Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

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Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Kuma » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:42 pm

For almost its entire history, Arelith has had in-game reference materials in the form of deity books, that act as pseudo-OOC texts, and not really referenceable IC. They are also not much more than bookshelf matrix chaff, so removing them all at once would mean finding even more of the same books. Further, with the prevalence of OOC communication methods and the willingness of many players to link resources, I think it's time we replaced them, don't you?

To that end, the DEITY BOOK CONTEST!


  • Submissions may be for either a single DEITY, a COMMON GROUPING of deities, or a PANTHEON of deities. Deities must be included in the Arelith deity list. No Eldritch Patrons or Heresies. It does not matter if the Deity you select has a book in the system or not.
  • I am looking specifically for REPLACEMENTS for our Deity books, that is, reference guides written in an IC and hopefully compelling fashion, and not your own personal interpretation thereof. They should adhere to canon. To clarify I mean replacement in the sense of how they function- please feel free to submit any Deities that don't have books!
  • Submissions must adhere to Arelith's accepted timeline, that is to say 3.5E and earlier, as well as pre- mid-1372DR.
  • You can name the book whatever fits.
  • We reserve the right to edit and tweak your work before inclusion in the module for spelling and grammar standards, but if we want any larger reworks involving your text we'll reach out to you.
  • Submissions must be posted on the forums in this thread. Please do not use this thread for discussion on submissions, be it kudos or otherwise. Make another thread for questions!
  • The deadline for submissions to be posted is May 30th, 2024. You may submit a maximum of three entries.


  • All other participants: your work will still be considered for inclusion in the module, even if you don't place for a prize!

Judging will be held between myself and the rest of the writing team, with oversight from our benevolent...ish overlords.

Otherwise, have fun! As an example of the sort of thing we'd like to see, here's Hadals' book on Kossuth, here!

Last edited by Kuma on Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

House Freth: Reference Information
House Claddath: Reference Information
"What's a heretic?": a guide to religious schism terminology

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4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by lordadam12 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:24 pm

Title: A quick guide to the Coronal of Arvandor

: “Corellon, may your grace grant… Always my prayers have started with this simple saying to our father and protector, I write this now as a quick guide to aid those of our kind and outsiders to better know the Coronal of Arvandor and his teaching, It will not cover anything upon creation or the afterlife, as those could be their own volume of books, this is a simple guide for those who wish to know a little about the father” -Lyra Callornodel, The Voice of the Seldarine for the City Fair and Ark-erynsuoress of Corellon Larethian.

Let us start by reviewing the father's doctrine of belief-

The song of joy and the dance of freedom shall ever soar on the wings of those who dare take flight. Guard against the slow death of stultifying sameness by seeking out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those who seek only to destroy in their inability to create and commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant in force of arms and might of magic against any return of the banished darkness, be strong in heart against the corruption from within which allowed the Spider Queen to foment the chaos and evil of the Crown Wars.

In simple terms, The Father spurs the Tel-quessir toward self-reliance, vigilance against danger, and appreciation of the world’s beauty. To serve as guardians and caretakers of the forests, and to appreciate aesthetic pleasures despite their warrior heritage. He also warns us to be ever vigilant against the darkness below “The Dhaerrow” and the darkness that can be found within ourselves.

Corellon is the elven people’s pantheon of gods, known as the Seldarine, overall leader. Corellon is known to govern the things held in high esteem among elves, such as our gift of magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and of course warfare. As such Corellon rewards those who spread our culture in our community. Craft that work of art, sing your song, swing your blade, all pay tribute to our father.

Our father puts the welfare of his children first and foremost, protecting our spirit against those that would corrupt us, He is the ally to many good faithed deity's and those of nature, I would recommend being open to working closely with those of other good faiths to secure the safety of our people.

The Church:
Corellon’s Church has a set hierarchy-
+Faerna, Novices of Corellon
+Faernsuora, Full Priests of the Protector
In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Corellons Priests are-

+Aegisess (Protector)
+Adoness (Peacekeeper)

+Kerynsuoress (Holy Warrior)

+Ivae'ess (Lightbringer)

+Avae'ess (Joy-bringer)
+Syolkiir (Wildstar)

+Lateu'suoress (Crescent-Moon blessed)
+Araegisess (Great Protector)

+Aradoness (Great Peacekeeper)

+Ark-erynsuoress (Great Holy Warrior).

High-ranking priests have unique individual titles but are collectively known as the Cormiira (Blessings of Corellon).

Those in the church of Corellon are expected to be active in the communities they serve in, the duties would include the defense and artistic development of elven communities and to work to mediate disputes that arise among the Fair Folk. Corellon's priesthoods are often called upon to act as diplomats and arbitrators between the various clergies, the various subraces of elves, the various classes of elven society, and even between elven communities. While few priests of the Coronal of Arvandor serve as rulers, The clergy is often advisors to those who do.

Holy Orders:
A long list of holy orders that exist within Evermeet and other homelands of the elves would take up another volume, I shall cover the most common order found outside the homelands of the people.
-Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower, a loosely structured organization dedicated to the recovery of lost elven relics from long-abandoned elven realm, this is most often the common order those that are not of the people would encounter outside of elven realms.

-Swords of Evereska, a group of crusaders and holy warriors dedicated to the defense of the namesake elven city, May be encountered if the mission required far ranging.

In conclusion the father of the elves has a long and storied history one that would take a huge collection of books to cover, which Myth Myon has many of such volumes in its library, So if you wish to know more, reach out to your local Faernsuora, It is our duty to guide the wellbeing of the elven people as the father wishes. At the end of the day, we are The People after all, we are strongest together in faith and in all things we do. Fathers' blessings upon you dear reader.

-Lyra Callornodel, The Voice of the Seldarine -

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by L I C E » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:42 pm

Hunter’s Guide to Heretics: Eilistraee

Any proud drow loyal to the Queen of Spiders knows that there is no greater shame than heresy. Many drow societies and cities will attempt to hide the knowledge of troublesome beliefs but it is high time we accept the problem will not go away unless we not only deal with them, but understand them too. Let us look no further than Lolth’s own progeny.

Eilistraee is the daughter of Lolth and Corellon, the “father” of the miserable surface-dwelling elves. She is considered the only pious goddess of the drow, with power over the domains of moonlight, song, freedom and good. She has many titles, such as “Lady Silverhair”, “Dark Maiden” and “Lady of the Dance”. Like her miserable father, she takes after his desire to do “good”, only she is twenty times more insipid and one hundred times more annoying. Her primary belief is that the drow are misjudged, misguided by Lolth and that we were wronged by history - branded as villains by all when we are in fact victims. HA! I say. And so she goes further, preaching a message of “goodness” and paving the way for our return to the surface as a bunch of pathetic goody-two-shoes. She orders her followers to spread kindness and seek friendship with the lesser races of the surface for some absurd reason.

Therefore, spotting potential Eilistraeans lurking among you is simple. They will be the weakest of us, the meek, the hesitant, the romantics. They will find excuses to avoid cruelty and to avoid becoming the ruthless dominators that we are proud to be. Kill any drow among you who shows signs of these weaknesses, for they would become soldiers of the enemy and bring shame to us all.

The church of Eilistraee’s symbol is that of a nude drow female dancing in front of the full moon while clutching a bastard sword, which is the weapon of choice of their warriors. While the ownership of a bastard sword by itself is not indicative of faith, be sure to keep an eye on those who knowingly pick this weapon. Followers of Eilistraee will often dye their hair a sparkling silver of which many attribute to mental illness without knowing it is in fact a clever dog whistle to their treacherous faith.

Slavery is forbidden among those of Eilistraee, as is murder, theft and torture. How they manage to exist without these crucial things is anybody’s guess, so be keen to those who shun such concepts - they may be heretics in disguise attempting to convince you we do not need such things among our societies. On the contrary, their faith and churches even accept non-drow, such as darthien, half-elves and even rivvilen. Degenerate, is it not?

Now that you’ve a rough idea of what you’re looking for, the next few sections will go into more depth about their ideals and strictures:

  • Helping Others. The heretics believe that it is their duty to help the weak and those in need, rather than letting natural selection rid us of failure. They believe in treating strangers as friends, giving their own food and water to others and even providing shelter for them under their own roof if need be.
  • Liberation from Lolth. Followers of this foul belief are under the assumption it is their duty to “free you” from Lolth and try to show you a better life upon the surface, where some savage darthirii can attempt to rip you to pieces, living your life on the run from their bloodlust. Make no mistake - there is no life for you above. This is their greatest lie.
  • Art and Beauty. They are compelled by their goddess to bring happiness and joy wherever they go and to spread the arts of song and dance, in particular. Musical instruments are extremely valuable to the heretics, especially the harp, so keep a keen eye on those who own one of these instruments.
  • Conflict. Perhaps the only semi-redeemable part of their entire belief is how they are instructed to deal with conflict. “Repay violence with swift violence” is their mantra, something that almost makes them seem not to be trifled with. Almost.
  • Punishment. A no-brainer, these degenerates abhor slavery and are not permitted to own any. Even prisoners of war are to be treated well, made to work if need be but given ample food and water in an attempt to poison their minds towards support for Eilistraee. They do not typically engage in torture (unless you count listening to one of them talk as torture) and prefer to teach you the error of your ways rather than simply executing you.

These are the core tenets of their belief system. Every Eilistraean you encounter will adhere to these, else, they risk being shunned by their paltry goddess. Do not be fooled to think only females adhere to Eilistraee, for such is not the case. In fact, while males do not typically become priests of hers, they are still allowed considerable power within the church, something which should anger those of us loyal to the one true Queen of Spiders.

There is a rank system among the clergy, though given their secrecy, much of this information is unknown and what is known may be inaccurate. Her clerics are widely known as “Dark Ladies”, while the rare few males allowed into the role are known as “Reverents”. Several different orders exist, each with their own goals in spreading the dominion of their Dark Maiden. The Silverhair Knights are committed to converting followers of Lolth and the other lesser gods of the Dark Seldarine, while the elusive Darksong Knights seek out the “demonic minions” of Lolth in an attempt to destroy them all. The most dangerous of all of Eilistraee’s idiot followers are the Sword Dancers. They mimic abilities of the darthirii bladesingers, only using a bastard sword in place of a rapier, while drawing much of their magic from Eilistraee herself - a strange fusion of bard, cleric and typical fighter abilities. Do not underestimate these opponents, as many have. Heretics they may be, they are still dangerous to encounter and possess an ability known as spellsong with various effects the limits of which we still don’t quite know.

Do not bother attempting to convince the followers of Eilistraee to return to Lolth, unless they seek to potentially lead you to others of their ilk. Their weakness is a shame to us all, and they are better served as unwilling sacrifices to the One True Queen, bound and bled over a stone altar.

Glory to Lolth and good hunting.

Imyx, 172 AR.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Luingar » Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:51 pm

Title: The Church of Oghma: Crusade against Ignorance

Author: Rough Cut

Oghma is the god of the Curious, The determined, Those who cannot let lie that unanswered question. Oft depicted as a handsome young bard, exemplifying the type, He favors bards, travelers, wizards, and any who would learn or teach, The drive to share what you know with those who do not seems to be ubiquitous, and so too can you find the Faithful Seekers. The following is a primer, put together to answer some of the questions I encountered during my own pilgrimage


"Whatever I may say, you know already. Thus, I will speak our knowledge to those without it"

This is the most basic prayer to Oghma, and at once a decree to all his Faithful, to spread their knowledge to those without. It is for this reason that it is the highest manner of charity to simply educate those around you, teach them something they might not know.

The author writes a tale they find important; the Bard tells tale on the final stand against the forces of corruption: The cartographer submits ever more accurate maps for mass distribution, all are holy work. Far too many fall silent before they can spread what they know, and knowledge unshared rapidly ceases to be knowledge at all, instead falling into the domain of secrets and whispered rumor.


"A magic scroll may bear an instrument of power, true, but a blank scroll has the potential to contain anything! Or, perhaps, everything?"

The symbol of Oghma is a scroll held open, as if to read, despite being blank of any writing. Fantastic as a banner, it is perhaps more easily worn as an amulet or pin wrought in steel, silver, or mithril. Gold, adamantine, and more exotic materials are likely unsuitable, Though a layer of paper could be adhered to the symbol to improve its appearance, though the cleric who does so should be wary of dirt or damage.

Those who bear His Scroll must do so with pride, the symbol clearly visible for any to see. This announces the faithful's intent on education, either of self or others, and thus often permits safe passage, through neutrality, where few others may find it. Let not fear prevent you from knowing that which must be known, and trust in His guidance in finding a safe path.


"Knowledge must be free to travel where it is desired."

As a mortal, one often finds they must choose whether to learn or to educate, and what knowledge to focus on. This cleric has written guidelines on what to focus on, to ensure their time is used to its fullest.

Knowledge Witnessed surpasses knowledge read; One who saw an event firsthand will forget more details than their ancestors reading of the event in a book will ever know.
Destruction of knowledge must be halted at all costs; for none may know what is in moments lost.
Knowledge of the grand is more important than knowledge of the mundane; For not many may care that the nation of Amn was founded by Serrus the Great, few indeed will care that my neighbor Matilda got her nice dress ruined by a hawk last week.
Knowledge of the Arcane should be studied over the Mundane; The precise temperature that iron turns to steel may save some wastage in ore, but even the vaguest knowledge of the Cordor Shadow Farmers, that they exist, and will attack those that venture too closely to them, will likely save lives
The rarer the knowledge, the more urgently it should be shared. A secret a man knows is lost when they die, a dangerous but important ritual may survive if only one of the circle lives to cast it again, but few are going to forget that most plants can be grown with only sufficient light, earth, and water.


"We are all of us united, by the attentions of those who wish to know"
Those that dedicated their selves to Oghma's teachings call themself Seekers. That said, the Church of Oghma, much like His Followers, is divided and distributed widely. There is no single Arch-Cleric I know of that is worthy to direct all His Faithful, and in its place a perfectly suitable system of small groups has arisen. The Library, which holds more books than the local townsfolk even knows exists, is likely to be ran by an Oghmite Sect, As is a Bard's college.

Similarly, determination of which cleric should lead in any specific occasion should be determined by specificity of education: A healer of war is better suited to organize a defense against demons than a generally better educated head librarian, for example, even though the former would obey the latter in most other occasion.
Indeed, the variety and ubiquity of Oghma's faithful is our greatest strength, and more conflicts can be prevented by consulting in Oghmite society than by delineation of command, and, despite the teachings of some of the followers of Kordamant, Respect in our order is more oft determined by the legacy of their teachings, or that of their order, than any mere assessment veterancy.

I do hope those that follow find all they seek, either within these pages or beyond them.
Priestess Rough Cut
Headmistress of the Adventurer's College, Amn
Completed Tarsakh of 182 AR

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Stefan Hardock » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:15 pm

Title: On Deities: Tyr, The Sword of Justice.

Title: Chronicles of Justice: The Faith of Tyr
Section 1: Tenets
The faith of Tyr, the God of Justice, is built upon a foundation of unwavering principles and unyielding righteousness. His followers adhere to a strict code of conduct, guided by the following tenets:

  1. Justice Above All: Tyr's foremost commandment is the pursuit of justice. His followers are expected to uphold fairness, righteousness, and accountability in all their actions.
  2. Truth and Honesty: Deception and falsehoods are anathema to the teachings of Tyr. His followers are bound to always speak the truth, even when it may be inconvenient or uncomfortable.
  3. Courage in the Face of Adversity: Those who serve Tyr must possess the courage to stand against tyranny and injustice, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Fear is to be conquered, not succumbed to.
  4. Protection of the Innocent: Tyr's followers are sworn to defend the innocent and vulnerable from harm, using their strength and power to shield those who cannot defend themselves.
  5. Restoration of Balance: Wherever imbalance and chaos threaten to reign, Tyr's followers must strive to restore order and harmony, ensuring that justice prevails.

Section 2: The Church
The church of Tyr is a bastion of righteousness, its halls filled with the solemn echoes of oaths sworn and judgments passed. Temples dedicated to Tyr are often grand structures, adorned with symbols of justice such as scales and swords.
Within the church, clerics of Tyr lead the faithful in prayer and meditation, seeking guidance from their god in matters of law and morality. They also act as judges and arbitrators, settling disputes and meting out punishments according to the dictates of Tyr's will.
The clergy of Tyr are held to the highest standards of conduct, expected to embody the virtues of justice, honesty, and courage in all their dealings. Corruption and abuse of power are not tolerated within the ranks of the faithful, and those who betray the trust of their god are swiftly and harshly punished.

Section 3: Orders of Tyr
Several orders of knights and paladins swear their allegiance to Tyr, dedicating their lives to the cause of justice and righteousness. Among them are:

  1. The Knights of the Silver Hand: These noble warriors are renowned for their unwavering commitment to justice. Clad in shining armor and wielding swords forged in the fires of righteousness, they stand as bulwarks against the forces of darkness.
  2. The Order of the Gauntlet: Comprised of paladins and clerics dedicated to the defense of the innocent, the Order of the Gauntlet seeks to root out evil wherever it may lurk. They are tireless in their pursuit of justice, relentless in their quest to vanquish evil from the land.
  3. The Hammers of Justice: A militant order of warriors who mete out swift and decisive justice to those who would flout the laws of Tyr. Armed with warhammers and clad in heavy armor, they strike fear into the hearts of wrongdoers everywhere.

Section 4: Other Relevant Information
• Symbols and Icons: The symbol of Tyr is a balanced scale resting atop a sword, representing the impartiality of justice and the strength needed to uphold it.
• Rituals and Ceremonies: Followers of Tyr often engage in solemn rituals and ceremonies to reaffirm their commitment to justice. These may include prayers for guidance, oaths of allegiance, and trials by combat to determine guilt or innocence.
• Holy Sites: Temples dedicated to Tyr can be found in cities and towns across the land, serving as centers of worship and justice. Among the most revered is the Great Temple of Tyr in the city of Waterdeep, where pilgrims from far and wide come to seek the counsel of the god of justice.
• Enemies of Tyr: The followers of Tyr have many enemies, chief among them being those who would seek to pervert the course of justice for their own selfish ends. Tyr's wrath is swift and terrible upon those who would defy his laws and corrupt his teachings.

In the annals of Faerûn, the faith of Tyr stands as a beacon of righteousness in a world shrouded in darkness. May the light of justice shine ever bright, guiding the faithful on their noble quest to uphold the principles of truth, honor, and fairness for all.

Also known as: The Maimed God, The Blind Overlord, The Sword of Justice, and The One-Handed God amongst others.

"Cleave to justice, for it is the blade by which tyrants shall fall and the innocent shall rise. In the shadow of Tyr's gaze, truth shall be revealed, and righteousness shall prevail." - High Cleric Arlanthir, Defender of the Faith

-This excerpt was written by Jermaine O’Connel, Clergyman of Tyr and Defender of Justice on this day 16, Month 11 (Uktar) 182 AR.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Rocky Mountain Foothills » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:25 pm

Whispers of the Oak: Embracing the Wild

In the heart of the forest, where the leaves whisper ancient secrets in tongues long forgotten and the soil nourishes life with its dark, rich essence, the teachings of the Oak Father unfold like the delicate petals of a moonflower. The embrace of the wild, where every breath is a prayer whispered to the gods of old, and every prayer is an ode to the eternal cycle of nature, the never-ending dance of life and death. The power of the natural world, a world that holds within its sylvan embrace the secrets of creation and destruction, growth and decay, and the delicate balance that sustains all living things, from the mightiest oak to the tiniest blade of grass.

Tenets of Silvanus
Silvanus, the Oak Father, embodies the very spirit of wild nature, from the deepest, darkest forests where the sun's rays never penetrate to the most serene, mirror-like lakes that reflect the stars above. His followers, the chosen few, are tasked with maintaining the sacred Balance, ensuring that growth and decay, water and drought, life and death are held in perfect harmony, a harmony as delicate as a spider's gossamer web and as powerful as a raging thunderstorm.

The sacred duties, inscribed into the very heartwood of the world, include:
Observing and preserving the natural order, intervening only to restore balance when the scales have been tipped by the hand of man, with as delicate of a touch as possible.

Opposing the destruction of natural habitats and the disruption caused by unchecked civilization, for the wild places are the very heart of the world, and to lose them is to lose a part of ourselves, to sever the connection that binds us to the primal forces of creation.

Promoting the growth of flora and the protection of fauna, planting new life as we defend the old, for every seed planted is a promise of the future, a tiny spark of hope in the darkness, and every creature protected is a testament to the sanctity of life, the inviolable right of all beings to exist in harmony with the world around them.

Followers and Worshippers of Silvanus
Adherents of Silvanus, those who have heard the call of the wild in their very souls, include druids, woodspeople, and sometimes even men, each finding solace and purpose in the preservation of the untamed places. United by a deep, abiding respect for nature and its intricate patterns, woven like a tapestry of green and gold, followers engage in both solitary practices and communal rituals that reflect the silent, awe-inspiring majesty of the woods they protect. They are the guardians of the wild, the keepers of the ancient ways, and the champions of the natural world, their hearts beating in time with the pulse of the earth itself.

The Church of Silvanus
The Temples of Silvanus, oft nestled in the heart of a vibrant, living forest, serve as both a gathering place for worship and a sanctuary for those seeking the wisdom of the wild, a place of refuge from the clamor and chaos of the outside world. Surrounded by towering trees that seem to touch the very heavens and thriving underbrush teeming with life in all its myriad forms, whether in cities or forests, the temples host rituals under the open sky, the dome of stars above serving as a celestial canopy. These rituals, marked by offerings of seeds and the planting of new life, are a celebration of the eternal cycle, the sacred dance of creation and destruction.

The temple is a place of peace and contemplation, where the very air is alive with the whispers of the forest and the secrets of the earth, where one can drink deep of the well of wisdom that flows beneath the roots of the ancient trees.

The clergy, their voices resonating with the wisdom of the ages, speak of the peace and purity found within the wild lands. They weave tales of the beauty and the power that dwell in the untouched places, where the breath of Silvanus stirs the leaves and the creatures roam free. Their words, like seeds carried on the wind, take root in the minds of those who listen, awakening a longing for the untamed and the pure.

Sacred Days, Sacred Songs and Spells of Silvanus
Greengrass, a celebration of life's renewal, see the faithful adorned in garlands of vibrant blooms, their laughter mingling with the songs of the birds.

Midsummer Night, when the veil between the realms grew thin, is a time of reverence and wonder, as the worshipers bask in the ethereal glow of the moon and whispered secrets to the stars.

High Harvesttide, a testament to the bounty of nature, fills the air with the scent of ripe fruits and the joyous clamor of feasting.

It is the Night the Forest Walks that truly set the souls of the Silvanites ablaze with awe and wonder. On this night, when the Forest Father's restlessness stirs the very roots of the earth, the forests and trees themselves come alive, their branches swaying to an ancient rhythm.

Streams change course, ravines shift, and caves appear and vanish like the fleeting dreams of a slumbering giant. The magic of the forest surges wild and untamed, and the creatures that call it home roam with a fierce and primal energy.

Worship, the act of communing with the divine essence of the wild, includes the Song of the Trees, a melodious chant that seems to emanate from the very leaves themselves, healing and harmonizing woodland creatures with its gentle, soothing tones.

The Dryad Dance, a spirited ritual celebrating the deep, unbreakable connection between flora and fauna, the green and the living, is a whirling, ecstatic expression of the joy and vitality that pulses through the veins of the forest.

Among the most sacred spells, Oakheart establishes a protective link between a creature and an oak tree. When cast, any damage that the creature would have received is instead transferred to the tree. This spell symbolizes the sacrificial aspects of Silvanus's teachings, demonstrating the interconnectedness and mutual dependence of all life forms. It is particularly used in situations where the protection of a key individual is crucial.

Briartangle is a spell that turns ordinary shrubbery into a dense barrier of thorny briars. This spell is used primarily to control movement within the forest, either by deterring intruders or by protecting sensitive areas of the wilderness. The briars grow rapidly, creating a natural barricade that is difficult to pass without significant harm, embodying Silvanus's protective nature over his domains.
These songs and spells, passed down through generations of the faithful, are the very language of the wild, the voice of the forest given form and purpose, a testament to the enduring power of nature and the unwavering devotion of those who serve it.

Closing Blessing
May the leaves of oak, ash, and thorn guide the path under Silvanus's watchful gaze. As the roots of the mightiest trees penetrate deep into the earth, may the connection to nature grow ever deeper. Let the gentle rustle of the wind carry prayers, and may the Forest Father grant the wisdom to walk his verdant path with respect and reverence.

Blessed be the wild, and blessed be those who preserve it, for in their hands lies the fate of the world, and in their hearts lies the love of all living things.

Rilli Havenfell - Oaklord

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by TempuranTempeh » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:34 pm

Deity: Tempus

Title: Incense and Iron: The Church of Tempus


Tempus, also known as Foehammer and the Lord of Battles, is a greater deity of war.

He endorses honorable battles and the use of force of arms to settle disputes, and forbids cowardice. Although war is a destructive process, Tempus does not approve of mindless slaughter and destruction.

The mighty deity has manifested shortly after the beginning of time when Shar and Selûne fought the first battle in history, as the very representation of conflict itself.

Defeating many who would attempt to usurp the title, Tempus claimed his seat and stalwartly defends it time and time again. The only foe left, bested but allowed to live in defeat and bitterness, is Garagos.

Often times we encounter incorrect assumptions about Tempurans, left in the memories by those of the Lord of Battles who have strayed towards the lure of Garagos.
It is easy to abuse one's strength. It is easy to betray, to slaughter, to destroy senselessly only because one's prowess allows for such.

Adherence to a strict code of honor is the main dividing wall between the two deities. Conflict is inevitable, blood will be shed, and we see our comrades fall. How do we approach this however, dictates which of the warforging deities we incline towards.


To a Tempuran, a war is both a crucible and a forge.

Strength of entire nations is measured as well as their generals' cunning, adaptability of their supply line, quality of their craftsfolk and efficiency of food production.
Battlefield allows no second attempts, it pushes one to their limits.
War times are often the years of the most groundbreaking inventions, for which we can majorly thank those who have been granted inspiration by Gond.

A battle is also chaos. The fortunes are fickle; the ones victorious today might taste defeat tomorrow.

War according to the Tempuran teachings is also means to an end, honorable and true with the least impact on the civillians as possible.
Underhanded tactics, pillaging, enslaving populations, sowing with salt, poisoning wells, each of these directly clashes with the sacred tenets.
These tenets stand on two pillars, of Honor and Courage.


I. Be fearless
II. Never turn away from a fight.
III. Obey the rules of war.


I. Tempus does not win battles, he witnesses the deserving warrior.

II. War is fair in that it oppresses and aids all equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. It should not be feared, but seen as a natural force, a human force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence.

III. Arm all for whom battle is needful.

IV. Retreat from hopeless fights but never avoid battle.

V. Slay one foe decisively and halt a battle quickly rather than rely upon slow attrition or the senseless dragging on of hostilities.

VI. Remember the dead that fell before you.

VII. Defend what you believe in, lest it be swept away.

VIII. Disparage no foe and respect all, for valor blazes in all regardless of age, sex, or race.

IX. Tempus looks with favor upon those that acquit themselves honorably in battle without resorting to such craven tricks as destroying homes, family, or livestock.

X. Consider the consequences of the violence of war, and do not wage war recklessly.

XI. The smooth of tongue and fleet of feet that avoid all strife and never defend their beliefs wreak more harm than the most energetic tyrant, raider, or horde leader.


The Church itself is well-organized as befits a military faith, albeit not managed globally. Most frequently seen are Branches of the Church settled in respective countries, each with their signature armor style.

There are adjacent ranking systems. Some ranks correspond to a specific duty, while others to a rank in the overall hierarchy.

General Ranks;
- Acolyte
- Warpriest
- Swung Sword
- Terrible Sword
- Lance of the Lord
- Shield of the God
- Battlelord/lady
- Swordmaster/mistress
- Lord/Lady of the Field

Duty Titles;
- Arahar: Battle-chaplains, duty rank. Hammer who leads a minor temple or represents a diocese bears the title of an Arahar.
- Direhar: Guardian-priests.
- Warlyon: Heads of major temples, representing a branch of the Church. Most recognizable of all ranks due to their bewinged armor.

"Do not think that I come to bring peace unto the world. For my god's mighty arm does not wield peace, but a sword."
- Swordmaster Siegrand the Unyielding

Fight with honor.

Ashari Hürriyet Vahl
Battlelady within the Order of the Broken Blade

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Cairath » Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:50 pm

Title: "Primer on Gnolls: Yeenoghu"

There are countless demon lords in the infinite layers of the Abyss but few can rival the savage nature of Yeenoghu. The Ruler of Ruin, as he is at times referred to, resides in one such layer of the Abyss where he plots to overtake his enemies.Their enemies include the Queen of Succubi, Malcanthet, and the Prince of Beasts, Baphomet, but one should not forget that the destructive desires of Yeenoghu extend well past the Abyss. His influence on the material plane is felt mostly through his most ardent of followers: the gnolls.

Described as a towering humanoid beast draped in mangy fur and wielding a large flail, Yeenoghu serves as an inspiration for the aforementioned gnolls. Lesser entities within the Abyssal planes end up being hunted and tormented by Yeenoghu, displayed throughout his domain as trophies. Despite this reputation, it is believed that Yeenoghu is not powerful enough to defeat the likes of Baphomet, hence he turns his gaze upon his underlings on the material plane.

One could not be faulted for believing that gnolls had been created by Yeenoghu, as he is said to have the ability to create them. It is not known how gnolls came to be, but it is generally agreed upon that Yeenoghu did not in fact create them, instead replacing their former deity in worship.

It is very difficult to pinpoint exact dogma or history when discussing Yeenoghu as gnolls mostly congregate in tribes with loosely formed yet strictly adhered to rituals. These rituals are more often than not transmitted through word of mouth or revelations from Yeenoghu himself. Some followers end up empowered to perform great feats of strength and savagery through these rituals, from raising the dead to aid them in battle, to empowering their weapons with profane magic.

Yeenoghu is usually praised through butchery and brutality. A lone prayer at a sacred altar is easily surpassed by foul chants and praises given to the Ruler of Ruin during battle. Ultimately, Yeenoghu has one tenet for those that follow him: Kill.

Yes, kill appears to be the most often spoken aloud order from the Beast of Butchery to his followers. Yeenoghu’s ultimate plan envisions the material plane as another hunting ground, one where his chosen children, the gnolls, rule and all other races are either meals or slaves. Reducing the likes of humans, elves or dwarves to chattel seems as approved by Yeenoghu as outright murder in many cases.

This brings us to the most surprising part of this demon lord’s throng: the kryshtantel. A very peculiar word that is used to describe humans that have lost their humanity, for lack of a better term, and turned to worshiping Yeenoghu. Whether broken through the hardships endured during slavery, lured in by their own madness or some other profane means of trickery, these ‘savage spirits’ as they are called believe that Yeenoghu has blessed them with the soul of a gnoll.

It is hard to imagine that such a demon lord would have followers from the ranks of humans or elves, but they exist. Often employed as spies or forward scouts, these are the definition of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Whether they are indeed blessed by the Ruler of Ruin or simply deranged, one can not tell.

Yeenoghu’s recognized symbol is a triple-headed flail, though it’s easy to mis-interpret it given how it’s often crudely painted onto mangy fur, torn leather or some blood-splattered piece of equipment. The flail as a weapon appears to be preferred among his followers, generally seated in the hands of a rabid warrior.

This just about concludes this primer on the worshiped demon lord of the gnolls: Yeenoghu. A reminder that the nature of some is malicious beyond reason or logic, that such entities desire wanton destruction above all else. Yeenoghu is the antithesis of law, order and good-natured prosperity.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by rosediode » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:08 am

Deity(s): Tymora and Beshaba

Name: The Sisters of Luck; Tymora & Beshaba

Every adventurer knows just how powerful the hands of fate can prove. The constant struggle and pull between success and failure. As such, many pay reverence and offerings to the goddesses of luck and misfortune. Many offer coins and prayers to Tymora, so she may aid them in their work. The reverse is true; many adventurers give coins and prayers to Beshaba so she may avert her gaze from their exploits, and refrain from encouraging their ventures to fail.

Adventurers are not the only people in these lands who pay the sisters reverence. Those who may be described as auspicious or capricious folk all pay heed to the twins of fate, and ask them for aid on their path. Gamblers, too, beg the goddesses for aid in their bets, and as such gambling can be seen as an act of faith for worshipers of each goddess. Perhaps armed with such knowledge, you too, reader, will be inspired to acts of faithfulness.

Birthed From Tragedy
It is fabled that the sisters were born forth from the previous goddess of fortune, Tyche. A romantic at heart, the Goddess was involved with the Morninglord, Lathander. At some point, their relationship soured, and she cursed him with great misfortune. Some time after, at some point during her travels, she came across a rose of great beauty. Believing it an offering of good will from Lathander, she embraced it. Unfortunately, it was in fact, a trap from the god of rot, Moander, a totem that corrupted her body and soul.

As she began to decay, the Moonmaiden, known otherwise as the Goddess Selûne, witnessed her condition and weeped for her. She destroyed Tyche with a bolt of purifying light, and in her death, the twins Tymora and Beshaba were born, two sides of the same coin. Tymora of her goodness and fortune. Beshaba, of her curses and misfortune.

On Tymora
Tymora, Our Smiling Lady, calls Brightwater home. Her symbol is a silver coin with her face stamped into the surface, surrounded by shamrocks. Often her faithful are draped in blue and silver. On occasion, she is known to take the aspect, or humanoid form of a halfling woman, and as such, is revered by halving and humans alike.

The common belief among Tymoran clergy is that to be faithful to the goddess is to pursue one’s dreams, and entrust in one’s own good luck. Placing faith in the goddess to aid oneself with the best outcome is favored highly. To be brave enough to accept both good and bad outcomes is seen as a virtue. Tymoran priests are duty bound to aid the daring, often by providing healing or other such divine gifts, especially to adventurers. Her church tends to vary widely according to region and the tastes of the high priests and priestesses who run her individual temples and has no exact rigid structure. Her faith is most popular in the country of Cormyr, for her aid she provided during the Time of Troubles.

One of the specialty orders of the Tymoran faithful, known as the Fellows of Free Fate are devoted to countering the efforts of Beshaba. These clergy were in league most specifically to counter the Black Fingers, a league of male Beshaban assassins.

On Beshaba
Beshaba, Black Bess, calls the Barrens of Doom and Despair her home. Her symbol is a pair of black antlers on a red field. Her faithful tend to wear black, mauve, and purple. They also tend to offer sacrifices of alcoholic beverages, such as brandy and wine, to earn her favor.

A goddess hailed for her spite and malevolence, many who worship her, or at least pay her reverence do so in order to keep her gaze fixed away from themselves. However some take comfort and celebrate her bad luck. Priests of her faith are often manipulative and play on the fears of what she may cause. To be one of the faithful of Beshaba is often to inflict misfortune upon others, in the many broad ways of course, that can apply. Creating calamity is often praised within their ranks.

In order to counter the efforts of the church of Tymora, a sect called the Wormluck were created. They served to create calamity wherever they went, often, allowing such misfortune to affect themselves as well. Their clothing is uniform and distinctive, bright red robes worn over armor, and white wigs, often obvious and ill fitting, in order to honor the appearance of Beshaba’s own hair.

Our Most Holy Day
Midsummer, otherwise known as the Long Night is the most holy holiday for both worshipers of Tymora and Beshaba. Many cultures and faiths of course, celebrate the day as well for their own reasons. Worshippers of Tymora are known for participating in a night of risk, filled with adventure, wild revelry, pranks, and for some, even romantic trysts. Worshippers of Beshaba on the other hand, were known for seizing the holiday by reveling in rudeness, foul play, and destruction.

One hopes the words contained within illuminated enough detail of each side of the coin of chance. Knowledge often may inspire faith. In all things, we must hope balance remains in the realms of chance and fate.

May fortune favor all those who take Lady Luck into their hearts.
- Written by Lady Antoinette Rivorndir, High Priestess of the Cordorian Church of Tymora, 3rd of Eleasis, 182 AR.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Hadals » Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:32 am


Title: On Deities: Siamorphe, the Divine Right


“...the Duchess Sion raised the chalice of Siamorphe; silver, stamped with a golden sun, and soaked her thumb from the blessed waters within. “With this,” she proclaimed, wetting the child’s head with three dabs of her thumb, “I welcome the daughter of Lord and Lady Rivorndir to family and faith. May she guide all who follow with wisdom and grace, and never falter in the face of corruption or adversity. So says SHE.” The child was raised high, presented to the applauding witnesses, the light of the morning sun glinting off the divine chalice.”


Above all, Lady Siamorphe dictates that those burdened by the divine right of royal birth are to be exemplar - to be a paragon of civility and character that all commonfolk should witness and emulate. Just as the parent sees their lessons and mannerisms echoed in their child’s actions, so too should the noble-born be prepared to see similar in the lowborn. It is a lofty weight to shoulder, to guide the fate of nations by your word and actions, and it is one that is taken most seriously by the faithful.

Knowing this, it seems only natural that the clergy of HER name seek to educate the nobility of HER wisdom, and to ruthlessly seek out the self-serving and corrupt to remove them from their positions and influence, so that they cannot poison the minds of the commonfolk.

All of this mentioned strives towards the second most important tenet of HER faith, that the nobility should work collectively together for the security and safeguard of the realm. Those burdened with nobility have a divine responsibility to their constituents. All must act with the best interests of their subjects in mind in all things, regardless of the personal gain or disadvantages that you might see.

The Lady dwells within the House of the Triad, housed upon the smaller mountains that surround Mount Celestia itself, along with Helm, Torm, Tyr, and Ilmater. Similar to those who also call it home, SHE holds a deep dislike of any who foster and stoke the fires of tyranny and hatred. SHE holds Order and Law to the highest of moral guidance, and knows that it must be neutral and unbiased to be balanced best.


While the numbered clergy of Siamorphe may be smaller than some, they hold and organize themselves with discipline and zeal. The sanctioned clergy of the church are known as “Scions”, a holdover from when all clergy held direct descendancy from one of Siamorphe’s mortal incarnations. The clergy are ranked thusly;


As with most faiths, the church of Siamorphe is focused most upon increasing their wealth, influence, and power. They do so in many ways; acting as matchmakers for scions of marrying age, advisors for those of noble blood, personal bodyguards to the nobility, offering birth-rites and baptisms to newborn nobles, and more. They also organize many holy days and celebrations that see the rich and well-to-do offer gifts and coin to the lowborn commonfolk.


The Divine Right holds fewer orders and sects than most faiths, but the most notable of the few that do exist is doubtlessly the Order of the Silver Chalice. They specialize in finding lost and prodigal childer, traveling great distances and braving whatever dangers there may be to reunite them with their cherished family. There are also the Highborns, specialty Scions who hail from long-established houses, well-versed in statecraft and politics to better help those who require it.

“With the divine right to rule comes great responsibility, and great rulers support by great nobility can lift a realm so that its citizens high and low enjoy better lives. See that this happens often and wherever possible." - An excerpt from the credo of HER doctrine.

  • Written by Lord Khara’gos Rivorndir, Eternal Flame of the Cordorian Church of Kossuth. 3rd of Uktar, 182 AR.
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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by D4wN » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:57 am

The Celestial Hebdomad

The legend goes that they were once seven mortal martyrs who perished as champions of order and righteousness in ancient times and each ascended to a Tome Archon to oversee a layer of the Mountain.

The Celestial Hebdomad refuse to be worshipped, but sometimes influence the mortal realms by acting as sponsors for the archetypical paladin or the righteous and orderly. To pray to them as Gods, is considered a sin.


Barachiel the Messenger
Ruler of: Lunia, the Silver Heaven
Symbol: Lion

As ruler of Lunia, the Silver Heaven and first layer of Mount Celestia, Barachiel the Messenger is the Herald of the Hebdomad, and Patron of mortal Heralds. He has even been known to visit the Material Plane on occasion to deliver messages of the utmost importance.

Barachiel is the leader of Trumpet Archons and is charged with defending Celestia from incursion, a task which, even on this lowest and most accessible layer, he rarely needs to act upon. The Citadel of Stars is his home on the shore of the Silver Sea.


Domiel the Mercy-bringer
Ruler of: Mercuria, the Golden Heaven
Symbol: Ox

Mercuria is ruled over by the sword-wielding Domiel, the Mercy-bringer from the Golden Spire of Aurilon, a 400-foot-tall golden tower amid a valley fed by four rivers. Mercuria also called the Golden Heaven has earned its name by the constant golden light that shrouds this layer.

Domiel opposes wicked tyrants and among mortals he is a patron of those who opposed tyrants and desecrated the restful dead.


Erathaol the Seer
Ruler of: Venya, the Pearly heaven
Symbol: Dragon

The third layer of Mount Celestia, Venya – the Pearly Heaven, is ruled by Erathaol the Seer, Patron of prophets and seers. Erathaol can forecast Planar events even before they unfold and watches over children destined for greatness. He also oversees a vast library that includes thousands of historical codices, written laws, and Celestial canticles.

He watches the universe unfold from Xiranthador, an undersea library fortress made of colossal sea shells set with ornate mother-of-pearl mosaics.


Pistis Sophia the Ascetic
(pih-STIS Soh-FI-ah)
Ruler of: Solania, the Electrum Heaven (sometimes called Crystal Heavens)
Symbol: Eagle

Pistis Sophia rules over Solania, the Electrum Heaven and fourth layer of Mount Celestia. She embodies all that is serene and sincere and always speaks the unclouded and undiluted truth, for in truth lies harmony and bliss. Even in the face of conflict, she never displays temper or even allow a scowl to cross her face.

She wants for nothing and inspires others to pursue self-perfection by casting off possessions and clothing – symbols greed and insecurity. She is the Patron of monks, mystics, and ascetics.


Raziel the Firestar (or Crusader)
Ruler of: Mertion, the Platinum Heaven
Symbol: Bear

Raziel the Firestar earned his nickname for his righteous fury and judicious wrath. He oversees the fifth layer of Mount Celestia, Mertion - the Platinum Heaven. Raziel offers guidance to Paladins and devotes his energy to protecting the defenceless. He opposes tyranny and oppression with a ferocity that is both startling and inspiring.

When legendary Paladins seek his wisdom, they come to Empyrea, the City of Tempered Souls. While he doesn’t maintain a stronghold, he can usually be found in any of the city’s great hospitals and infirmaries, providing spiritual guidance to clerics and patients.


Sealtiel the Defender
Ruler of: Jovar, the Glittering Heaven
Symbol: Dog

Sealtiel is a Patron of the Warden Archons, Guards and Guardians and ruler of Jovar, the Glittering Heaven. He commands an impressive standing army of archons and other Celestial beings sworn to defend Celestia against Fiendish incursions. He is also charged with preventing impure beings from reaching Chronias, the seventh layer of Mount Celestia. He also entertains countless Celestial beings seeking enlightenment as part of their pilgrimage to reach Chronias.


Zaphkiel the Watcher
Ruler of: Chronias, the Illuminated Heaven
Symbol: Donkey

Zaphkiel, was the first and the greatest of these archons. While there is no leader amongst them, Zaphkiel could be seen as one. He is a figure of mystery whose true origin and nature are unknown to all. They are the only remaining archon from the ancient days, and they alone are charged with naming the replacements among those who fell from among the other archons who are said to take the form and place of their predecessor.

Zaphkiel embodies the ‘perfect good’ and only the most exalted creatures can stand to be in his presence without being consumed. He watches over all Celestia sending advise and wise counsel to the other members of the Hebdomad regarding their dealings with mortals and other Celestial beings. He protects the innocent spirits of stillborn babies and sacrificed children.

Last edited by D4wN on Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Second Breakfast » Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:11 am

Title: MASK: A Scoundrel’s Beatitudes

Content: Praise Him, for it is He who make the high low, and the low high.

Praise Him, for it is He who shelters us in the dead of night.

Praise Him, for it is He who shields us from the watchman’s light.

May wealth belong to the cunning, to the careful, to the swift of body and fleet of foot.

May shadow hide, now and always.


Mark well the words on this page, Brother Shadow. Read them with care.

The spending of wealth begets greater riches. Be not a dragon, be not a miser. Pay off guards, invest in your fellow thieves and in the guild to which they belong; money talks, and it is why Telflamm lay in our pocket. With time, Arelith could be in yours.

Listen not to the Waukeenar and their prattling, for honest dealings will not see you come out ahead. They know this, and yet think us easy marks; they think we will believe their lies. Instead look for opportunity, a crack in the armor. Be not honest, but maintain the appearance of trustworthiness; any con-artist worth their salt knows the importance of this.

Listen not to the priests of the Triad, to the Helmites, to the sanctimonious sinners who talk out from both sides of their mouth! One side would tell you stealing is wrong, whilst the other begged you for a tithing! There is aught wrong with you for wanting more, for coveting what the scions of old blood and “self-made” merchants were born with. There is aught wrong with taking what is theirs and making it yours.

When I first ventured to the west, I gazed upon Amn and its splendor; the beauty of Waukeen’s Promenade could not be denied, yet someone had to pay dearly for all its magnificence. The Mazticans did, and they paid for it in their blood and freedom. Cordell and his Golden Legion, despite the high-minded morals they purported to cling to, made themselves and their merchant masters rich beyond their wildest dreams through not just theft but wholesale slaughter.. and yet they look down their noses at you, Brother Shadow, for helping yourself to what lay in their purse?

They are hypocrites and always have been. You, at least, can be honest where it counts, by being honest with yourself about who and what you are. You are a thief. You are a robber, a highwayman, a cat burglar; you do not put on pretense to hide what you are from your brothers and sisters, nor need you to lie to yourself.

You will not find many allies in other faiths. That is why it is crucial to stay secretive about your devotion to Him, especially now; the thoughtless zeal of the Mad God’s misled followers has brought about the ruin to more than one of our temples back home.

Remember this, Brother Shadow, following the conclusion of your Sunset Prayers: you cannot place trust in any outside of yourself. You cannot trust in your fellow cutpurses, nor in the faithful, nor even in Him; after all, He cannot be expected to do all the work for us. Instead, be resourceful, be clever, and be subtle; in doing so, you will easily earn His blessing.

In His embrace, we are all but Brother and Sister Shadow, demarchesses and demarchs, and yet if you pull off a caper that impresses us, you may distinguish yourself enough to become a part of our most august and holy assembly, the Order of the Grey Ribbon. We will be watching with interest.. from the shadow, as always.

Maxine Majesta - Smoke and Mirrors
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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by LurkingShadow » Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:27 pm

This is one hell of a curve ball but...

Title: Dead Deities: Leira

Godess: Leira
Clergy name: Leirans or worshippers of Mistshadow
Higher ranking clergy called Mistcallers.
Prayers: Every morning or moonlit night, face down. When mist is about the priests walk through it, praying.

A dead deity of lies and untruth. Proclaimed to only have one single order of dubious origin called Mistwalkers. It is proclaimed that she has fallen and is no more. An illusive goddess in her prime as she is the goddess of mists and deception. As you can understand not much of this goddess who had her powerbase of worshippers in Nimbral and Samarach. But even today, those who seek to pay homage to a wider pantheon of gods would pay a small sacrifice of perhaps coins to her before deciding on what to do.

If Mistwalkers still pray to a dead goddess, is she not then dead? As the faithful spin untruths and twists the truth in the name of the goddess. Should they not lie of her being alive? Or is it all a game she is playing? Is she alive? Has she ever been alive? Who is she? Who was she? Who is who? Is even your own deity real? Living? Or is Leira all and everything? Oghma and his follower grits their teeth of the illusions and untruth told by the Leirans, of the knowledge grated like a cheese upon a dish. Like a diluted wine, the truth becomes vaporized and turned into mist, and the mist is a sign of the goddess. Pray, wander the mist you formed around you and speak untruths to the disbelievers, make them wonder and believe the lies and the misty words. Make them speak the lies and you have spread the Lady of Mists untrue truth.

She lives, She breaths.

Or does she?

Signed, an follower of the mist.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Hyrland D~Kaya » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:25 pm

Title: Three Prayers for Torm

In the Times of Trouble when the gods were made flesh and walked the realm as we, so did our lord, Loyal Fury, Hand of Righteousness, The God of Duty, Torm the True, whose courage was as the bulwark against which the waves of treachery did break.

And Torm spake unto the multitudes, “Thou shalt hold fast to the virtues of courage, righteousness, and justice. For these are the pillars upon which the world doth rest.”

Yet it came to pass that the clergy of Torm in Tantras hid our lord and led atrocious purge against the churches of other goodly faiths through hubris and corruption.

And having fully gauged the depth of failings of his mortal followers did our lord rise to redeem the flock and protect the missing Tablet of Fate. Thus, unto Torm, freely sacrificed were the thousands of souls of his faithful. Spared were the children of fourteen years or younger – the Martyrs’ Progeny - who lived to witness our mighty Loyal Fury - empowered by the divine souls of his faithful - smite The Black Hand to utter destruction.

And to this day we celebrate the Thirteenth of Eleasis for our lord’s victory, Divine Death, and the Fifteenth of Marpenoth for his True Resurrection. At Shieldmeet, reaffirmed is our commitment to Penance of Duty that atoneth for our past sins through fulfillment of the Debt of Persecution, Debt of Dereliction, and Debt of Destruction.

Through the aid we give to the other goodly faiths do we fulfill the Debt of Persecution. Through the zealous actions to eliminate the cults of Cyric and Bane do we fulfill the Debt of Dereliction. Through locating, chronicling, and repairing dead and wild magic do we fulfill the Debt of Destruction.

For Torm is the patron of duty and loyalty, and his hand guideth true hearted knights, his voice is the trumpet that calleth forth the brave to the field of honor. His symbol, Hand Resolute halteth the tide of evil and tempereth chaos of vengeance with restraint, mercy, and humility.

Prayer of Courage

Torm the True, give us courage.
Give us the conviction to remain true
Bless us that we are steadfast,
Loyal and just in defense of right.
Keep us humble and vigilant with sight
Empower us with righteous might.
Guide our sword to evil to smite.
Let our shields protect the light.

In Torm’s name, I pray.

Torm’s Prayer

Our lord standing atop the Trueheart Mountain
With his mighty sword Duty’s Bond held aloft,
Shine as beacon of chivalry and exemplar of loyalty
Banish darkness and give us resolve, courage, and strength.

In Torm’s name, I pray.

Tormtar’s Creed

I am the Hand Resolute
A faithful of Torm the True
The smiter of evil and shield of good
Who was born a mortal in Chalsembyr,
Rose to demipower at the Fall of Netheril
Joined the Procession of Justice with Tyr,
Smote The Black Hand in Tantras;
Then died and resurrected as a Triad.
I believe in the eternal courage and truth,
And through my deeds I affirm my faith.

In Torm’s name, I pray.

  • Aerdrick Bibliophilius Silverarms
    Ninteenth of Uktar, 182 AR
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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by zcr » Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:21 pm

Singing Butts and Giant Squirrels: A defense of my time with Nathair

Chapter XI – A Savior Found?

And so, at long last, I found someone willing to lead me to the shrine of the Fairie Dragon. My guide, a squat gnome who insisted his name was a rude word that I will not repeat, did not inspire my full confidence, but he was eager, and I told myself that a scholar such as I must peruse every avenue in search of the truth. If this was a dead-end, I thought, it would be no worse off. What a fool I was.

I withdrew the pie that the singing tree had instructed me to present to Lord Nathair and showed it to my new friend. “Oh, this will not do at all!” he said. “We cannot simply present him with a pie! Where is the panache in that? No! No! No! We must do something special!”

He paused then and looked at me with an enormous smile on his face. I waited for him to continue, but the silence lingered. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, he erupted and shouted, “I KNOW! We will make it a surprise!” And with that, he plucked the pie from my hands and placed it on the ground.

“A surprise pie..?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! We will hide inside of it, and when he cuts it open, we will hop out and shout ‘Surprise!’” He took a moment to laugh at his own plan and then continued, “He will love it! I’m sure of that!”

I looked down at the ordinarily sized pie on the ground and then back up at my guide. “But sir, we cannot possibly fit inside this pie.”
“Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! A good point! I can see why you are a scholar!” he said as he paced back and forth in front of the pie. After a few moments, he shouted, “OH! What if we made a new pie! An even larger one!”

“But sir,” I said, “even were we to make such a pie, how would we hide within it without breaking the crust?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” he said with a flick of his wrist. “We simply take our position before the pie is cooked!”

I laughed at that but stopped when I realized that he was quite serious. "Sir…” I said cautiously, “would we not be injured in the baking process? Surely we would be in no state to present myself to Lord Nathair after having been baked in a pie."

To my immense relief, he seemed to genuinely consider this point. "Yes, I suppose you're right," he said as he stroked his chin. And then he looked me up and down and asked, "Do you think you are more or less delicious than an apple pie? We would not want to ruin the flavor."

He frowned when I assured him that I was not at all delicious, but that only lasted for a moment. "Oh! I know! This is even better!” And with a wink, the ground beneath me disappeared.

Chapter XII – Caught in a Pie

I do not know how long I fell, but it was unlike any fall I had ever experienced. My speed seemed to alter so that one moment I was a feather gently drifting in the breeze, and the next I hurled downward, far faster than I thought should be possible.

More terrible than the fall though was what I saw above me. It looked as though the night sky had been sliced to pieces, and behind it, light rained in. I thought that the world must be ending, or perhaps I had been sent to some terrible hell. My ruminations, and my fall, ended with a splash.

I had fallen into liquid for sure, but I could tell at once it was not water. It was thick and viscous, and when I opened my mouth to scream, still submerged, I tasted a cloying sweet apple flavor. I do not know how I made it to the surface. I had never been a strong swimmer, but even if I were, I should not have been able to push myself through that mess. Despite that, though, I eventually did break the surface and gasped for air.

My heaving breaths turned to screams after I caught my breath, and I screamed so long that I once again began to gasp for air. I oscillated between cries of terror and hyperventilation for what seemed like an age until I seemed to run out of sound, and silence crept over me.

That silence was broken by a splash, though one far more delicate than I’d just made. I looked around in a panic, and just as I was about to scream again, I saw my guide shoot out of the water like a porpoise. After falling back down with a plop, he turned himself to face me, and I stared at him. Not at his eyes, but at his smile.

We stayed that way for a while. I’m uncertain for how long. But eventually, my scholarly mind returned to me, and I stated, with impressive calmness. “Sir. Am I to understand that we are now inside the pie?”

He burst out laughing at this. A ringing laughter that seemed to resonate off the gooey filling we were treading in. As he laughed, he slowly began to sink into the goop, and for a moment, I was afraid his head would dip under the surface, but he recovered in time and said, “Oh, what a fun surprise this will be! How pleased he will be when he opens this pie and finds us here!”

Before he could return to his giggling, I interrupted and with an assertive tone asked, “Sir, how would Lord Nathair possibly stumble upon a pie that’s in the middle of the forest?” I continued, “And does one usually lift the top off of a pie before eating it?”

He stopped swimming and turned to me. For the first time since meeting him, I saw the smile slip away from my guide’s face. Just as I was feeling some satisfaction over having talked sense into this creature, he shouted, “Titania’s teats! You’re right! This whole thing has gone horribly awry!”

I flinched at the blasphemy but was grateful that he seemed to understand the situation we were in. “Oh well,” he said, “time for something else, I guess,” and then I heard a giggle, felt the liquid beside me move, and saw my guide disappear.

And then I was alone. I had tried panicking, screaming, and reasoning, and none of that worked, so I decided to try resting. I shifted myself so that I could float on my back, and as I lay there, alone, inside my pastry prison, I reflected on the decisions that had brought me here.

It was then that the world began to shake. What looked like huge boulders, though later I’d recognize them as crumbs, rained around me. I’m unashamed to say that I began to scream again and kept screaming until I saw a shadow racing towards me. I was certain that my life, and academic career, would soon be at an end, but when the crumb was just a few meters above me, it erupted, not with a bang but with a giggle, and small bits of crust rained down on me.

My brief moment of relief ended when a blinding light surrounded me. After clearing my eyes, I saw the top of my new and delicious home had been removed, and squinting at the new light, I saw a giant’s face look down at me.

I recognized him at once, of course. Not by his features, which seemed monstrously distorted in their hugeness, but in his smile. I should have screamed, but I was so exhausted by all that had happened, and I had seen so many strange and terrible things, that for a moment, all fear left me. I let my head lay back and just stared up at my, now giant-sized, guide.

I do not know how long we looked at one another. Perhaps time moves differently when one is tiny and in a pie. Eventually though, I felt reason return and said with a remarkable lack of hesitation, “Sir, I see you have made yourself big again. But won’t Lord Nathair be upset that you have opened his pie?”

And then the world erupted in laughter. It came not as a directed blast from the giant mouth above me, but from every direction. I was awash in giggles. I could not understand where the sound was coming from until I looked at a crumb that was floating by and saw it was covered in a dozen laughing mouths. I raised my head and saw that I was surrounded by boulder-sized crumbs, all of them covered with smiles, and all of them laughing at me.

I laid my head back down and closed my eyes as the laughing slowed and then all around me I heard a voice speak.

“What fun! What fun! Oh how I fooled you!” it said. “For I was the old man who gave you the upside-down book which led you to this forest! And it was I who sent that gang of butterflies which chased you off the path! The singing tree! The left-handed banker! All me!”

And with that, the giggling began anew. After some time had passed, I began to speak, “Oh great and powerful Nathair…”

But he cut me off and continued, “But there’s still plenty of fun to be had! Yes! Yes! Yes! So much we can do! Have you met Oberon yet? We can turn him blue! He will love that! Or we can visit the Seldarine! I have never gotten Shevarash to laugh, but with your help! Perhaps! Perhaps!"

And so there I was, floating in that giant pie as the voice of Nathair Sgiathach came at me from every direction, listing out all the dangerous and impossible tasks he wished to perform. At this moment, for the first but certainly not the last time in my journey, I cursed myself for not instead studying Helm.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Party in the forest at midnight » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:09 am

The One True Way


All of these things shatter reality and recreate it in His image.

To Murder is to selfishly take a life because you want to. Not out of honor, not out of war. Simply to kill and feel the satisfaction of killing. Or to ensure you get your way.

To Lie is to intentionally change what people believe is real. The best Lie is a falsehood which everyone wants to believe without question.

To Deceive is to fog meaning and understanding to your benefit. Deception is the performance we live as we take on whatever role we need in life, showing people exactly what they want to see.

Intrigue is silent scheming, using cunning to put yourself ahead. Peoples' aspirations are bound to clash. And people will conspire on how to take what they want, or how to shape the world to their liking.

Illusionary magic distorts the very experience of life itself. The Illusionist controls perception, and as such, can shape reality into their own vision. If it can be imagined, it can be real.

Strife is conflict, and the turmoil and uncertainty that follows. Stability breeds complacency, which stifles ambition. And the ambitionless will never find the One True Way.

These are your tools.
Go forth and serve Him, and in doing so serve yourself.

All actions are to serve an end. And all means are acceptable as long as the goal is reached. But do not overstep your bounds and undermine Him in your pursuits. Should your Intrigue and Strife bring war, Tempus shall be worshipped instead of Him. Be mindful to not bring false powers worship. And remember the three sworn enemies of God: The harlot of magic, the false god of death, and the tyrant who seeks to usurp God from His rightful throne. Bring ruin upon them.

The Lord demands to be feared. But bestows great power upon those who seek it.

The ambitious find their way to us naturally. Driven by their goals, they will find the world unreceptive to their pursuits. We will not judge them for their desires. Their drive has brought them to the One True Way, we will teach them to praise Cyric and offer them a taste of His power.

But others may find their way to us as well. They who have been abandoned and forsaken by the world. Or who do not have the means to solve their problems, be it from poverty or weakness. Take these lost souls and teach them their true potential. Guide them to the One True Way. You may offer to be the solution to their problems, but beware those who would take from you and not praise Cyric in return. Deliver retribution unto thieves.

There are few rules. We are varied and come to the One True Way for many reasons. And as we serve Cyric we all pursue our own goals. Regardless of background, all clergy understand this:

In regalia, clergy shall dress in black or dark violet, decorated with silver trim. Clergy shall wear a silver bracer or clasped bangle bearing the mark of the Black Sun, to represent our shackle in our servitude to God. We are His slaves and respect no master other than Him.

Day to day, clergy are encouraged to take on any guise needed to integrate with the masses. Clergy may pretend to serve other faiths, preaching enlightenment draped in the cloth of false gods. Lies and Deception are sacred.

Clergy shall pray when the Black Sun reaches the highest point in the sky each night. Lathander flees in terror of the Black Sunrise, casting the world in shadow so only the Black Sun will illuminate the land in His violet radiance.

Should Lathander grow bold and not hide, the Black Sun shall consume him and cast the world in darkness. During an eclipse, faithful shall seek out Lathandrites to Murder in honor of the Black Sun. Celebrate each eclipse with prayer and feasting.

There shall be no other holidays. Clergy will celebrate successes of the Church, declaring a Day of the Black Sun in honor of significant accomplishments. There will be no resting on laurels, all celebration must be earned.

A Strifeleader is a champion of the Black Sun, embodying His will and spreading Strife to every land they set foot in. The title is bathed in blood, a Strifeleader must claim it by Murdering another Cyricist or an Illusionist. And as such, a true Strifeleader will be cunning enough to outwit their peers who wish to claim the title for themself.

A Strifeleader is a master of Intrigue with an imposing presence, able to chant in demonic intones. What they cannot get through Deception and Lies, they shall achieve through violence and terror. And a Strifeleader is familiar with Illusions, able to muddle the world around them with falsehoods.

Strifeleaders tend to have vast connections so they can better manipulate the world around them. A Strifeleader has greater aspirations to change the world into the image of the Black Sun. Those who do not follow the One True Way will be made to fear it.

There are three groups large enough to be considered their own sects, be mindful should you travel. Two reside in Amn, at war competing for complete control.

The Eternal Eclipse has sizable wealth and trade power at their disposal, having seized control over many of Amn's trade routes. The sect backs the ogres and monsters of the Sythillisian Empire and claimed the city of Murann in the south, one of Amn's two freeports and home of Amn's Alchemists' Guild. The Eternal Eclipse also controls the Twin Towers in the north, giving them firm control over The Trade Way.

While the Eternal Eclipse was claiming Amn's trade routes, the Mountain of Skulls consolidated power in the rest of Amn, absorbing smaller cabals and temples as far east as the Tejarn Hills. The Mountain of Skulls is far more involved in the Intrigue of Amn's cities and influencing the nation's politics. They have even gained influence in Amn's military, aiding them in fighting against the monstrous Sythillisian empire (and in turn, the Eternal Eclipse).

The third sect resides in Darkhold, striving to control the western branch of the Zhentarim. They actively subvert and kill Banites whenever possible, and have a sizable yet secretive following.

Regardless of path followed, the One True Way is enlightenment. Take what you want from the world, and never look back.

Lore notes (not part of the book):

  • In 3.5e, it's Sythillisian Empire. In future editions they changed it to Sothillisian Empire.
  • Strife is part of Cyric's portfolio. Giving it to Bane is a misprint in Faiths and Pantheons, it was corrected later in a separate resource for corrections, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Errata.
  • Strifeleader is an actual PRC. Since the title is used IC, I figure it should be included so people have an idea of what it is. I tried to turn the class requirements into a description for RP flavour.
Last edited by Party in the forest at midnight on Mon May 27, 2024 8:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Rei_Jin » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:35 am

Entry 1


One cycle, after a reasonable time of labour in the mines, whilst on this one's allotted eight hours of rest, a vision came to this one, glorious and terrifying.

Before this one appeared one that seemed larger than any scale ever seen before, as big as a great wyrm, blessed be their massivenesses. That one's glory certainly was greater than anything seen before or since, shining with the pure light of a thousand torch flames, that one's presence radiating out with the power of a thousand pick blows and rendering this one's senses useless in the face of it.

In that one's hand, a massive spear, glowing with menace.

On that one's belt, a sharp pick, fit for any purpose desired, be it creation or destruction.

That one's tail dripping with venom, and maw appearing toothsome and snicker-snak edged.

It was then that this one knew it beheld the visage of Steelscale, the Great All-Watcher, the First of All, Kurtulmak.

And it was then that this one knew they must write about Stingtail, for the education of all scales who are and who are to come.

Who is Kurtulmak?

Kurtulmak is the first kobold ever created, born from the blood of Caesinsjach, the great Green dragon who was the first of its kind, who in turn was created by Asgorath, they of the Nine-Fold. It was Caesinsjach who was taught by Asgorath how to create life, and so it was Caesinsjach who was the first of the nine created dragons to create life themselves, shedding their blood and giving up immortality to give rise to servants, of whom the race of Kobolds, led by Kurtulmak, were the first.

This marks kobolds as the first race born of dragons, and as such, the oldest and mightiest.

And of the race of kobolds, Kurtulmak was the mightiest to walk Faerun, the greatest of our race.

When Caesinsjach wished for a lair, it was Kurtulmak who made the first mining pick, to create the cavern where Caesinsjach would live.

When Caesinsjach wished for wealth, it was Kurtulmak who learnt to divine where rare ores and gems were, and it was Kurtulmak who discovered how to cut gems and smelt ore, making coins, jewellery, and artistic pieces for their draconic master.

Under the leadership of Kurtulmak, the kobolds served Caesinsjach loyally and without fail, and it was due to this service that Caesinsjach released Kurtulmak and the kobolds from its service, to go out and to make their own way in the world.

And so was built the city of Darastrixhurthi, a mountain hollowed out for the task of raising the most perfect and wonderful settlement ever seen in all of the history of Faerun. Nothing before or since it could rival its majesty, and with their people's home secured, Kurtulmak settled in to lead them faithfully.

Mark though that Kurtulmak was mortal at this time.

So, how or why did Kurtulmak ascend to divinity?

The destruction of Darastrixhurthi

Whilst the kobolds were hollowing out the mountain where they were building Darastrixhurthi, they came across some small, weak creatures who were imprisoned within gemstones in the rocks. These strange things with long arms, large ears, and strange flat maws could not free themselves, but, once freed from the gemstones, they were found to have an affinity for stonework, and were hardy enough, although needing direction and oversight.

Such pathetic creatures could clearly not be intended for anything but slavery and service, why else would they be imprisoned in gemstones in a mountain that the kobolds were clearing?

Kurtulmak saw them as a gift from the gods to aid the kobolds in their works, and so the creatures, known now as gnomes, were put to work.

Unknown to Kurtulmak, these foul creatures were claimed by an even fouler god named Garl Glittergold, who coveted what the kobolds had, for ever has Garl's eye lusted for the wealth of others. Why else would that one be named as they are?

Desiring luxury and opulence, greedily seeking what the kobolds had but knowing that his pathetic worshippers were incapable of creating such majesty themselves, Garl Glittergold decided to act; not out of a desire to save anyone, but out of selfishness.

The filthy gnomen god snuck into the kobold mines, and, after stealing away the workers from the mines that the kobolds had so graciously freed from their gemstone imprisonment, and realising that they could not hope to take the city of Darastrixhurthi from Kurtulmak, for so mighty was Steelscale that even a lesser god such as the Garl Glittergold could not hope to overcome them by force, the gnomen god worked foul magics to collapse the mountain utterly.

If Garl could not have it, no-one would.

In a ritual best left to the dust of history, where Darastrixhurthi once stood, was now a hollow in the ground, that eventually filled with water and was renamed the Shadow Sea, in a nation now called Anauroch.

The race of kobolds was almost entirely wiped out in a single cycle, with only a few survivors who were outside of Darastrixhurthi on industry tasks surviving, along with Kurtulmak who was buried alive within the rubble.

Even with the weight of a mountain pressing down on them, Kurtulmak refused to die, instead, struggling to free themselves, so as to seek out any survivors and lead them to rebuild.

Asgorath, incensed by this act of evil towards the kobolds, and inspired by the bravery and ceaseless determination of Kurtulmak, appeared before the Horned Sorceror, and offered that one a choice; either Asgorath would restore Darastrixhurthi to its former glory, along with the kobolds who had died, and restore Kurtulmak to full health and vitality, or, they would raise Kurtulmak to divinity so that they could forever after watch over and guide their people.

Kurtulmak, in their last mortal act of selflessness, gave up mortality for our sake, becoming our Great All-Watcher, The One Who Guides Us All even now, and in so doing, claimed the new titles of Gnomesmasher and Devourer; new titles, for, with their divinity secured, they brought together the surviving kobolds, and led them on the first ever gnome hunt, killing any gnomes they could find, with Kurtulmak consuming their souls rather than allowing them to go to Garl Glittergold and so empower that one further.

What does Kurtulmak teach us?

Industriousness is what we were made for, so labour well for our people.

Sixteen hours one shall practice industry, and eight hours one shall seek rest; more is foolish, less is lazy.

The great wyrms are to be revered and served, out of honour for Caesinsjach, but never above the Great All-Watcher.

A tribe's All-Watcher is second in command ONLY to the Great All-Watcher; mutiny is punishable by exile or death.

Do not trust a gnome with anything, unless its soul is bound to that one, and even then, sleep with one eye open.

Wealth is to be accrued for the glory we were made for, do not allow other races to outshine our majesty.

Where one claw cannot succeed alone, many claws can triumph; our strength is in the tribe.

No defeat is total, no victory ever completely secured, so always look for opportunities.

Every mortal has a weakness, every fortification has a vital point. Exploit your enemy's vulnerabilities, and guard your own.

Never act without foresight; observe, research, learn, and then act. Retreat is always better than acting rashly.

The right tool for the job is the tool that gets the job done, no matter what that means.

What does Kurtulmak's Church look like?

To serve Stingtail is a great honour, and it is one that all scales should seek, for the good of the tribe and the glory of Kurtulmak.

That one's Holy Symbol is a gnome skull, impaled by a spear, and Orange is their Holy Colour, for such is the colour of their magnificent eyes.

Prayers to Kurtulmak are only acceptable in Draconic, that one refuses to hear anything in a lesser tongue.

Offerings that are acceptable to Kurtulmak include objects of wealth or skillfully made objects, gnome skulls, and tools that have been used until they were completely worn out, showing the dedication to industry of the one making the offering.

Priests of Kurtulmak pray at the beginning of the cycle, leading the tribe in the ritual known as Searching for the Dragon, where every scale in the tribe who is available will spend about fifteen minutes meditating and focusing their mind and will for the cycle of labour ahead.

There is no organised clergy, special ranks, or special organisations beyond this; each tribe has at least one Priest, and if there are multiple priests then the one who is chosen as such by the All-Watcher of the tribe is given the title of High Priest.

Those who wish to serve Kurtulmak as a priest must search for the divine spark given by the Horned Sorceror to all worthy scales, and find it whilst taking part in the ritual of Searching for the Dragon. If such occurs, they will be revealed to the priest officiating the ritual by Kurtulmak themselves, and, after a time of testing to prove their worthiness, they may ascend to the priestly ranks.

Last edited by Rei_Jin on Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Second Breakfast » Sat Apr 27, 2024 2:48 pm

Title: LEIRA - The Mistshadow Lives!

Contents: It remains a mystery unsolved. In spite of her apparent death during the tumult of the Time of Troubles, her faith appears to be alive and well here in Samarach. Thus, as a servant of Oghma and indeed of truth itself, it is incumbent upon me, Aldric Oakshield, to share what I know of their enigmatic faith and cut away at the shroud of deception and lies the Lady of Mists weaves about herself and her followers. Knowledge and its proliferation is the best and surest way to stamp out falsehood and the evils that go with it.


It is hard to believe that a little more than a generation ago, the clergy of the Mistshadow were the undisputed masters of the neighboring realm of Nimbral. Through a process known as “dream-weaving” that often involved magical manipulation of ordinary people’s dreams, they controlled the masses. When the Mistshadow first turned silent and whispers of her undoing began to spread, the indentured wizards forced to make magical artifacts for Leira’s clergy rose up and seized Nimbral for themselves, styling themselves “the Nimbral Lords”. Most thus fled to Samarach. Those who clung to the belief that Leira faked her own death and could still be counted among the living soon discovered they could continue to call upon Her own blessings. Could they be right? Could her death have been just another one of her ruses? They say she was slain by Cyric wielding Godsbane, but how could a sword, even a legendary god-killer, strike down a phantom?


Leirans, as a rule, will only tell the truth to other Leirans. Thus, when met with one of Her priests, expect only lies and believe not a word of it. They ought to be easily identifiable by the mirrored mask they rarely if ever take off.

When encountering an embankment of fog or mist, Leirans will walk straight through it and offer benedictions afterward. Otherwise, they offer prayers both every morning and every night save on moondeath. They engage in a host of ritual practices that only they know the meaning behind (and they are not too interested in divulging to outsiders), but the most well-known of these is “the Unmasking”, carried out when a priest of Hers rises in status or the faith finds a new acolyte. In this ritual, the signature silver mask is removed and the petitioner walks ahead whilst mirrors and other reflective surfaces are held up under candle and torchlight.


The Mistcallers are what is commonly thought of when the Church of Leira comes to mind, and they lead the faithful in matters spiritual; though they are small in number, their faith seems unshakable; the men and women whose zeal was not as strong long ago embraced other faiths when news of her alleged death became widely known.

There is also a sect known as the Mistwalkers; so great is their commitment to duplicity that they continue to feign as though their goddess is dead, keeping up with Her act. Are they truly Her servants? Who can say for sure. Only they, likely as not, and they’re not telling.

Though Nimbral is no longer their playground, they continue to hold considerable sway over its vassal of Samarach and its politics. The courts of Samargol and the High Phantasmage play host to Leiran priests often, and the illusory shroud that protects their cities is in part an apparatus shaped by Her clergy.


The “truth” is whatever those who hold power would will it to be, and history is penned by its victors. The Oghmanyte named Aldric Oakshield is a work of fiction, and so is this book.

Are there yet kernels of truth buried amongst the deceptions? You will never know for sure. You will forever doubt the veracity of this text and what lay within its pages. Only in truly embracing the Lady of Mists will all be laid bare.

Praise the Mistshadow.

Maxine Majesta - Smoke and Mirrors
Moira Orseeva - The Conductor of Souls {FIN.}

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Preserver » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:58 pm


Title: Divine Right Most Gracious’ Dogma


Those who read, prostrating their soul and making their devotion manifest to the incarnation of righteous authority, shall find great wisdom in words spoken before modern misgivings. Whilst a faith’s own nuances and peculiarities are oft so numerous and deep that one would find themselves overwhelmed in wanting to deliver them to ink and paper, the Good Goddess has armed Her loyal worshipers with statements firm and clear.

Let this tome be of guidance to those that, confused, seek the worship of Divine Right Most Gracious and know not where to begin in their path of righteousness. In these pages, an author’s hands shall write down the dogma, as spoken in the Chapel and Chalice of Divine Right, in Waterdeep, where Our Lady Siamorphe reigns - and then, together, we shall study its meaning.

“Nobles are the rightful rulers of the bulk of humankind provided that they keep fit for the task and responsibilities of rule. Nobles have the moral obligation to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under them even if their obligations conflict with their personal desires.
The descendants of noble bloodlines inherit their charisma and potential for wisdom from their noble ancestors. Their family fortunes provide them enough leisure time to be properly educated as rulers. The regular inheritance of noble titles by strict inheritance rules reduces the potential for power struggles between rival claimants to leadership. A strong noble class that cares for the commoners of Faerun and looks out for their best interest is the most stable, fair form of government.”

thus spoke the Lady

FIRST - Of Charge and Merit

The words echo: “Nobles are the rightful rulers of the bulk of humankind” - Our Lady tells us that the rulers of humanity are found amidst those who are of noble birth; no word is spoken onto the traditions of other people of the Realms. Furthermore “… provided that they keep fit for the task and responsibilities of rule.” - Our Lady instructs those who wish to bear the sceptre and crown that they are to adhere to standards, and must not falter in their task.

SECOND - Lords and Servants

The words echo: “Nobles have the moral obligation to rule in the best manner possible for the people who serve under them, even if their obligations conflict with their personal desires.” - Our Lady tells us that whilst some may be emboldened with the privilege of Nobility, that is not given to them so they can rest upon their laurels: Nobles must lead and rule, and must do so with the understanding that their actions must benefit their subjects, even when such causes personal disservice to the Noble. However, be forewarned - for the allure of self-sacrifice is great, and many a Nobles have wasted years of their life in abnegation following a false bait: thinking that by sacrificing themselves for the People they would attain glory, they lost so much that they could lead no longer. Thus be it known that you, who are of highborn status, must never give so much of yourself that would make you unable to lead.

THIRD - The Power of Blood

The words echo: “The descendants of noble bloodlines inherit their charisma and potential for wisdom from their noble ancestors.” - Our Lady tells us that inheritance is not merely a matter of coin and status; the Noble Blood is different from that of those who are Lowborn, for it is a vessel for greatness in spirit and mind, making Noble scions perfectly suited for leadership.

FOURTH - Blessings and Burdens

The words echo: “Their family fortunes provide them enough leisure time to be properly educated as rulers.” - Our Lady reminds us that woe is to befall those short-sighted Lowborn, be them farmers or merchants, that see the wealth and comfort of Nobility as unfair, unjustly given. For the highborn may not toil in the fields, but the toil in the realms of administration, preparation, decision, and logistics. Blessed be the farmer, who may think of their fields and naught else. Their quietude of mind is the reward for their hard work.

FIFTH - Legacy and Succession

The words echo: “The regular inheritance of noble titles by strict inheritance rules reduces the potential for power struggles between rival claimants to leadership.” - Our Lady has granted us a mind to concoct rules and fair systems by which the power of those who are blessed with Noble Blood can flow from father to son, from husband to wife, from King to Knight. Adhere to those rules, and challenge them not, for they were put in place for a reason, and that reason is of Divine inspiration.

SIXTH - The Best of Possible Worlds

The words echo: “A strong noble class that cares for the commoners of Faerun and looks out for their best interest is the most stable, fair form of government.” - Our Lady tells us of our Cities and Kingdoms, and how we achieved the fairest way of leading them centuries ago. Beyond the amusing concept of democracy and the odd aspirations of rebels, we are to remember that the structure of Nobility and Royalty is holy, tested, and functional. A world of respect Nobility, dutiful People, and sanctifying Priesthood is, indeed, the best of possible world. For there is no guidance more fare than that of parents who lead their children, knowing of their responsibility, and eager to make them responsible members of society.

Therefore, dear reader, be thankful for the order willed upon our society, and know that such order is reflected in Our Lady’s very own authority upon Her Faith. For Her will can manifest in incarnation, her Divine Spirit inhabiting men and women devoted to Her cause, so that Her gaze may never falter from being vigilant upon this world.

It is by this tradition, by this very sacrifice of the Lady in embracing mortal coils, that we refer to Her Clergy as “Scions” - for when Her congregation was small still, all of them inherited Her Divine spirit by blood.

Thus, reader, be you Noble or Commoner, bow and pray in adoration for the power that granted the best order to our society, and made it great.

authored by Malyze

~ Lladria Sethassiel ~ (Dead!) - ~ Siobhan Gray (Departed!)
~ Elspeth Lynndain (Dead!) - Noasheel Xephrates (Dead!)
~ Yachta - ~ Providence (Dead!)

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Xarge VI » Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:51 am

The Adama

The Adama, The One.

Once upon a time there was a simple trader, his name was Satama. He journeyed far and wide from Durpar, our shining lands and saw the ways of many people and cultures.

One clear starlit night he was visited by a revelation. An epiphany not from without but within. A profound idea, which turned his life to study the gods and men. Eventually philosophy formed under this divine inspiration.

All things under the firmament, all the spheres of Celestia, Inferno, the endless bowels of the Abyssal darkness and the murky powers beneath the roots of trees. The wind, The Sea, The Mountain, Roaring Flames, The Stars, The Sun and The Moon.

The Gods.

All that there is.

The One, The Adama is the central soul of the universe and it encompasses all. The light and the dark, the good and the evil. The Adama has divided itself into this wonderful and frightful universe. Not by malice or kindness, but by and out of love.

All life is a dream and an illusion, but a vital one.

We, The Adama rotate in the endless kaleidoscopic flow of the seven circles of the universe, divided into nine, thirteen, three and ultimately only the One. The Adama.

So be wise my friend. For only if your heart is lighter than a feather it can float by the streams towards the One. But if it is encumbered by dark deeds it is dragged down, devoured and dispersed back into the further circles by The Great Maw.

We are all one soul, so do not harm another. For when you harm another you harm yourself and when you take a life you take your own. Let the Light of The Adama guide your Path and be not seduced by The Adama’s Darkness.

For if you do; Your next manifestation may be that of a lowly worm or a rat.

So study the world, the magic, yourself. The more you know of the world the more you know of yourself, The Adama. The more you know of yourself, the more you know of The Adama.

Find your Great Work for this is the greatest form of reverence. Let The Adama’s Light guide you towards the next emanation.

-Sovial, a hand of The Adama. Brief introduction to Evolution and Devolution of The One Soul, Foreword.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by D4wN » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:33 pm

The Prince of Undead (Orcus)

Ruler of: Thanatos - 113th Layer of the Abyss
Symbol: A horned head of a goat, sometimes set over a skull-topped mace

“I will be the last creature when I am done. The cosmos will then be perfect, free of the braying abominations that are all other living things.”

Among the ranks of Demon Lords, he looms imposing and grotesque, recognized as one of the most powerful. With goat-like legs and bat-like wings, he embodies a twisted amalgamation of bulk, sinew, and putrefied flesh.

He shows concern for nothing except himself, disregarding even his followers and undead minions, and single-mindedly dedicated to spreading the malevolence and suffering dwelling within him.

Known by various names such as The Shadow that Was, Tenebrous, Prince of Undead, or the Goat-Horned Demon, Orcus, the Demon Lord of the 113th layer of the Abyss, has returned from the grasp of undeath himself. Not truly alive, his goal is the annihilation of all life, transforming worlds into desolate realms where only undead, obedient to his will, roam.

The Cult of Orcus

The followers of Orcus predominantly consist of macabre beings with a morbid fixation on the undead, including necromancers, as well as creatures actively pursuing the path to undeath, such as aspiring liches and vampires. They frequently don attire adorned with bones and skulls, reflecting their dark devotion.

Skull Lords lead the cults devoted to The Shadow that Was. To earn this title, Orcus's followers must seize control of a horde of undead from the Plains of Hunger and unleash them in an invasion upon the prime material plane. Those who fail face death and subsequent transformation into liches, condemned to dwell within Thanatos for eternity.

Artifacts of Orcus

The Wand of Orcus, crowned with a skull, possesses the ability to slay any living creature. Occasionally discovered by mortals, it brings chaos and malevolence to their worlds. Despite being destroyed multiple times; Orcus resurrects it without fail. Eventually, the wand is said to have vanished, weakening Orcus in its absence.

As a Balor, Orcus once wielded the infamous Orcusword, a Greatsword pulsating with unholy energy, granting mastery over pure chaos and control over undead.


Promise your soul to Orcus, eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, and through him you will gain life everlasting. Mercy is a luxury that none are worthy of; suffering and torment are the fuel that will empower Orcus' ascent. The worshippers of Orcus will overwhelm the world in a tide of undeath and even the Gods will perish.

Holy days & Rituals

Orcus's sacred occasions are the nights of the new moons and Sunsebb 28, marking the year's end. During the darkest phases of the moon, adherents of Orcus are obligated to either raise an undead being or deliver a corpse to fellow cultists for such a purpose.

Among the most abhorrent rituals within Orcus's already depraved creed is the Unhallowing. This ceremony, lacking a fixed date, entails the sacrifice of a paladin to Orcus, followed by the creation of a loathsome undead entity from the fallen warrior's remains.

Motivations for Worship

Desire for Power: Some individuals may be drawn to Orcus because of the power he offers. As a Demon Lord, he possesses immense supernatural abilities and commands legions of undead creatures. Those seeking power may see serving Orcus to achieve their ambitions, whether it be domination over others or the ability to control dark forces.

Fear and Intimidation: Orcus instils fear in many, and some may feel compelled to follow him out of a sense of dread or coercion. They may believe that aligning themselves with Orcus will protect them from his wrath or the wrath of other malevolent entities.

Morbid Fascination: Some individuals may be drawn to Orcus due to a morbid fascination with death, decay, and the supernatural. They may find allure in the dark rituals and practices associated with Orcus's worship, viewing them to explore the darker aspects of existence.

Promise of Immortality: Orcus's focus on undeath and the creation of undead creatures may attract those who fear death or seek immortality. Followers may believe that by serving Orcus, they can achieve a form of immortality through undeath or become powerful undead beings themselves.

Corruption and Malevolence: There are those who are inherently drawn to darkness and malevolence. They may revel in the chaos and suffering Orcus spreads, finding satisfaction in serving a being dedicated to evil and destruction.

Manipulation and Deception: Orcus may use manipulation and deception to recruit followers. He might offer promises of rewards or protection, only to later exploit or betray his followers for his own gain.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Second Breakfast » Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:20 pm

Name: The Nameless Bard and His Message

Content: The essence of art is, and has always been, change. It is change that keeps art, in whatever form it might take, from falling victim to stagnation, to decay, to rot.

The very same rot that the Nameless Bard fought against and finally expunged from the soil and the souls of men and nobler beasts, so long ago. A rot that threatened to consume all, and craft the entirety of the world in its own hideous image. A rot most ancient, a rot most foul.

It has been largely scoured clean from the land, and the Nameless Bard’s identity is known to us now…


Through Him, art is transformed and transcends. Just as Finder’s own works and creations found life, so might yours too or reinvigorate the life of others.

Fight against stagnation. Fight against decay. Fight against rot; art must be mutable and ever-changing, and art must challenge the mind and soul, by stirring the spirit and making queries none would ask.

Be proud of what you create; some might call you arrogant, but what they would call vainglory is, in moderation, no vice.

Be always a friend to the noble beasts of the Lost Vale, to the saurials, for they hear His song and carry it far and wide!

See a prayer done in song every morning as the sun peeks o’er the horizon!

Once His songs and His name were lost to the realms, and now they are sung and spoken there and in His holy realm of Fermata! Blessed is the creator of great works, and blessed is his creation!

Maxine Majesta - Smoke and Mirrors
Moira Orseeva - The Conductor of Souls {FIN.}

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Norsepal » Thu May 02, 2024 4:56 am

Title: A Primer on Shou Faiths


Heaven is mirrored upon the Red Earth; all is right and ordered in existence.

So we begin, by describing the Celestial Empire.

The Celestial Empire has existed, as long as existence has been; He who sits upon the Jade Throne, the true master of spirit and form. In function, the empire of Shou Lung is to be its material mirror, yet the reach of the Celestial Empire goes far beyond its borders, adherents found as far west as the Hordelands. All who pay homage to the Master of Heaven are His subjects, and in turn served by the immeasurable bureaucracy of beings that serve Him in turn.

It is important to understand that the many disparate immortals and gods that exist in Kara-Tur are considered to be subjects, governors, or emissaries of the Celestial Bureaucracy; all serve the movements of Heaven, and all things happen as He wills it.

He exists at the core of two fundamental faiths to the Shou, the Faith of the Nine Travellers and the Path of Enlightenment, and respect is commonly afforded to Him by adherents of The Way as well.


The Bureaucracy that serves Him is made up of innumerable spirits and entities, ranging from powerful dragons, demons, spirits, and everything in-between. Many of these entities were, in fact, once mortal themselves, having risen to immortality in service to the Emperor’s whims. The most prominent of these beings are the Nine Immortals, also known as the Nine Travellers.

Ai Ch’ing, She Who Sees To Lovers And Spouses
Chan Cheng, He Who Wages War Undefeated
Ch’en Hsiang, He Who Masters Gentlemanly Arts
Chih Shih, He Who Keeps Records
Fa Kuan, He Who Metes Judgement
Hsing Yong, He Who Guards Fortune And Prosperity
Kwan Ying, She Who Brings Joy And Peace
Shu Chia, He Who Forges New Creations


“All around me, spring and autumn, an endless journey punctuated by sandaled feet on roads.”

The Faith of the Nine Travellers is a distinctly older set of traditions compared to the more codified Path of Enlightenment, comprised of localized customs and beliefs about the nature of reality, and the movements of the Celestial Bureaucracy around the adherent.

A contentious faith, the specific traditions and customs tend to vary from region to region, and often are at odds regarding which Immortal has primacy over the other eight. Furthering this reputation for contentiousness is the commonly held belief that any man, common or not, may rise to become a ruler. This has made it traditionally disfavored by the nobles of the earthly Empire, who instead favor the more rigorous and institutionalized Path of Enlightenment.

A more rigorous examination of the variety of local beliefs and customs that make up the Faith of the Nine Travellers would require a lifetime of study, just to capture a single province’s breadth of thought.


“The wings of the ephemeral fly wrap it in garb of many colors; as men wrap themselves in glory, so they speed to their demise. Would they but rest, for a moment, they would learn a better Path.”

The Path of Enlightenment believes in the teachings passed down to the mortal realm, that it might be in accordance with the greater Celestial Heaven. There are eight distinct tenets:

"Honor that which has gone before you. For the past is eternal.”
"Honor and respect your Elders and the Ancestors. Show honor in word, thought, action, and deed."
"Speak not false words, nor engage in false deeds, for these are not li."
"Do honor to he who rules you, for the Earth is the Mirror of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven is the mirror of the Celestial One. Be obedient to your lord.”
"Engage in no base thing, nor commit murder, for to strike another in the name of anger is not li."
"Do honor to those you must rule, for under the eye of Heaven, they are your equals. Be fair to those you rule."
"Know that all things are One under Heaven, even the lowliest of creatures."
"To make strong the force of the Body, to become one with Heaven in defense of the weak and the defenseless—this is truly li."

These teachings were carved by fire into the Cliffs of Tanghai in times far removed; the fires lit up the sky and were seen across Kara-Tur. Li as a term is deemed to be in accordance with Heaven, or the will of the Emperor; this is commonly compared to the Tao described by adherents of The Way.

The Path of Enlightenment ultimately favors respecting those who came before, and their achievements, resulting in a faith that, naturally, supports those in power in the earthly Empire.

As a more codified and state-sponsored faith than the Nine Travellers, there are very commonly distinct monasteries, sects, and ideologies surrounding how these tenets should be practiced, commonly resulting in conflict between sects.


“Waking up, the sun hung low; Men and women moved to and fro, in a desperate hurry.
I, simple and unlearned, am confused; Is the sun rising, setting, or does it matter at all?”

The Way (Tao) is difficult to approximate in a few words, and encourages the individual to form their own perception. It is a veneration, a respect, and an understanding, in turn, of the myriad forces that shift and move the fabric of reality, and how they all intertwine with each other. The Gods themselves are not immune to the tug and pull of The Way, and as the material moves, so too does the immaterial.

Tao is commonly a phrase attributed to The Way; it is a Shou word that translates to Way, and is also included in the common name for priests of it, called Chung Tao. In theory, the structure of the faith should adhere to a steady balance; the nature of all things to move and shift as the fabric of existence bends and weaves. However, the tendency of large groups is to fall into disparity, and as a result, the Light and Dark Way became prominent within Shou Lung, as two orthodoxies. The Light Way holds that those in accordance with The Way ensure a balance in existence, maintained by delicate and subtle actions, while the Dark Way holds that those in accordance with The Way have the privilege to rule over existence through that knowledge and skill.

As a faith that seeks to bridge gaps in understanding and often blurs the lines between philosophy and belief, many powerful wizards, sorcerors, and other arcane scholars follow The Way in Shou Lung. It suits the whims of many that would wish to see the secrets of existence unravelled, after all.


While we might understand these three schools as distinct realms of thought, we must understand that it is relatively rare, outside of isolated communities and monasteries, for one school to utterly dominate over another. Instead, what we see are a curious admixture of ideas, concepts, and faiths, all winding together in different representations. As often as the tendency is for faiths to conflict with each other, the tendency still arises for them to borrow ideas and concepts from one another.

Seek your own Way, whichever path you take.

Last edited by Norsepal on Mon May 06, 2024 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by D4wN » Sat May 04, 2024 3:56 pm

Philosophies of Hoar

Hoar, often recognised as the Doombringer and revered as the God of Vengeance, commands a following known for their steadfast belief in retribution. However, a lesser-known facet of his faith reveals a broader spectrum of philosophical beliefs, shedding light on a different aspect of devotion.

While Hoar's other personas exude brooding darkness, the Poet finds sustenance in the ironic justice he metes out to wrongdoers. Unlike the grim shadows that often accompany Hoar's presence, the Poet's essence is enriched by the poetic balance of rewarding goodness and devising fitting recompense for malevolence. They embrace the notion that vengeance, when seasoned with irony, becomes a bittersweet symphony of justice. Guided by whimsical twists of fate, they ensure that true justice prevails, even if it diverges from the strict letter of the law.

Conversely, the Doombringers emerge as harbingers of terror, striking fear into the hearts of the morally corrupt. They traverse the realm, swiftly dispensing dire retribution upon those deemed deserving. Armed with cruelty and fear, they wield these weapons against the vicious, allowing their own malevolence to recoil upon them threefold. Their solemn duty is to champion the cause of the oppressed until the malignant core of evil quivers with dread. Yet, they must heed the teachings of moderation, exacting punishment not for the sake of malevolence but for the pursuit of rightful retribution.

Amidst these diverging ideologies, the Thunders occupy a nuanced position, tasked with harmonising Hoar's manifold aspects. By blending the ironic wit of the Poets with the vengeful fervour of the Doombringers, the faithful Thunders foster strength and honour within the faith. When dispensing justice, they prioritise intentionality, ensuring punishments align with righteous purpose. A true disciple of Thunder displays generosity toward the deserving and unwavering resolve against adversaries. Moreover, when mortal laws falter in delivering justice, they invoke divine authority to avenge the wronged.

In this delicate equilibrium, the devotees of Hoar find unity, honouring their deity through a diverse tapestry of beliefs, each contributing to the enrichment of their faith and the pursuit of justice in all its forms.

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Re: Deity Book Contest [Submissions]

Post by Mythic » Thu May 09, 2024 6:00 pm

Howling around all year long

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