Item tag for end of inventory unequip

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Item tag for end of inventory unequip

Post by Dreams » Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:57 pm

This is a potential inventory management QoL thing. Would it be possible to tag an item with some kind of marker that upon unequipping it, it is placed into the next available space from the END of your inventory rather than from the FRONT of your inventory?

For items that are commonly swapped in and out, finding them in your inventory amongst loot and other stuff can be a pain in the Snuggybear. Those daggers that serve as thieves tools? Your sword and shield that you definitely DO NOT want to accidentally sell because they look the same as the loot you've found? A tool like this would let you sort your inventory more easily.

Here's how I see it working:

- Type in the command -inventorytag, this brings up a selection cursor (similar visually to what you see when you try the -observe command).
- You then click on the desired item.
- The item becomes tagged so that it jumps to the first available space at the end of your inventory.
- You equip the item, then unequip the item, and live a happy life knowing that inventory management will forever be easier!

Don't know if it's mechanically possible, but you guys have achieved some amazing things. I'm sure someone is clever enough to work it out! <3

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