercenaries and Zhentarim against Brogendenstein. The battle ends in a tie and the Zhent are repelled.
- Laureen leads an attack against Guldorand. Many heroes called by the Mayor Kouto and Commanded by Sarrah, are allowed to defeat the Zhentarim forces and Laureen is defeated and beheaded by Morkhav Wolfgheist.
- The Zhentarim remnant forces, that still strong, plan a massive attack against Wharftown. The mayor Amana Tarrinth manages to lead a successful defence after a long battle. The Zhentarim survivors are pursuit towards the eastern coast, where the defeated Norkul manages to flee in a ship, with his army decimated.

100 AR [TRA] The gold income from the adventurers seems to drop sensibly.

11. ELEVENTH DECADE (Year 2014) [From year 101 to 110 approx.]

101 AR [SOC, POL] Cordor. Conversion of Temple of Torm to the House of the Triad.

101 AR [POL] The Army of Light attacks Cordor with a mob of demonic and flesh golems. The attack was repelled by the Cordor defenders, but suffering civilian loses?
Last edited by The Man of the Moon on Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:16 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:12 pm

Correction: Stonehold was not destroyed in the Bendir-Stonehold war. Bendir decisively lost and the Banites took scores of hin slaves. (Later, those slaves were massacred in an atrocity where they were forced to dig pits before being forced into those pits and buried/burned alive) Stonehold was destroyed by an army of celestials aided by some paladins and clergy of old Light Keep.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by The Man of the Moon » Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:21 pm

yellowcateyes wrote:Correction: Stonehold was not destroyed in the Bendir-Stonehold war. Bendir decisively lost and the Banites took scores of hin slaves. (Later, those slaves were massacred in an atrocity where they were forced to dig pits before being forced into those pits and buried/burned alive) Stonehold was destroyed by an army of celestials aided by some paladins and clergy of old Light Keep.
Fixed. thank you
Disclaimer: All what I write are simple opinions of a player and always with honest intention to contribute constructively and from respect, but with a poor knowledge of English.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:01 pm

A lot of the dates are off, likely due to the issues raised by the opening post. For example, the Silent Hand banishment happened well before the Guard Coup that resulted in the dissolution of the Senate.

Similarly, the Baronial period of Cordor lasted longer than the time period indicated. There were at least a couple generations that lived during that time frame, especially since the initial Barons appointed to the three districts were not the same ones by the time Cordor's dalliance with feudalism came to an end.

There were also some significant events during that area that aren't documented (perhaps because of the EA author's bias). For example, Senator Tifa Nguyen drafted the first codified laws of Cordor during the Senate era. This first codification was the basis of all Cordor law, outlasting the Senate and surviving well up through Vetinari's early reign. The timeline is also silent about the period in which Graash Zorgar took up the reigns of a Cordor Guard consisting of exactly 2 people, and rebuilt it into an organization that could fend off the constant Abyssal, Banite, and random bandit attacks on the city. This also occurred during the time of the Senate.

The creation of a new Stonehold was years after the destruction of old Stonehold, even though the timeline suggests one is right after the other. After the destruction of Stonehold, coffinpus' half-orc (I totally forgot the character's name), reformed the survivors into a mercenary company called the Dogz of War. These mercenaries ended up being the private retinue of the sketchy Baron of Lower Cordor, re-inserting the Banites into Cordor politics after their base of operations was destroyed.

The rebuilding of Stonehold happened during the later period of the Baronial era, where Ryan Valtheran returned. He was missing for a period of time after old Stonehold was destroyed, and rallied his faction to make a new base. (He also besieged Bendir Dale yet again, an operation that came to a premature close when a wandering tiefling named Salik defeated Valtheran in a single combat). It was only after the second Stonehold was built, at the height of the Banites' power, that the mountain was renamed 'Mt. Valtheran.'

After Valtheran's second, and more permanent, disappearance, the Banites were in a power vacuum for a while. His half-drow daughter conspired to seize the title of Dreadmistress, but her support was insufficient amongst the rank and file.

The next strong leader of Stonehold would be Lothar the Steelsworn, whose arrival is likely marked on the timeline by "Reformation of Stonehold." Though I think that date, too, is off.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:16 pm

Kuma wrote:06-Aug 15AR The Fall of Keth / The Duke's Year (Dunno what the Duke thing refers to; Keth got banned and I'm tired of glorifying banned players)
The reason the "Fall of Keth" is included in the timeline was likely because there was an IC fall of power, separate from the OOC banning of the player. Raven White Rose and Simone Giovanni conspired with the Witch Sisters (two powerful abyssal sorceresses, though I could never remember their names because they involved lots of accents and apostrophes) to depose of Keth as many abyssal PCs were growing tired of his rule. This came to a head roughly at the same time that Keth was banned for cheating.

Really, though, the event should be named after the instigators or given a neutral name rather than keeping the name of the banned player. Maybe an abyssal succession, or insurrection. I would suggest naming it after the Witch Sisters, but I can't for the life of me recall their names.
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Re: The Chronology of Arelith

Post by Marsi » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:11 am

yellowcateyes wrote: Really, though, the event should be named after the instigators or given a neutral name rather than keeping the name of the banned player. Maybe an abyssal succession, or insurrection. I would suggest naming it after the Witch Sisters, but I can't for the life of me recall their names.

I think it would be great to hold this in effect where possible. Refocus events and history so the legacy of players who are only known for being massive wankers and getting banned is neutralized.

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by The Man of the Moon » Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:55 am

yellowcateyes wrote:A lot of the dates are off, likely due to the issues raised by the opening post. For example, the Silent Hand banishment happened well before the Guard Coup that resulted in the dissolution of the Senate...
Added and fixed as much as I could at moment [enlightned in red], figuring the dates with the EA and other timelines.

Also added some events from the ancient time previous to 23 BR.
Disclaimer: All what I write are simple opinions of a player and always with honest intention to contribute constructively and from respect, but with a poor knowledge of English.

Thank you

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Re: The Chronology of Arelith SPOILER HEAVY

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:25 am

Few notes,

I'd also include the War of the North/Northern War/Auril's Conquest in 74 AR.

As well as the formation of the Forsworn in the late 60s. That shook up the place.

Kohlingen was founded after Benwick. From what IC sources I came across, Darius Tristam and his supporters left Benwick after it had been established. So I'd switch around the 20 BR and 15 BR you have listed. (and more)

Minmir/Kohlingen history is tiresome. Manfried and Montgomery existed during Kohlingen because the IC journal found in Minmir Manor explicitly states Kohlingen tax collectors. I think Artos actually said OOCly in the last forums that indeed Kohlingen's downfall was indeed tied to some undead apocalypse (explains Manfried). There's also the formation of the Duchy of Minmir, which is not mentioned in any Kohlingen texts or records, but was supposedly around sometime.

Chronologically, it would look something like this:

? BR: Galahad asks permission for a lease of land from the Heartwood to build a keep in the eastern Arelith Forests dedicated to the Triad.

? BR: Galahad constructs Light Keep, reigns as King, is nicknamed 'Galahad the Builder.'

? BR: Darius Tristam, a knight under Galahad, leaves Benwick because he believes Galahad is granting entrance to individuals who are antithetical to Triadic faith. Founds Kohlingen.

? BR: Earl Manfried*** complains about Kohlingen tax-collectors.

? AR/BR: Fall of Kohlingen. Darius escapes alive, with a few survivors, and returns to Light Keep where Galahad the Builder accepts them warmly.

**I'd love it if a DEV could chime in at some point about this, because Earl Manfried (and Earl Montgomery by extension) are a real "wtf" in the history of northern Arelith. It's implied that the two Earls did not reside in Kohlingen because they paid taxes- they had separate estates. Was this before or after the arrival of Darius? Furthermore, were they perhaps descendants of the Duchy of Minmir (the pre-Myon)?
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