Soulhaven School

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:58 pm

Wrath of Nikerymath
Written by Ahuizotl in 174 AR.

Transcribed by Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra in Elient 12, 175 AR (1375 DR)

Chapter 1 - The Two Worlds

"The market square was buzzing with life, men and women of all looks and ethnicities brought together under the welcoming eye of Trade. Silk, spice, baked goods, and grilled meat, sold at every corner and at every vendor. It was an audacious show of colour and vibrancy, a couple of children being scolded for picking an apple or two from a vendor. In the background, the sound of seagulls and waves, where the square would eventually make its way to a port of this place. Goods being moved from ship to ship, a sign at the side would read 'All nailed crates would need to be checked before given entry to the Empire of Jhaamdath..."

[The book has a recreated painting on the next page. It appears to look like some sort of ancient woods, with glowing specks of dust flitting about the forest floor. A deer in the background passively grazes. In the far distance of this ancient woods are the hints and vague outline of some sort of grandiose forest city. Elven in nature, it would mirror the various wood elven communities of the High Forest. Little lights flickered from these tree-structures and gave way to interesting shapes and details in the illustration.]

"The Elves were powerful People, within their Woods. Their trees reached the skyline, where they made their houses within branch and trunk. Ancient, they were, as ancient almost as their Kingdom. Their reach extended out to the sea, where the Kingdom would meet its water brethren. A song, being sung, echoing across the waves and the woods, in ancient Espruar. It was one of celebration and mourning, tinged with sorrow and bittersweet. An elf was visible on one of the trees, peeking his head out of the window of his home to listen to the song."

[The book illustrates an image of many different kinds of elves dancing and singing together. From above, in one of the houses is an elf jovially looking down on the celebration, happiness in his eyes. From Sea elf to moon elf, there was a great variety of them in a crowd. Each linked arms, dancing around a blue-hued campfire. This illustration was smaller, and only took up half of the next page. The text continued beneath it]

"The singers would come into view, women and men of Elvenkin, Teu-Ar-Sy-Alu didn't matter, circling a fire. Flowers and seashells, statues and paintings, fireflies speckling the air around this square within the woods. They danced, and they revealed. Oh, the Elves of Nikerymath..."

Chapter 2 - The Massacres

"The humans of Jhaamdath were efficient men. They seeked to improve their reach, extend further into the world.

But they were also cruel.

They wanted nothing, to stand in the way of their progress.

Ports, filled now with carpenters and shipwrights, Jhaamdath was preparing to claim the seas beyond its Twelve Cities. They had no care for those that'd be affected by it, and their Cities had already consumed most of their resources. Wood was important when it came to ships. The older, the sturdier, the better.

What better trees than those of Nikerymath?

So the humans started setting out. At first, they destroyed the woodlands along the border, before daring to expand further. The Elves foresaw this, seeing their armed men, with spear and sword, with axe and rope.

Jhaamdath, was, cruel.

First, the Elves at the outskirts got affected. Armed men walked into their homes, disturbing their peace. They slaughtered all Elves, and disorganized them who stood in their way. Ancient trees fell one by one, and ears of Sylvan adorned human belts. Blood of Tel'quessir was spilled."

[The book carries imagery of vague bodies on the forest floor. In the background, trees are being cut down and burned by humanoid figures. The scene is colored in dark colors, making it hard to see much of the gore that encompasses the scene.]

"The Elves retreated to the middle of their Kingdom from the border to Jhaamdath, to inform the Elders. To mourn their children, friends, and family, their homes now being cut into planks and shaped into boats and ships at the Port of Jhaamdath.

And this didn't stop, as the Men's cruelty continued. The boats made way to set out to the sea, first at their nearest coast, where the Alu'tel'quessir of Nikerymath had made their home within. As if it wasn't enough that their blades had found Elven skin, their nets and boats trashed within the waters, throwing tantrums like a child in search of fish and valuables, hunting the companions of the Alu'tel'quess.

Those who lost their lives under the sea while trying to free the life of the Sea, hunted with spear and arrow while trying to free the nets, they cried. The ocean hides your tears, but the wailing of a mother pierces all waves."

Chapter 3: The Mercy

[This chapter is prefaced with an image of three elves. Perhaps monarchs or aristocrats, they appeared to be draped in noble clothes of fine adornment. One was a sun, another a moon, and finally the third, a wood elf. All three of their heads dipped in solidarity, as if some grave final decision had been made. Their hands fold together in front of them, representing a state of resignation. The background is speckled with imagery of shells, leaves, and nautical wave-looking patterns.]

"The Elves were strong, and patient people. They knew the immaturity of men, despite sins committed, they pitied their people. And thus, Tel'quessir went to meet Bhenir.

They faced in the stone halls of their aristocrats, strange and unfamiliar to the Elves. What was asked was simple, to cease the attacks, and the plunder of nature, to prevent war.

The Men of Jhaamdath were cruel, and as cruel as they were, they were even more stupid. The humans, their faces marred with amusement to the words of the Elves, dismissed them audaciously. The Elves knitted their brows, they stared in silence to the court of Men.

'You have lived long enough, Elf. It is time our Empires claim what's rightfully ours, and sure.. we won't forget the sacrifices you have made, for our progress.'

The Tel'quessir silently dipped their chins, a solemn look glinted in their speckled gazes, as they left.

The Men were stupid, not because they wanted to progress.

They were stupid, because they thought this meeting requested by the Elves was a show of fear.

It was an act of mercy."

Chapter 4: The Preparation

[This page is prefaced with imagery of a council of elves of all kinds gathering. Their faces were painted with war paint, and their clothing replaced with armor. Most held bows, tridents, and spears. The same three elves from the previous chapter talked together in the middle of the scene, her expressions solemnly harsh.]

"With the attempt of diplomacy having failed, the Tel'quessir knew the humans would not cease their attacks. More Elves lost their lives within this timeframe, and the lush parts of the forest of Nikerymath were starting to wither and die, beginning from the border of Jhaamdath.

A council was called, within a great ancient oak tree. The elders of the Elves, of each colour and culture gathered, to prepare. War was approaching now, but the Elves planned it to be shortlived.

The Sylvan warriors prepared their drums, painting their faces in colours of war. Under the light of the Moon, arrowheads and bows glinted as the Teu and Ar prepared. Mages wielding high Elven magic spent days in their vast libraries, losing themselves within the ancient tomes and rituals. The Elves of the Sea left their homes beneath, their warriors wielding trident and spear, their shamans calling to the primal forces of the World.

They had offered mercy.

The humans, had failed to see it."

Chapter 5: The End

[These scenes were perhaps the most vibrant of them all. Only accompanied by the drums, and the sound of the sea, it was eerie to watch. The warriors of the Tel'quessir, were first making sure there were no humans dwelling within their homes anymore. The Forest was getting cleansed, as arrow found eye and head, as trident and blade found heart. Humans fell, one by one, their corpses littering the forest ground, their caravans filled with logs cut from Elven Homes peppered around. Gruesome. On faces of no Elf was found fear, or rage, they were solemn as they purged the men out from their homes.

These depictions colored the page with stains of red, purple, and blues with a vibrant color palette. The revenge of the elves is not muted nor hidden here as the gore of the previous chapters were. It emphasized the significance of this war that came.]

"The Elves, continued to move.

There was shown the beach of Nikerymath, facing the empire of Jhaamdath at the other sides. The army of Elves made way, as a group of mages, Teu and Ar, silently found their way onto the sands. There was no army to meet them here. Elves would not continue further, either. This was where the war was going to start, and end.

From the sea, stepped out equal figures to meet Teu and Ar. Alu, they were, the Sea Elves. Water dripped down from their hair and clothes, charms and bones and moss decorated their bodies, the symbols of the Sea carried on their charms.

The Elves only silently nodded to each other. And they all turned, to watch what's to come next.

Mages and Shamans came together, to begin their otherworldly chant. High Elven Magic waved and danced in the air to meet the forces of Nature and Spirit. They chanted, their voices carried through the air. The more they did, the more disturbed grew the waters. Waves started forming on the Jhaamdath side of the Coast, hitting their rocks and nearest buildings, licking at the surfaces that'd then, get consumed."

[Legions of elves are depicted now, both sea and land alike, joined together as they all chanted. Magic of otherworldly colors and signatures flitted about the picture which spanned the entirety of two pages. A glimpse, or even a snapshot, of a high elven ritual. The figures below crowded a circle as they cast the spell. In the distance, Jhaamdath burned as large waves summoned via high elven magic crashed into the kingdom of men.]

The Men of Jhaamdath had invoked the Wrath of the Elves, of Land and Sea. There was nothing but fear and shame in their hearts, as the Sea rose to meet the Land, as the Elves raised waves of gargantuan sizes to beat down on the Empire of Jhaamdath. Water swallowed ship, men, town and square, building and castle alike, no mercy, no hesitancy. It was all silent.

[This picture depicts receding waters pulled back, to reveal the now-known Vilhon Reach, the Empire of Jhaamdath no more. The feeling of eerie silence evoked from the picture was deafening. Only left now were the soft waves of the sea and the seagull's returning to nest. As if nothing happened. As if they never existed. It was peaceful.

In the distance of the picture, one sees both elves of land and sea returning to their homes.]


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:02 pm

(( Peachoo's note: I included the First Bridge of Elder Lore and the Second Bridge of Elder Lore not just because they're very, very old stories now that you can find ig, but they also give an excellent and simple informational story of how the Crown Wars happened and why elves hate drow. Which I feel is very important to have for lore reference!))

The First Bridge of Elder Lore
Written by Elriel of House Dy’nesin in 133 AR.
Transcribed and painted by Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra on Kythorn 14, 175 AR

<cüÿÿ> [The beginning page has a depiction of a battlefield in grand detail. Depicted are the battle hardened sun elven warriors of the once nation of Aryvandaar. Their Coronal is seen ordering his troops upon the dark elves of Miyeritar. The Coronal and his men appear to be successfully conquering and annexing the dark elves from his nation.
The coronal’s face appears to depict that of a stern and somber leader. The expression of a man who has seen the atrocities of war. Though victorious, he appears almost relieved.
On the opposing page, text is sprawled in Espruar, the written tongue of the elven people.] </c>

The Ar-Tel’Quessir (Sun Elves) of Aryvandaar. The Bloodstained Conquerors.

“Kin fought against kin amidst a troubled time of warring elven nations, and the desire to gain even greater treasure had lead to even greater bloodshed.
Aryvandaar, now known as the Vyshaantar Empire, aided by a fallen Solar, began invading their fellow sun and moon elven kin of the Shantel Othereir Kingdom.

This war endured nearly three centuries until Shantel Othereir surrendered after their Coronal had fallen.

While both painful and rich of a lesson, this remains a part of our history. A reminder that the thirst for control shall lead to betrayal, pain, and suffering. As much as the victors write history of truth, it should fall upon the divine to clarify the wrongs of the past. And so, the Seldarine had brought clarity upon their children. “ </c>

<cüÿÿ>[The next section of the book has beautiful depictions of the warring sun elves upon one another, along with mixed in moon elves. Suffering and pain is depicted on the faces of the defending nation’s shoulders. Their armor is coated with glistening gold and silver, dotted with dirty and blood. The depiction is gruesome, but realistic of what the war may have actually been like.
The last picture is an artistic rendition of the various Seldarine appearing before the two warring factions. A physical metaphor for the Seldarine intervening in the fighting amongst the kindred.] </c>

<cißÿ> “After the Kingdom of Shantel Othereir fell to Aryvandaar, an uprising occurred. A magic rebellion took place in parts of occupied Miyeritar in a dire event known as the Dark Disaster. Aryvandaar is often depicted as using elven High Magic to cause tremendous deadly storms. It reduced the entire forest and realms of Miyeritar to barren wastelands within mere months. It is now a swampy landscape that many today know only as the High Moor.” </c>

<cüÿÿ> [The end of the book has an almost perfect copy of the original author's signature in the middle of the last page. An emblem, likely the symbol of the original authors house, also appears above it. The symbol appears to be a sun emblem coupled with a little leaf on top of it.
The signature reads as ‘Elriel of House Dy’nesin - 133 AR’] </c>


Last edited by Peachoo on Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:03 pm

The Second Bridge of Elder Lore
Written by Elriel of House Dy’nesin in 133 AR.
Transcribed and painted by Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra on Kythorn 24, 175 AR


<cüÿÿ>[The first illustration in this book starts with a fade from white to color. The picture is bordered with intricate inlaid gold color which appears to be old elven designs. Depicted in this picture is a display of both male and female elves of equal footing. These martially adorned elves have a dark brown complexion with dark black hair. They both carry themselves with noble posture, and carry a prideful expression on their face.

On the next page, a second illustration. It depicts an arcane gateway, shimmering brightly with blues and purples. This gateway depicts these dark elves reaching Toril as part of the first elves to arrive. These elves appear to be a variety of dark-skinned color. Most notably, none of them have the iconic black skin of the Drow, but rather dark brown. Their eyes are all variations of blue and green colors, and their hair is variations of black. They appear noble in their crossing, almost stoic of a people.

In the final and third illustration that spans two pages, a large illustrious city is depicted. The city itself has wonderful architectural cityscapes and cultural advancements. It consists of large arching bridges, white marble, and golden tops crowning the roofs. It is grandiose and beautiful, yet it appears to be imposing to the natural land as many trees are painted into the city-scape. Along the bottom of the border the picture is labeled: ‘The Nation of Ilythiir’.

Dark lettering begins on the following page] </c>

The Ssri-Tel’Quessir (Dark Elves) of Ilythiir. The Ancestors of the Drow.

<cißÿ> “Araushnee, the consort of Corellon had become the goddess of the dark elves. It is written that she and Corellon had twins. One twin was the goddess Eilistraee, the Lady of Dance. The other twin was known as the male god known as Vhaeraun, or the Shadow.

The dark elves were known to be the most noble of the People, yet their tempers were hot and fueled often by arrogance and pride. This arrogance was bred from generations of dark elves who managed to establish the first elven empire before the first flowering. They saw themselves as better than their kin, because of their feats. The Nation of Ilythiir was considered one of the greatest empires of the dark elves, however they fell to peril as victims of the corruptive scheming of their beloved and revered Araushnee. </c>

<cüÿÿ> [The next page has an illustration of a beautiful adorned dark elven king. Dressed in ancient and traditional wear of royalty, a mithril circlet on his brow, he raises his hand and channels the divine power of Araushnee. He is seen reaching his other hand out and pointing a troup below him towards where he is leading his troops- to a city on the horizon. A balor is summoned behind him, under the dark elven king’s command. His veins bolster, and his eyes are filled with a red corruptive glow as this summoning takes place. The city of Aryvandaar can be seen in the distance, labeled with flowery text.] </c>

<cißÿ>“The kingdom of Ilythiir witnessed the fall of their dark elven brethren in the kingdom of Miyeritar. Aryvaandar was blamed for the high magic that created the Dark Disaster that wiped Miyeritar from the face of the world. The dark elves of the Ilythiir suspected that this attack was not just a play for power, but a genocidal campaign towards them. Their Coronal reached for the extremes to save his people. Summoning a massive Balor under Araushnee’s command. In this time, Araushnee betrayed Corellon and assumed the name of Lolth.

Nobility bought into different dark powers now known as the Dark Seldarine. Soon, the dark elves gained the nickname Dhaerow (Traitor). The dark elves of Ilythiir openly used their dark fell powers, brutally attempting a conquest with Miyertiar’s survivors fighting alongside them.

Ilythiir attacked and destroyed most of the Shantel Othreier, which was by that point part of Aryvandaar’s territory. The People pleaded to the Seldarine for divine salvation. Corellon answered his children’s pleas and banished the dark elves to the underdark by changing the dark elves into what we now know as dhaerow. The kingdom of Ilythiir ended and the dark elves soon came to be colloquially known as Drow over the course of time.” </c>


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:04 pm

The Tower Beyond Time and Lake Eredruie

The ruins of our city of Mhnlamniir lay at the heart of the High Forest, less than two days' travel from the west end of the Old Road and three day's travel east form the Lost Peaks. At the height of Earlann's civilization, Mhiilamniir was the site of a number of major temples and seats of power for elven clergies in the North. While Mhiilamniir;s largest building is now-ruined temple dedicated to Corellon Larethian, the city's oldest temple has always been the Temple Beyond Time, a soaring tower shaped like an elongated hourglass consecrated in the name of the Lifegiver.

Labelasan religious texts indicate that The Temple Beyond Time existed as far back as the early days of Aryvandaar, nearly 25 millennia ago. Mhiilamannr is no longer safe enough for elven pilgrims to visit due to the tenancy of a rapidly paranoid green dragon, Choloracndara, who lairs in Corellon's ruined house of worship and claims the entire temple city and its environs as her domain. Nonetheless, Labelas's temple city and its inhabitants survive unmolested due in part to the temple's peculiar relationship with the time stream. The Temple Beyond Time can be seen or entered for a few moments at widely varying intervals.

The only permanent inhabitance of the Temple BEyond Time are a trio of Siluvanedenn baelnorn, known collectively as the Timespinners: Susklahava Orbryn, Roan-mara Neirdre, and Phantyni Evenara. In life, each of the Timespinners was a gold elven priestess of Labelas, and they have served the Lifegiver for millennia as historians, sages, and oracles. The faithful of the Lifegiver interpret the god's omens as to when the Temple Beyond Time can be reached and then travel to the site in order to consult with the eternal seers who dwell within. Those petitioners who enter the tower bear the risk that when they emerge many years may have passed, even though the interval seemed like little more than a few hours to those within.

Lake Eredruie

The dark, calm waters of Lake Eredruie , a large pond at the headwaters of the Glaemril in the forests of northwestern Deepingdale, have long been held to be sacred to Labelas by the Fair Folk. Kin who immerse themselves in the lake's waters can add years to their lifespan, although the magic or the waters only works once A flask of Lake Eredruie water acts as a potion of healing on elves and half-elves only, but loses its potency if mixed with any other liquid or substance.

The Teu-Tel'Quessir of the neighboring village of Velethuil, known to humans as Bristar, have long venerated the Lifegiver at the Treespnng of Eredruie, a natural spring that bubbles forth from a hollow in the upper trunk of a hiexel and runs down the side of a tree to feed the neighboring Lake Eredruie The Treespnng is tended by an aged moon elf, Sorsasta Fernsong, rumored to have enchanted numerous elixirs of health, elixirs of youth, and potions of longevity from the potent waters.

Transcribed by Chronologian Nyora'yllrria of House Elle'evera in Luelithspar and Coronal of Myon 175AR


[[Edit: I edited some grammatical errors, I didn't write this but thought it'd be a wonderful addition.]]

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:08 pm

Siluvanede, the Lament of Telardon
[This book is of simple stock, bound in tried dark leather with a delicate small motif of a silver griffon pressed to its spine; words written in Espruar of the Elves.]

The realm of Siluvanede was established in the High Forest with dangerous ideals stemming from the sentiment of Ar'Tel'Quessir supremacy.

Siluvanedenn prohibited settling of any other tribes of the Elves but those of the Sun, and sparse visitations from others were closely regulated.

Siluvanede's predecessor Aryvandaar fell to fiendish corruption, intrigue, games of power and conquest leading to its destruction and loss of countless Elven lives.

Siluvanedenn desired to raise a new high kingdom of Elven might such as Aryvandaar used to be.

In their fear for what befell to People of Aryvandaar, and fretful of the judgment the Coronal of Arvandor once leveled onto Ilythiiri tribe, now known as Dhaeraow [Traitors], Siluvanedenn rebuked worship of the Seldarine and lived godless lives. No temple was raised in their name.

It eventually came to light Siluvanede's core and its People had fallen under the sway of demonic corruption not dissimilar to the rot of the Spider Queen and fallen Aryvandaar.

Two younger realms within the High Forest, Earlann and Sharrven, fought later to stop the expansion, wrongness, and hostility of Siluvanede.

Long and bloody conflict came to be known as the Seven Citadel's War in our history. Heroes of the Seldarine triumphed and Siluvanede was annexed by the victors.

This is a tale told of two Siluvanedenn champions -- one remained, while the other left during the war to oppose his homeland.

Countless tragedies of similar bearings could be penned from this era.

"The Lament of Telardon"

"When the sundown feels far
and the sky shines too bright,
it casts all in fretful miasma.
Spiraling spires stare down onto the branches
and woodland scorched.

What fear is there is in my heart,
what dread is there is aflame in my breast.
What horror chokes the air
is within me.
We godless, we tall,
there are no eyes to see far enough.

Ah, do you recall the once mighty Aryvandaar!
The legends and the songs, the laments and monodies.
What pride is there is in my heart,
but what can unmake the cost of the loss?

I have eyes but I cannot conquer the distance;
not through the striking razors of morn wrought glare.
I know you are there,
my brother,
under the sea of violent banners of Earlann.

To you they spelled liberation then,
and now,
bring doom onto emerald spires we once stood upon.
Did I tell you not to travel so far
and forsake me?
Did you not beg me to come alongside
and afar?
What remains of us?

I remain for us, the People,
and for the might that ring shrill notes of greatness,
for the valor surpassed by nothing else but the lost Aryvandaar!
If you look upon this fortress will you sight me,
as distant as I find you from the sea of men.

If I knew prayers to find Arvandor I'd speak them,
I'd beseech a fast finality for me,
for you I'd beg for it.
The skyline is darkened by wide wings,
so cold by the cruel flash of the lance.

See you not my plight and my troth!
Hear you not the whisper and the war cry?
The grace and the curse,
the silenced cry and exultation?
Clear in my mind I yet behold you.
for it's carved in visions; sure and true.

Would you pierce me like I'd pierce you,
for the betrayal and falsity?
What is there that you can see and tell,
that I cannot glimpse?
We stand in rightness, we sons of Siluvanede,
we nobles of Telardon!
Scions of Aryvandaar!

Come near anew and be humbled,
just as through your words you humbled and scorned me,
called us in question! -
and laid judgment that is not for you to declare!
Yet there is pain in my heart
and there is sorrow,
and I fear.

The horns of Earlann ring high and clear,
and I hear this still while I cannot sunder the steel and smoke.
Come near so I see you!
Come close so you can admit regret
and be forgiven.
I'd embrace your return if you'd seek it in this toll of battle,
true son of Telardon!

I weep no tears, for those fell so long ago
like rain.
If only you could know what I keep for this realm!
I plead, come now,
and stand upon the towers of emerald like I.
Cruelty of the Seldarine has misled you!
The only truth is I, and this kingdom of the fair!

Heed not the fate of Earlann!
Think of the summer days, easy days,
when no blood seeped into soil and painted rivers red.
The wind will clear what ruin there lie,
just as our heights would never fade.

These thoughts I muster throughout this last day,
and as shadows grow far below and near above -
once more the drums of Earlann bellow.

Ah, the sundown is so near
and its veil shall fall,
and if will you, so shall I,
but righteous spirit will never die.
If I had faith I would pray,
but that will never be.

Speak the last rhymes and notes afoul,
and honor the distant gods!
I, the proud son of Siluvanede bid you farewell,
and from this final night I'll find you.

I dread."

Author's note: So it came to be the godless city of emerald spires, Telardon, in the realm of Siluvanede of the People of the Sun, was defeated after the show of might by neighboring Earlanni and Sharrven forces; punished and decimated due the corruption and darkness nested in its heart - while it was not the decisive conclusion sought in vastness of the war itself.

Midsummer 168 AR,
by Dark Avenger Karathas.


[[Edit: I thought this was good to include because it talks about a mainland elven realm]]

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:16 pm

A Navigational Guide to the Deep Wells, Vol. I-IV

Written by Konstantin Helbrecht in AR 170.

Volume I - Introduction

Let it be said that those who long for the unknown and exhibit a deep desire to explore even the most inhospitable places this isle has to offer do continue reading at their own peril. What knowledge could this collection of tomes hold that leaves its dear readers so imperiled, you might ask? The contents of these pages are filled with detailed accounts of the authors travels through the Deep Wells and as such, the descriptions herein might rob the intrepid explorer of the satisfaction of discovering the marvelous sights that lie below for themselves. After all - is wonder when stumbled upon by accident not worth more than chasing a wondrous tale, only to be left disappointed? Alas, this is not the only peril these pages hold. Let it be said that the Deep Wells are an incredibly dangerous place. If those that dwell below do not pose a challenge... starvation, dehydration and insanity might, if one loses their way to stumble in the darkness for weeks. Do not let these accounts inspire you to delve below if you are either inexperienced or ill-prepared.

Having spoken of these dangers, the author will now speak of how to properly prepare for a trip to the Deep Wells. Ample supply of both food and water as well as bandages to tend to any injury are mandatory for longer trips. If you do get lost, finding your way back out is your foremost concern - you do not wish it replaced by having to worry about finding drinkable water and edible food in the winding paths below. Luckily, even the easily lost and navigationally impaired can dramatically increase their chances of a safe return by purchasing a Rod of Recall from the High Delver in the caves below the Elven District of Guldorand. The author not only highly recommends doing so, but also advises to keep at least a few spares on your person at all times - individuals with less foresight you might encounter below will be very thankful for them. Other than these basic supplies the acquisition of a lasso and a suitable length of rope for climbing is also highly recommended. There are a lot of shortcuts and otherwise inaccessible paths the skilled climber may utilise to make their traversal of the underground maze easier. But what of those who lack the finesse? Lack the strength of arm? Those corpulent and rotund? Do not despair, for even the layman might climb with a moderate measure of safety, provided preparations were made and fitting tools acquired. Such tools are popular with those that scale the slopes of the Dark Spires and can readily be purchased at their Base Camp. Lastly, the author would be remiss to not mention every adventurer's steady companions - wards, be it in the form of magic cast by your own skill, wands, scrolls or potions. The descent can be a lengthy endeavor and you should be well-supplied.

Now that the author has spoken of preparation the matter of gaining entry remains. Four points of ingress present themselves:

  1. A passage from the caves West of the Freeport
  2. A passage from the Guldorand Catacombs
  3. A passage from the Crypts of Soulhaven
  4. A passage from the Kenku Hideout beneath the Freeports Store House

The first two options are recommended for the novice explorer lacking experience traversing the Deep Wells. The third option is manageable yet leads to a place that could present a moderate to high amount of danger for the ill-prepared. The last option leads deeper into the Deep Wells than the other three and a perilous climb down a rope is required to arrive safely at the bottom - it is only recommended for those certain of their skill. Where exactly these points of ingress lead and more importantly - how to venture forth and ever deeper - will be described in detail in Volume II. For now, go forth and dip your hopefully well-armoured toes in the murky waters of the upper approaches of the Deep Wells. If you think yourself prepared and experienced enough, that is.

The author takes no responsibility for physical injury ranging from minor scratches to serious mutilations or, in the most severe cases - death - that are suffered while either trying to reach or traversing the Deep Wells. The author further takes no responsibility for insanity or other mental conditions that arise from getting lost in the Deep Wells for a considerable amount of time. Entering is your personal choice. You do so at your own peril.

Volume II - The Long Fall

The first layer of the Deep Wells, henceforth referred to as The Long Fall by the author, largely consists of a set of pathways made of stone that loom over the abyssal darkness below. Step safely, for the layer is aptly named and a slip of the foot will lead to much time for contemplation of your mistake on the way tumbling down. You may find four distinct areas on this layer which the author will describe in the following passages.

"The Descent" is where you will find yourself if you enter the Deep Wells through the cave near the Freeport. Its winding paths are filled with a plethora of animated weaponry as well as a mix of Gargoyles and Margoyles. You will find yourself in the South-West of "The Descent" upon entry and will have to move to the East if you wish to make your way deeper into the subterranean labyrinth. To the North-East you will find passage to more stone pathways and platforms, this time carved by sentient hands, that house a vile cult dedicated to the end of times. To the South-East you will find passage to an area similar to "The Descent", however, do have a regular look over your shoulder here for you are being watched.

"The Cult of the End Times" is where you will find yourself if you either advance North-East from "The Descent", or if you enter the Deep Wells through the Soulhaven Crypts. In the former case you will find yourself in the South-East of "The Cult of the End Times". In the latter case you will find yourself in the North-East. As previously explained, the area is infested with vile Cultists that seek nothing but your blood. Tread with caution, for among the ranks of the cultists are not only those martially inclined, but apt spellcasters as well. If you wish to descend even further, you need to make your way to the South-West where a passage down to the "Fungal Garden" (the main area of interest of the next volume) is located.

"The Watchers in the Dark" is where you will find yourself after exiting "The Descent" via the South-Eastern passage. A large tomb lurks in its very centre, which is accessible if you take the path running along the Southern part of this area. The path running along the Western and Northern side of this area will lead to an exit (or entrance, depending) in the North-East that will allow access to the Guldorand Catacombs. You will find more animated weaponry as well as Mar- and Gargoyles here. But beware, the area is also heavily trapped, though these traps are easily spotted since they are suspended overhead on the narrow pathways. Inside of the central tomb you will be presented with two options to advance further, once the resident of the tomb has been slain (beware of their magic and remember to bring abjurative magic). The rope dangling down into the darkness will require some effort to climb down and will lead to the "Fungal Garden". The staircase will lead underneath the tomb, where another cult seems to have taken root.

"The Dragon Cult" is where you will find yourself after exiting "The Watchers in the Dark" through the staircase in the central tomb. These old halls are infested by dragon cultists, wyrmlings and dragonkin. You will find many a pillar to climb up on here, all leading back to somewhere on the pathways of "The Watchers in the Dark". In the North of this area you will find a passage that leads down into the "Fungal Garden".

Despite "The Long Fall" being the first layer of the Deep Wells, do not underestimate its dangers. As the first volume of this series mentioned - preparation is key. This fact holds true in even greater measures as we delve even further down into the labyrinthine complex of caves and tunnels. The next of which will be the "Fungal Garden", detailed in Volume III.

Volume III - The Fungal Garden

The second layer of the Deep Wells, henceforth referred to as "The Fungal Garden" by the author, largely consists of a labyrinthine cave system. . Its winding paths and the need to often ascend or descend through its individual areas make navigation on this layer extremely difficult. If any layer of the Deep Wells can truly be called a maze, "The Fungal Garden" is it. You may find eight distinct areas on this layer which the author will describe in the following passages. Due to the maze-like nature of the layer, these descriptions will be very general. However, seeing how these tomes are a navigational guide to the Deep Wells, the paragraphs following the descriptions will outline paths to points of interest located in "The Fungal Garden" as well as a path down towards the deepest layer of the Deep Wells, "The Darkroot". Stray from these described paths at your own risk and, if you decide to do so, always carry a Rod of Recall.

  1. "The Spore Infestation"
    A straightforward area. A lot of interconnected tunnels, but not much in the way of blocking travel into any direction. As the name suggests, "The Spore Infestation" is populated with living plants that have been infected by fungi as well as sentient clouds of deadly spores.

  2. "The Serpents Cavern"
    A part of an underground system of lakes and rivers. This area is infested with Naga and Weave Eaters. Of note in this area is the exit located in the South-East, which leads back to the Kenku hideout underneath the store house in the Freeport. If you can make the climb, that is.

  3. "The Dampclaw Caves"
    This area is split into two parts. A Western and a North-Eastern part, which are separated by a chasm. This chasm can only be overcome by a well-aimed throw of a lasso. Infesting these caves are a large number of Meenlocks. The different types of corrupted Fey are able to caste a wide range of magic, so be prepared for the worst.

  4. "The Underground River"
    This area is where the maze-like character of "The Fungal Garden" really begins to show. A lot of winding pathways that lead to other areas. Inhabitants include slimes, cave stirges and animated stone wandering the tunnels.

  5. "The Grove Approach"
    An area very similar to "The Underground River" both in its inhabitants as well as in its structure. Access points to The Underground Grove are located here.

  6. "The Underground Grove"
    A marvellous sight to behold. As the name does suggest, this is an inhabited grove inside of a cave system. The area is not very large, but the Treants dwelling here are everything but friendly and will attack in great numbers. Do not trust the man in the tent.

  7. "The Jungle Approach"
    An area that distinguishes itself by its many winding pathways again. However, the Grey Renders and Corrupted Grey Renders that dwell here can pose a significant challenge if they attack in numbers. Beware of their claws. Access points to "The Underground Jungle" are located here.

  8. "The Underground Jungle"
    A thick forest inhabited by strange reptilians that are extremely aggressive. They employ flying shock troops as well as magics. Beware of not becoming either food or sacrifice for their ritual site.

==The Path to "The Darkroot"==
To reach the deepest layer of the Deep Wells, descend from the South-West of "The Cult of the End Times" into "The Fungal Garden". You will find yourself in the South of "The Grove Approach", follow the only path leading North from here. This path will lead to the South-East of "The Underground River" from where you will travel East. This leads you back to "The Grove Approach", close to where you first exited it. Head down South and take the passage back to "The Underground River". From here, only one path remains to take, which will lead you to "The Jungle Approach". Follow the tunnel you will find yourself in and take a left as soon as possible. You will arrive at the looming stairway down towards "The Darkroot". How to navigate "The Darkroot" will be the topic of the next volume.

==The Path to "The Underground Jungle"==
To reach this particular area, descend down the rope you will find in the central tomb of "The Watchers in the Dark" in "The Long Fall". You will find yourself in the North-Eastern part of "The Grove Approach". Follow the tunnel going West and take the first turn South you can. Take the pathway ahead to a very small section of "The Underground River" which will leave you with only one way to progress. Taking that route will lead you to "The Jungle Approach". From here, simply follow the tunnel first to the East, then down South. At its end lies the path to "The Underground Jungle".

==The Path to "The Underground Grove"==
Descend from the North of "The Dragon Cult" in "The Long Fall" down into "The Spore Infestation". Traverse the area towards the North-Western corner and enter "The Serpents Cavern". While "The Serpents Cavern" can also be reached from the Kenku Hideout in the store house of the Freeport, this path is not recommended due to the perilous nature of the climb downwards. Once in "The Serpents Cavern", make your way to the North-West and take the boat that is anchored there to reach "The Underground River". Once you emerged there, go as far to the North-East as possible while ignoring the first staircase you come across. In the North-Eastern corner of "The Underground River" you will find a few connected passages to follow that will keep you in the area, ultimately leading to a fairly central spot. Take the pathway at this central spot to reach "The Jungle Approaches". From where you emerge, wander to the South-West and venture through more connected passageways, making your way slightly up North-East afterwards to find another pathway. Taking this pathway will lead you to "The Underground River" again. Here you will take a right, wandering East first, then looking around while following the tunnel to ultimately end up in the South-Western corner. The path ahead takes you to the South-Western corner of "The Grove Approach". From here it is only a short walk to the East and you will find the entrance to "The Underground Grove".

Volume IV - The Darkroot

The third and last layer of the Deep Wells, henceforth referred to as "The Darkroot" by the author, largely consists of a set of seemingly petrified root bridges. Luckily, this layer sheds the maze-like property that was prevalent in "The Fungal Garden". You may find seven distinct areas on this layer which the author will describe in the following passages.

"The Maw" is where you will find yourself if you entered from "The Jungle Approaches" in "The Fungal Garden". The area itself is overrun by a host of demons, so bring blessed weaponry if you are able. Entering from "The Jungle Approaches", you will find yourself in the Northern part of the area. The South-South-West has an exit towards "The Horned Tree" while the South-South-East holds a passage to "The Crossroads". The most important landmark in this area is the Maw itself, which can be found in the South-Western corner. Find some respite in the encampment that was set up here (if it still exists at the time of your reading of this tome) and prepare for a hard descent. Climbing gear is highly recommended to make this perilous climb a success.

"The Crystal Falls" is where you will find yourself after descending the rope in the South-Western part of "The Maw". As the name would suggest, this area is home to crystal golems. They are hardy, so bring adequate weaponry. Other than that, there is not much to say about this area. It is a dead end. However, you will find no more beautiful place in the entirety of the Deep Wells. If you have a significant other that is capable of survival up to this point, I highly recommend bringing them for a romantic outing.

"The Horned Tree" is where you will find yourself after taking the path located in the South-South-West of "The Maw". This area is, again, infested with demons. Prepare appropriately. The namesake of the area is located in its very centre. Here you will also find a piece of rope in an alcove that allows you to climb back up to "The Jungle Approach". Be wary, however, I have never been able to make the trip back down via the grappling hook on the other end."The Crossroads" is where you will find yourself after taking the South-South-Western path in "The Maw". You will arrive in the East of the area. Beware of the Malaugrym and Cloakers that dwell here. Especially the latter are very eager to swoop in from above to ambush travelers that lack vigilance. There are two exits located in the East. One of them straight East, the other South-East. Both lead to "The Long Walk". If you are skillful with a lasso, you may also create a shortcut to the Northern path that will lead to "Doom's Passage" in the North-West and "The Drakeroost" in the North-East.

"The Long Walk" is where you will find yourself after leaving "The Crossroads" through the Eastern paths. Again, beware of both Malaugrym and Cloakers. In the South-Western corner you will find a path back to "The Dampclaw Caves" in "The Fungal Garden". To the North you will find a path to a small area in "The Drakeroost". The area itself is aptly named, since especially the way North will require traversal of some winding paths, making the journey through longer than one would imagine.

"The Drakeroost" is the most perilous of all the areas in the Deep Wells. You will find yourself in the South-South-West of it after entering from "The Long Walk". The leaders of the Dragonkin located here are well-suited to shrug off blows and cast a variety of powerful magic, including Word of Faith. There are two ways forward. One, you traverse the small area and head back to "The Crossroads" in the South-Western corner. Two, you make a well-aimed lasso throw and climb over to the main area of "The Drakeroost". Once you arrived in the main area, prepare for more powerful Dragonkin that are guarding an Ancient Black Dragon that roosts in the North-Eastern corner. Its lair holds riches, but the fight is going to be a tough one, especially when numerous Dragonkin are also involved. The last exit is in the North-West of the area and leads to "Doom's Passage".

"Doom's Passage" is a somewhat mountainous area infested with devils. Beware, for not only Pit Fiends but also Juggernauts roam these wastes. You will find yourself in the South if you entered from "The Crossroads". Making your way up North and then East, you will find an exit to the main area of "The Drakeroost".

Congratulations. If you have made it to all the locations mentioned in this and the previous volumes, you have seen all the sights the Deep Wells have to offer. You are a veteran of the deep now. The author recommends that, if you did not have your fill of exploration yet, you explore some of the paths in "The Fungal Garden" that were not explicitly mentioned in the previous volume. Alas, to avoid getting lost, a rod of recall is highly recommended, as always. Who knows? An earthquake or other natural or unnatural phenomena might collapse some of this cavernous network while also opening other paths in the future. The author strongly believes that behind the mossy walls and below the ragged stone walkways of the Deep Walls, more secrets are yet to be uncovered.


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 7:17 pm

Conclave Lecture: Fey and What Not to Say

Taught by Jacob Swift and Angela Amana with assistance from pixie Lizzie, on the 10th of Kythorn, 160 AR.
Lesson summary written by Garrett Kelson.

To begin, it is important to understand the difference between the two feyish courts, the Summer Court and the Winter Court. Also known as the Seelie and Unseelie.

The Summer Court is generally regarded as the more benign of the two, as they have no real interest in mortals. Indeed, if you are not pure fey they more or less disregard you.

The Winter Court is far more welcoming to those that have mixed heritage, but they tend to view mortals as novelties, playthings, or useful tools. It should be noted that the Summer Court does the same occasionally.

Both Courts follow an almost inscrutable code of laws. Fey who fail to follow said laws will lead to, depending on how bad the infraction is, a loss of standing, up to death. These laws only apply to fey. In cases where a mortal wrongs a fey, the fey tend to leave mortals in a state that makes them crave death. This will be covered in depth later.

Fey do not follow the same lines of logic that mortals do, they are very literal. As a hypothetical situation, a bard whom plays beautiful music is melancholy, his lover has been conscripted and marches off to war. A fey finds the bard, inquiring what is wrong, as it enjoys his music. He says that he fears he shall never feel the warmth of his beloved's lips ever again. The fey offers to ensure he has what he wishes, if he promises to play music for it. The bard agrees wholeheartedly. The fey then delivers a pair of lips into his hand. His beloved's. The fey does not quite understand why this upsets him so, this is what he wanted after all. And she granted him a boon. In regards to the example, the pixie Lizzie said she would have simply turned him into a replica of his lover, so he can just kiss himself. In both cases, the interpretation is literal.

Thus, fey boons are potentially dangerous things to mortals. Either being gifted one, or owing a fey a favor.

When owing a favor to a fey, if the fey likes the person in question, they may request something mostly benign. If the fey thinks the person owing the favour is amusing, they might ask for an impossible task, waiting to see the person's reaction. If the fey does not like the person in question, they will take what they want and leave the person in a state worse than death.

Fey usually can only bring powers to bear against a mortal if the mortal breaks fey rules, or if the mortal is in their domains. Mind powers does not cover the idea of tricks or pranks. Though almost all tricks or pranks are undoable.

It is important to understand etiquette when interacting with feys. Firstly, to fey, names are power. One should avoid giving them a full name if at all possible. Titles usually function safely. Giving a fey a name may mean that the fey will treat it as being given a great gift. The fey may feel forced to owe a favor, which fey generally dislike. It is best to introduce oneself with a nickname, or a title.

Then, ask what the fey wishes to be known as. One should avoid asking a fey what their name is, as it is akin to asking them to tell who they are and how to control them. Names hold power, and thus if they gifted you such a thing, you would owe them a massive favor in turn.

In demonstration, Jacob asked Lizzie what she would like to be called. She replied Lizzie, Sorceress Extraordinaire, Summer Courtier, and Humble Servant of Our Radiant Queen Titania. But just Lizzie will do.

Names can change, depending on the fey's whims, but they will generally hold to the name they pick per encounter. Lizzie agreed, saying depending on her mood she goes by Lizzie, Liza, or Lina.
Fey that come to enjoy the presence of mortals, usually minor fey, will accept a "name" and stick to it, for the benefit of their friends.

Fey do not hold to the idea of gender. They shift and change as their whims strike them. One of the reasons why they hate true names is that the act of using a true name can force them to stay in a form they detest.

There are a few things one can do to better ensure that no harm will come to them when interacting with a fey. Should a fey come to visit, gift them bread and salt. This makes the gifter a host, and the fey a visitor. Thus there are certain rules that must be followed. A host is polite and ensures the safety of those they are hosting, and the guest does not harm the host, following the rules for their home.

Lizzie added that fey also like cream, and suggested people leave little cups of it for their fairy neighbours. Cream is to fey what alcohol is to mortals.

Small gifts may lead to the fey either deciding to avoid the gifter's home during a prank, or deter impending danger towards the gifter should they notice it coming. Such a small gift rarely demands a proper boon be granted, but care should still be taken.

As an example, consider the fairy tale of a cobbler who always left a bit of cream out for the fair folk. Growing sick, he was unable to mend the shoes he needed to earn his living. The fey, hearing of his misfortune gathered together several other smaller fey, and overnight while he slept, they worked to complete his orders. When he awoke he found his shop immaculate and all his orders done. This continued every night until he was well enough to work again. The only time he managed to see what was happening was one night where he pretended to sleep, only to peek out through the crack of his door, and saw many small figures working on his shoes.

Another important fey rule, if a fey comes bearing gifts, give them a gift in return. This is both polite, and ensures they do not leave feeling as though a gift is owed in return. Lizzie added that it doesn't have to be a physical gift. Sometimes some sort of act of kindness, knowledge, or just a good joke will suffice. But it has to be a really good one.

While the Summer and Winter courts both somewhat regard mortals as novelties, it should also be noted that the Winter Court is far more willing to grant their powers to mortals. Said agreements usually require the one being granted the power to give up something, usually a cruelly ironic loss.

As an example, Angela had a friend who was known as An'Daerath. He sought to raise the city of Myth Drannor, a lost elven city, from its state. He sought out the gods, the devils, whatever entities might hear him. He got nothing from any. One responded though, the Queen of Air and Darkness, the head of the Unseelie Court and the antithesis of every good fey. She would give him the knowledge of how to raise the city, in exchange for him building her a Mythallar. Building a Mythallar is now impossible, banished by Mystra after Karsus' Folly. Regardless, An'Daerath accepted the offer. He was even allowed to use the Queen's library, which contained knowledge on how to create a Mythallar. Try as he might, all of his attempts failed.
And the Queen gave him his end of the bargain in the process of giving him knowledge of how to make a Mythallar: He could raise the city with a Mythallar. That was the answer he sought, it didn't matter that it was impossible.
Since he was not able to fulfill his part of the bargain, she was then permitted by her rules to take that which is most dear to him at a later date. Eventually the Queen claimed the debt, what An'Daerath valued most was his free will. She took that from him, and in a process of being encased in a sort of ice cocoon, he was transformed into a sort of fey creature, his feyish features of his elven form quite exaggerated. He became a threat by his words and actions, and Angela was forced to destroy him.

The tale is a warning to never pact with fey. The summer Court is more benign, but even they have been known to have situations arise where for the novelty of it, one of their "toys" end up being disposed of in a rather horrific manner. That is to say, horrific to a mortal, because the feys do not think like mortals and what they find amusing can be quite morbid.

Another fey rule, saying "thank you" to a fey implies a deal is done, and a debt may or may not be owed. It is usually safer to ask if something is agreeable before finalizing it with a "thank you," or depending on the fey not wanting too much attention, saying "I am glad it came to be this way" or something similar.
Fey can be friendly, and even friends. Care however must be taken to ensure safety due to the various fey rules and agreements so arcane it would take lifetimes to catalogue them all. Supposedly even some fey don't actually know all of their rules.

Attempting to keep fey out of somewhere might work on minor fey, but will be viewed as "quaint" or "rude" by more powerful fey. It is usually better to meet with them as their host, find out what they seek or desire, and work from there. It's better to know what they want rather than blindly trying to keep them out. With that said, a cold iron horseshoe hung over the main entry of a house will deter almost all minor fey. Point it upwards for good luck.

In summary, the hosting ritual will allow a person to safely speak with a fey, as a guest. Breaking such an old sign of friendship is possible, but doing so would no doubt lead to severe consequences.

If they bring gifts, give one in turn. It need not be a physical gift, it may be knowledge, a kindness, or a good joke.

Fey are mysterious creatures that are both very literal, and do not think how mortals do. Consider fairy tales and folklore, you can see hints of fey actions in them, even if the tales have been warped over time.

Beware the Unseelie. While Seelie fey might be more upfront, Unseelie fey often rely on a lack of understanding in order to carry out their plots and use people how they will. Just because a fey acts friendly, don't assume that they are. An Unseelie can be uncharacteristically polite and even forthcoming with aid, but will expect the debt to be repaid.

And never pact with fey. It might be possible to break the pact, but doing so often involves giving the fey something even more novel than oneself, which can be nigh impossible. And could result in unintended destruction and chaos due to the Unseelie court finding novelty in breaking things and explosions.

Student questions:
Why do some fey choose to become familiars to arcanists?

Their reasons vary. Sometimes a minor favour is owed, or pixies or faerie dragons may seek to observe mortals. Being nigh immortal means they have seen quite a lot, and thus novel experiences are quite stimulating. In this case, serving a relatively short lived mortal for a few decades will be interesting to watch and observe, perhaps even fun, and ultimately there's no long term harm to them. It would be difficult to actually enslave a feyish creature, the only way to do it would be through invoking the fey's true name.

Are iron alloys corrosive to the skin of fey?

Cold iron, yes. Lizzie said she also finds regular iron uncomfortable enough to deter her, but it wouldn't necessarily stop her.
Jacob added that the most iron would do is annoy a fey. And an annoyed fey is a vindictive fey.

How should one proceed if they are challenged to a duel by a fey, in a contest of wit, skill, or magical aptitude?

Denying the challenge might be an offense, although one may be spared if they make it clear their refusal is not out of any rudeness, but more out of how the fey is clearly more capable, and thus one would be insulting the fey simply by trying.

Lizzie said sometimes fey are just giving people a chance to earn their respect.

If you do win, don't rub it in their faces. Losing is bad enough, losing to a poor winner is humiliating and will result in being added to a list. Don't be added to a list if it can be helped. It is said "may you live in interesting times" is a curse, and if a fey has their eyes upon an individual, they will see that come to pass. Interesting times, for good or ill.

An old tale tells of a man going into the mountains, and finding the fey playing a game. The game varies from telling to telling, one claims it was a game where they rolled a ball down a wooden pathway, striking pins and resulting in a massive thunderclap. The man was welcomed as a friend and enjoyed himself, and imbibed some of their liquor. When he awoke, fifty years had passed.

However, be aware old folklore can only go so far. Indeed most folklore are in someway tied to fey. Sometimes their own telling, thinking it humorous to see how much the gullible mortals will actually believe. Other times, simply wanting to talk of a well done prank or jape. But keeping the details sparse enough to leave room for wonder.


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:11 pm

A History of the Underdark

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 175 AR

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


I have found the Underdark of Arelith to be as mystifying as it is vast. With an intricate history to challenge that of any surface location, even I have found it vexing to accurately record every alteration that has occurred within this sunless domain. Therefore, I have chosen to compile this chronicle of the Underdark's major events so, at the very least, one might better understand the realm's current landscape and the explanations for its development.


- Izlude's Torment -
From a time unknown the Mind Flyers, also known as Illithid, of the Izlude's Torment colony have ruled a large subterranean kingdom in the deepest part of the Lowerdark. This hidden kingdom, reachable only via a tunnel complex known as 'The Vault,' continues to remain the Underdark's greatest menace. While little is understood about this particular settlement, we can conclude it is similar in construction to the Mind's Eye colony currently reachable from Arelith's Lowerdark. From our understanding of the Illithid society, we can hypothesize that an Ulitharid from Izlude's Torment likely established the Mind's Eye colony. This theory of course is speculation on the author's part, though one not without its merits.

- The City of Splendors -
The Shadow Dragon Mllikiek'zztts was recorded to have ruled over a city of splendors in the deep Lowerdark as described below from Ilmeth's Report:

"In ancient times, before Udos and Grond, a city of splendor gleamed in the night like a jeweled heart. It was a dark place, a brooding place. However it was beautiful in its darkness. The shades of shadow were like various curtains of non-light in the city. It was ruled by a shadow dragon named Mallikiek'zztts and her disciples were part shadow and part corporal."

The city would eventually grow decadent as the dragon's enemies grew in power and wormed their way into positions of influence. As a result, Mallikiek'zztts would ultimately be betrayed from within. This internal strife would destroy the city and lead to the dragon's banishment, with her remaining loyalists fleeing into the plane of shadow.


The town of Tollidor was brutally assaulted by the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment some 440 years before the founding of Urblexis Grond. The Illithids used slaves and Umber Hulks to rupture the earth benight the town, collapsing the settlement and dropping all its inhabitants into the Underdark. While most died in the event, those that survived were quickly enslaved.

Either by design or poor planning, the city of Tollidor collapsed atop the singular regional ingress point to a major junction of various caverns in the deep Lowerdark known locally as 'The Vault.'

While now mostly forgotten, the ruins of Tollidor remain near the current outpost of Saltspar, adjacent to the Crinti-occupied ruins of Elg'Nizrul, opposite the Great Scar from the city of Andunor. If visited one may still locate evidence of the island's past, including the sealed entrance to the subterranean 'The Vault' complex.


At some point in the millennia before 'The Cataclysm,' House Freth and House Claddath were exiled from Udos Dro'Xun after being declared renegade by the city at large, presumably due to non-conformity with the Temple of Lloth's orthodoxy. The two Houses, on conditions and terms of their exile, resettled into opposing facilities constructed within a large cavern dubbed 'The Vault.' From within this cavity the primary entrance to the deep Lowerdark was situated and secured by the construction of a massive gate sealed with two great locks. This cavern complex was only reachable via a straight descent of several hundred meters from an entrance located in the fallen city of Tollidor.

Each of the Exile Houses possessed keys to only one of the gate's locks, and in their state of hostility with the Underdark at large and active war with each other, it was believed that both locks of the Vault's Seal would never be opened. Thus, the grave danger posed by the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment would be kept contained.


- Udos Dro'Xun -
The pinnacle of the Spider Queen's supremacy in Arelith, Udos Dro'Xun was constructed atop a sprawl of towering stone pillars straddling a huge subterranean abyss. Interconnected with suspension bridges and breathtaking architecture, the city served as the heart of regional drow culture under a rigid, dogmatic Lolthite orthodoxy. It is believed that geographic and religious inflexibility contributed significantly, if indirectly, to its inevitable collapse. While the settlement would boast many landmarks of renown, the great magical clock tower, Temple of Lloth, and city gates inscribed with the Laws of Lloth were the most notable.

- Urblexis Grond -
The settlement of Urblexis Grond was founded by refugees following 'The Great Banishment' of 20 AR. An event that forced the various monstrous races of the surface to be driven into the Underdark. While little is written of the city's architecture, copious records of the settlement's achievements remain. Of these accounts, those of the renowned svirfneblin Skeflock, first to hold the title of Tyrant over territory after being elected in 29 AR, and of the famed Oogooboogoo goblin clans formation are most significant.

- Bonefields & Obsidian Asylum -
Hundreds of years before its discovery in 30 AR by Urblexis Grond forces, the liches Jhaerem and Mohrk would spend half a millennium whittling away their tedium playing 'Blue Orbs' in the area known today as the Bonefields. In this game, two blue orbs were placed at opposite ends of a giant cavern to be fought over by undead armies. The magics in the orbs compelling the undead to defend them. Now just a barren field of bones, the Blue Orbs have weakened to be nearly harmless over eons.

For whatever reasons, the pair eventually grew tired of this game and relocated to the deep Lowerdark beneath 'The Vault.' Before departing however, they constructed the Obsidian Asylum near their preferred playground. This bastion of complex conundrums continues to tempt the courageous and desperate alike with its promises of forbidden knowledge. A fitting memento from a pair known to enjoy such sadistic games.


- The Dark Bazaar: 33 AR -
A great trade fair to improve relations between the two settlements was held in Udos Dro'Xun by the Urblexis Grond Trade Guild.

- Grondian & Wharftown War: 35 AR -
Skeflock, The Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, sent an army to siege Wharftown. Bendir's Captain Biad Scheppen would launch a counterattack, forcing the svirneblin's army to retreat into the Underdark.

- Battle of Gambler's Bluff: 35 AR -
A large Underdark army, led by Skeflock the svirfneblin Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, seized the small palisade fort on Gambler's Bluff for nearly a week in an attempt to create a surface outpost. The Underdark force eventually withdrew after repeated counterattacks from a Cordorian coalition army.

- Mllikiek'zztts Revenge: 39 AR -
The Shadow Dragon Mllikiek'zztts, disguised as the gnome Zedeln, aids a traitorous drow in building a golem army to destroy the Lloth controlled city of Udos Dro'Xun and install a Sorcery led government. However, the plot is uncovered by the Urblexis Grond Tyrant Skeflock. Working together with the First Ilharess Ulath'Taller, the two settlements confront and defeat the threat.

- Second Grondian War: 42 AR -
The drow Matron Oblodra Dra'Kaa declares war against Urblexis Grond after tensions between the two settlements boil over. As the war progresses with no end in sight Murag, who replaced Skeflock as Tyrant of Urblexis Grond prior to the conflict, resigns and the kobold Orn Gixi comes to power. The conflict quickly ends with Urblexis' surrender and vassalage to Udos Dro'Xun. A rebellion, led by the newly elected Tyrant svirfneblin Satho Cradfoot, rises to free the city from drow control. Hostilities again resume as the uprising takes hold. In response, a large force from Udo Dro'Xun assaults the city, forcing their way inside the gates after a bloody battle against the rebels to ransack the settlement and put down the city's revolt. Regardless of the victory, political turmoil within the drow city of Udos Dro'Xun, mixed with the population's general fatigue over the conflict, leads to a truce between the drow houses and the insurgents. Unfortunately for Urblexis Grond, the agreement did little to change the settlement's subjugation to the drow, only managing to end the bloodshed. Afterward, the rebel leader Satho Cradfoot and close allies were exiled from the settlement for their part in the revolt following the next election.

- Baator's Awakening: 53 AR -
The First Matron of Udos Dro'Xun, Oblodra of House Drak'aa, mobilized a combined force to breach eight scattered gateways leading to the realm of Baator. Her plan to infiltrate the Nine Hells and seal the ways was sabotaged from within by the kobolds Vippin and Orn Gixi, who instead desired the gates remain open. The Matron's attempt ultimately failed as a result.


In a deliberate act of war and prelude to future invasions the Illithid of Izlude's Torment, sited within the deep Lowerdark, launched a massive psionic attack against the settlements of Urblexis Grond and Udos Dro'xun in 61 AR damaging both cities. Great tremors would pummel the Underdark from this event, destroying or modifying many passages and caverns. The attack would also weaken the great gate located within 'The Vault,' which helped contain their threat.


- Pit Town -
After the collapse of the Underdark's two major settlements, survivors would gather in the 'Pit of a Thousand Sorrows' after the discovery of a latent anti-psionic anomaly in the area. With help from others, a drow mage managed to establish an advanced psionic shield, further protecting the region. A curious side effect of the area's ward would make any attempt to harm another within the settlement impossible. Refugees soon immigrated to the newly formed town with the Nineth Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, Vippin, claiming the title of Regent to become the first elected leader in 62 AR.

- Udos Dro'Xun Ruins -
A large number of drow would return to the ruins of the settlement to rebuild their lost empire. While never returning the city to its former glory, they did achieve a reasonable level of success in the endeavor.

- Urblexis Grond Ruins -
The goblin clan Oogooboogoo returns to the former settlement in an attempt to build a new realm among the ruins. They met with far less success than their drow counterparts.

- Foundation of Blingstonhold -
After 'The Cataclysm,' the deep gnome Permistone would lead the svirfneblin survivors from Urblexis Grond to the entrance of Blingstonhold which had been uncovered by the shifting of the Underdark's tunnels to establish a new settlement in 62 AR. This haven for the deep gnomes would be later renamed 'The Great Grotto' in more modern times.


- Pit Town & Udos War: 76 AR -
Udos Dro'Xun and Pit Town enter into a conflict that results in the fall of the drow House Zar'Rocc.

- Udos & Blingstonhold Wars: 78 AR -
In a campaign to secure total control of the Underdark, the drow of Udos Dro'Xun moved to subjugate the various settlements in the area. This doctrine would lead to the First and Second War between Udos Dro'xun and Blingstonhold. However, the diplomatic maneuvers of Fraya Stensamler, Regent of Blingstonhold, resulted in armistices being signed to end both conflicts.

- The Almost War: 79 AR -
The Ust'ilharess of Udos again gave an ultimatum to Blingstonhold to surrender or be destroyed. The Regent Fraya once again avoids conflict through successful diplomacy. However, the near war spurs the Regent into enacting a plan to secure Blingstonhold by destroying the cave entrance, which allowed unrestricted access to the settlement. The strategy was carried out by Fraya Stensamler using explosives gathered from Pit Town. While the plan was a success in securing Blingstonhold for svirfneblins, now only reachable via a magical portal, the political fallout resulted in Fraya stepping down as Regent. She would later dedicate her life to the Library of Andunor after the city's founding.


In a catastrophic event, believed to have been caused by a migrating brood of aboleths, floodwaters from the deep rose to swallow the Lowerdark around 96 AR. The settlements of Udos Dro'Xun, Urblexis Grond, and Pit Town are wholly submerged and lost. The denizens of the Underdark migrate up, away from the nearing danger to the higher ground of the Middledark. The noble House's Freth and Claddath evacuate 'The Vault' after sealing its Tollidor entrance and trapping the Mind Flayers of Izlude's Torment to a likely death below. Just as abruptly, the floodwaters receded after permanently altering the Underdark's landscape. To this day evidence of the event can be observed in the various waterlogged passageways and great subterranean aqueducts that grant access to surface oceans for seafaring vessels.


- Andunor -
Following 'The Deluge,' refugees journeyed with the remnants of Houses Freth and Claddath through the twisting caverns of Arelith to establish a new city in 96 AR. It is decided the settlement would be a trade city open to all, from which relations with the surface could be tempered. This commerce epicenter would be under the direct control of the mysterious 'Hub Master' and his independent Peacekeepers, both of which are detached from the Underdark's politics with a focus on trade and profit. To better accommodate the many diverse races now forced into cohabitation, which now included outcasts fleeing prosecution on the surface, the city was separated into districts around this central trade hub.

*Devil's Table*
The demonologists of House Freth chose to establish themselves as the de facto rulers of the Devil's Table District, allowing the local citizens the ability to elect their leaders under their oversight. This District would boast the city's Colosseum and Library.

In counter, the flesh crafters of House Claddath install themselves as the rulers of the Sharps District, also allowing the local citizens the ability to elect their leaders. Their District would host the Bank of Andunor, Orge Caves, and Communal Caves.

Construction of the port area was completed in 137 AR with the addition of an embassy. This building would mark the first time a foreign power had taken an interest in the affairs of Andunor. Later in 152 AR Greyport would officially become its own District, holding its first elections. The District would see massive renovations in 172 AR, which included the construction of the 'Red Tower.'

*Boral Keep*
Construction on Boreal Keep was completed in 141 AR, making it the new center for the Underdark's arcane learning. The Erudite Arcanum would soon grow to rival the Arcane Tower in knowledge, allowing its students unrestricted access to studies forbidden elsewhere.

- Treadstone locks -
Treadstone Locks, known before as the Underdark Shipyard, sees major reconstruction with the addition of shops, a tenement building, private homes, and a portal in 141 AR. While not as refined as other districts, the area lacks direct control from any authority, thus removing the worry of expulsion from its residents.

- Trade Post -
The Ogre Fist Trading Company established a new Trading Post within the Upperdark around 141 AR. While small, it offers its residents greater access to the surface and freedom from Andunor's oversight.

- Saltspar -
After undergoing massive reconstruction thanks to the monetary donations of the local citizens, the former small outpost became a significant holding of Andunor and was renamed 'Saltspar' in 168 AR.


- Minmir & Andunor War: 98 AR -
Dread Lord Vistigor Torkill, of the Minmir Church of Bane, attempts to secure control over the Sharps District through voter manipulation of a forthcoming election. His plan is exposed and contested by Matron Va'sarra of House Xun'viir. The two factions collide in a colossal battle within Andunor's Hub. Upon its conclusion, the Drow forces held the field and the Banites withdrew from the Underdark settlement.

- Setting An Example: 117 AR -
After an assault of a legionnaire by the blue wyrm Zeshyrr'kalik'straza, Rosenkranz III leader of the Second Dominion, marched his army to Andunor where they crucified the High Priest of the offending faction in the middle of the Hub. The one to hammer the nails in was none other than the famed 'Witch of Lies' Sydney Harrow, having recently just arrived on the island.

- First Illithid War: 126 AR -
In an echo of the past, House Freth and Claddath face off against each other in an ever-increasing arms race. Several minor skirmishes break out between their forces as Peacekeeper presence in the Hub doubles. Civil war appears imminent until scouts from the Iron Order of Elven Death bring word that floodwaters have receded, revealing the ruins of Udos Dro'Xun. Arakh, Son of Mog and leader of the Sharps District, spearheads an investigation. Upon arrival, they find forces from House Freth and Claddath decimating each other in a significant battle over control of the ruins. When the dust settles, the group discovers Illithids from the Izlude's Torment colony sifting over the remains.

The Great Threat from the 'The Vault' has returned.

Throughout events, it was discovered that the current Elder Brain of the colony was a young one, as the previous Elder Brain is believed to have perished in the 'Deluge' which flooded the deep Lowerdark. After defeating a psionic projection of this younger Illithid Elder Brain, Princess May'riina Xun'viir recovers a crystalline splinter which she later fashions into a device known as the 'Mind Shard.' With this significant threat returned, the Houses of Freth and Claddath de-escalated their conflict to defend the city. No further contact was made with the Mind Flayer colony until the Second Illithid War.

- Brogendenstein/Andunor War: 142 AR -
The final years of Thane Ghestaldt's rule over Brogendenstein was marked with open war against the Cyric Vance Gravelle operating out of Andunor as Tyrant of the Sharps District. Several campaigns were fought during the breath of the conflict, with Brogendenstein suffering a defeat at the Battle of Minmir Bridge, but ultimately claiming victory as Vance Gravelle's surface efforts were halted. A later assault on Andunor by a dwarven army successfully ended the war in Brogendenstein's favor.

- The Battle of Minmir Falls: 159 AR -
A large Underdark Warband led by 'The Witch of Lies' Sydney Harrow engaged a Surface force led by Myon's Coronal Anaria Liamytholen in the high grounds around the Nexus Falls portal. The battle ended in a victory for the Underdark Warband, which withdrew to Treadstone with many prisoners, including Myon's Coronal Anaria Liamytholen and Lord Zathlan Fen'ar.

- Second Illithid War: 160 AR -
A massive flotilla of duergar ships arrive in Greyport carrying The Seventh Legion of Gracklstugh with the intent to assault the Illithid of Izlude's Torment. Before any campaign could be launched an invisible Psionic Resonance consumes Andunor, forcing the city into chaos as the settlement's inhabitant's minds are seized, altered, or destroyed. After this opening assault, a significant attack on Andunor's Northern Gate occurs. Creatures of all kinds, mentally dominated by the Mind Flayers, throw themselves upon the city's defenses. This attack is repelled by the combined efforts of the defenders.

Keeper May'riina of the Arcanum, a survivor of the First Illithid War, develops a series of Resonance Dampening devices that are placed in all the key Districts.

Mind Flayers later assaulted Greyport and the Devil's Table under the control of a 'Think Tank.' An Illithid brain suspended in containment and psychically directing the battle. However, no other encounters occur after these, leading to an end to the Second War.

Vance Gravelle, a former Tyrant of the Sharps District, returns the 'Mind Shard' to Keeper May'riina which was stolen decades ago after the First Illithid War.

- Skull Crag Schism: 167 AR -
The Ogre Elder Ikarus of Andunor gathers a Warband to fight a war against the settlement of Guldorand in defense of the Skull Craig Ogre tribes. This campaign would last several years until a peace accord was signed in 169 AR.


Thus with the above, this chronicle comes to its conclusion. While direct in the telling, I am confident its simplicity will allow readers a more comprehensive range of enjoyment while still providing a baseline for understanding the often-confusing past of the Underdark.




* Book(s):
[1] May'riina Shri'isstra, "First Illithid War with Andunor"
[2] May'riina Shri'isstra, "Second Illithid War with Andunor"
[3] May'riina Shri'isstra, "History of House Xun'viir Part 1: Founding"
[4] Sydney Harrow, "The Underdark: Eras of Upheaval"
[5] Ilmeth, "Report on Mllikiek'zztts"
[6] Bel'qualyn, "Research Notes on Mllikiek'zztts"
[7] Freya Stensamler, "Blingstonhold - Udo Dro'Xun Crisis"
[8] Nives Zar'Rocc, "Nives: The chaotic Family tree"
[9] Allie Lightfoot, "The Battle of Broken Dreams"
[10] Elidyr Hithlain , "The Battle of Minmir Falls, and Capture of Coronal Anaria Liamytholen & The Lord Zathlan Fen'ar"
[11] Adelyn Belle'rose, "Arelith: Skull Crag Schism"
[12] Adelyn Belle'rose, "Arelith: The Second Dominion"
[13] Unknown, "Urblexis-Udos War"
[14] Unknown, "Baator's Awakening"
[15] Unknown, "The Fall of Tollidor"
[16] Unknown, "The Cataclysm"
[17] Unknown, "The Cataclysm of the Underdark"
[18] Unknown, "The Seize of Gambler's Bluff"
[19] Unknown, "The Seize of the Bandit Lair"
[20] Unknown, "History of Blingstonhold"

* Written Record(s):
[1] Azaria, "Assault on Grond"
[2] First House Xymox, "Edict from the First Matron"
[3] Skeflock, "The Dark Bazaar"

* Interview(s):
[1] Alirios Freth
[2] Sydney Harrow
[3] The Sentient Jelly



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:12 pm

Night of Embers

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 177 AR

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


While I generally avoid writing on accounts in which I was directly involved, the events surrounding Lord Embers ultimate betrayal at the hands of Andunor's native population proved too significant an experience not to. While such treachery is not unique to the denizens of Andunor, the callus self-destruction caused by their actions toward the betterment of the city illustrates the counterproductive nature of settlement when compared to more Lawful domains. Much like how historians point to the anecdote of Wharftown to remind us of the folly of Pride, so too can the tale of Greyport remind us of the folly of unrestrained personal Ambition.


On the 24 Day of the 5th Month in the year 176 AR, a massive, gilded warship belonging to the Dragon Lord Aldahoon Embers dropped anchor in the West Wheel of Andunor. Upon docking, a drow-blooded dragonkin named Elin'teerm disembarked to declare himself Emissary of the Dragon Lord to a local merchant, who had paused to watch the ship's arrival. When pressed for his master's purpose in Andunor, the Emissary declared that his Lord of great wealth had left his floating island fortress to travel the seas and alleviate the tedium of a long life. As such, they had docked in the Underdark city of Andunor to see if the settlement was worthy of the Dragon Lord's attention.

The merchant guided Elin'teerm to the central trade Hub to display the city's worth, where his presence was announced via the ringing of the settlement's bells. Upon request, a list of Greyport's leadership was provided to the Emissary. For the Dragon Lord had seen the majesty of the Red Tower and commanded a Grand Ball would be held within its halls to the benefit of all should the city be found credible. Upon conclusion of this first introduction, Elin'teerm thanked all present and retired to the warship. Shortly after the following notice was publicly posted.

"The Bells have Tolled!"

"Let it be known last Tenday the mighty LORD ALDAHOON EMBERS did sail his ship of wealth and Splendor to dock upon Andunor's West Wheel."

"To mark this event, the Bells of Andunor sounded, not in alarm, but in Celebration!"

"Citizens did gather within the Hub to greet Emissary Elin'teerm of House Embers, whom announced his Lord's desire to Host a GRAND BALL in the District of GREYPORT within the near future."

"The city of Andunor, and myself, look forward to the future Wealth and Decadence Lord Aldahoon might bring to our People's pockets."

Day 24, Month 5 (Mirtul), 176 AR
Adelyn Belle'rose

Over the next three months Emissary Elin'teerm would meet with the various influential factions and districts around Andunor to facilitate the upcoming gala. Contracting the East Arelith Trading Company under Adelyn Belle'rose to organize the event, the Emissary would also employ the Shadowclaw kobold clan to collect rare surface 'ingredients' for the Grand Ball's feast. It should be noted that the dragon blood was very fond of any recipe making heavy use of either elf or hin flesh. A culinary weakness Emissary Elin'teerm was always eager to explain in detail should the opportunity present itself in polite conversation.

During this period, two events of consequence took place concerning the event's organization. One was an altercation between a member of the Syndicate's abyssal cult Laerca Avyn and Emissary Elin'teerm during a street fight event held in Greyport. Laerca's public attempt to assert her social dominance over the dragon blooded Elin'teerm would ultimately fail, resulting in a public display of embarrassment for the female. After which, the cultist would destroy the public sign-up board for the Grand Ball in Andunor's Hub after posting the following declaration.


"Who cares about this GRAND BALL. These ABOMINATIONS will give you NOTHING. One of them ASSAULTED ME just for obstructing their view. I destroyed that board, and I was doing you a FAVOR. If you want coin, do something useful with your time. Entertaining a HOUSE OF DEGENERATES will only get you CHAINS. Enjoy being a SLAVE. You will host their GRAND Pufferfish for ETERNITY."

Day 2, Month 6 (Kythorn), 176 AR
Laerca Avyn

Secondly, agents of the East Arelith Company reported rumors of strife within the Shadowclaw kobold clan's ranks over Lord Embers' servant Emissary Elin'teerm claims to be of the dragon's bloodline. It should be noted that the Emissary displayed many physical dragon-like features, including a set of wings.

INTEL: Shadowclaw Clan, Internal Strife

"Report of a sub-faction within the kobold Shadowclaw sect that is upset with Lord Aldahoon (and his servant) for claiming to be a Dragon. In their belief no one can claim to be a Dragon if the body shares' warm blood'."

"Report of over hearing this complaint followed by 'It will be taken care of' leads one to theorize efforts might be made against the visiting Lord."


Day 15, Month 6 (Kythorn), 176 AR
Adelyn Belle'rose

After much preparation, delay, and setback, city leaders agreed upon the time of the Grand Ball, and a public declaration was made to the people of Andunor.

"The GRAND BALL has Arrived!!!"

"People of Andunor!"

"A date for the GRAND BALL has been set! On [Redacted] the doors to the Red Tower will open to admit guests to Lord Aldahoon's great gala."

"The Theme for the Night is: 'Games of Life and Death'"

"Guests, artists, and performers are encouraged to express their creativity with this in mind."

"Those attending shall enjoy the various culinary arts of the city's master craftsman with guests being encouraged to vote for the brewer or chef they feel most talented. The winning caterer shall receive a boon from Lord Aldahoon upon the celebration's end."

"This shall be followed by judging of individually submitted artwork by a panel of three, with the piece selected being added to Lord Aldahoon's personal collection. The winning artist, of course, shall receive proper compensation."

"The Night will be concluded with Lord Aldahoon selecting a relic most worthy from those submitted by each District (to include the Arcanium)."


"While all citizens of Andunor are invited to attend, identities will be inspected upon arrival. No guest is allowed to have visible wards during their stay. Those with such protections shall be refused entry, or if they are applied after entry shall be escorted from the event. Security for
the gathering is already arranged and guests should feel comfortable in their safety."


"To the craftsmen, brewers, artists, chefs, and poets . . . we encourage you to create and strive for the honors that will surely be rewarded at the gala. Any may submit their work upon arrival at the GRAND BALL. However those, such as Bards and Carters, who will require a station to work from during the event are asked to pre-register with me so space can be reserved. Simply contact Coin Mistress Kasima Shadowclaw who resides in the INNER HUB or myself whose lair is located in the EAST WHEEL."

"Due note NO works or crafts of an excessively graphic nature shall be accepted. One should strive to please the subtle tastes of the Dragon Lord Aldahoon's possible fancies rather than rely on the "shock and awe" such works focus upon."


"To the Districts of Andunor, including the Arcanium, Lord Aldahoon requests one Relic be provided from each community to be judged by myself at the gala's end."

"If there are further questions please feel free to contact Master Stink of the Red Tower, Coin Mistress Kasima of Greyport Authority, or Myself."

Day 22, Month 6 (Kythorn), 176 AR
Adelyn Belle'rose


The doors to the Red Tower opened to admit guests, security being provided by The Awful Brothers Mercenary Company, with each visitor being announced by name and title. What followed was a regal gathering of nearly all Andunor, with most turning out to see the famed Lord Aldahoon Embers for themselves in person. Rare flesh dishes, exotic art displays, and bardic performances filled the main floor of the Red Tower, allowing guests to partake in cultured indulgence within relative safety.

Upon the festivity's end, the winners of the gala's many contests were named, with Boneborn's 'Deep Fried Rothe Fingers' taking the prize for best food as judged by the owner of the tower Stink Spellworped. Of the art submissions judged by Elerra Hyluan, Ulvorne, and Adelyn Belle'rose the winner was deemed 'The Sacrifices Made'. Of the district artifacts, 'The Trail of Being' was judged by Lord Aldahoon to be most worthy of prize, though perhaps this was due to the device's removal of a kobolds arm upon its operation which he found most amusing. With the conclusion of the naming, the goblin chief Stink Spellworped made the following degree and thus officially ended the event.

"It some time now since Lilith Vensurai and all she sorts leave Red Tower, and Stink move in. Move in for all gobs of city, and Worped Ones clan! So know you this, to make all clear and for you words and whispers to spread. WE is here now. Worped Ones is here. There new gob spirit
in city! And we got riches and a mighty fortress too! So relax youselves good, stay as long as you wanting, drink youself silly. Know you the riches of the Worped Ones!"


As guests departed the Red Tower the drow Ulvorne, district leader of Greyport, approached the Dragon Lord's entourage and whispered, 'If you are ready, I can see you both taken to where I have them stored. It shouldn't take long.' To which Elin'teerm replied, 'I suspect Lord Aldahoon is unlikely to attend. Though, I'll happily do so.'

Before this moment, the drow had offered to show Lord Embers his horde of precious trinkets while presenting the visiting dragon with a gift. Intrigued by such, the two departed for the nearby mines while the event's organizers remained to see the last of the guests away and keep Lord Embers entertained. However, not long after Emissary Elin'teerm returned armed and alone, demanding Lord Aldahoon follow him to safety. When asked what transpired, the Emissary declared he had been betrayed by Ulvorne when, with an archer in hiding, he attempted to claim his life through ambush and explosion.

Aghast at the turn of events, Lord Embers departed back to his ship under escort from the East Arelith Trading Company. Upon arrival at the West Wheel berth, words of regret were offered to the departing Lord Aldahoon over the city's betrayal and loss of what might have been. Presented with a relic from the dragon's horde as payment for her service, Elin'teerm released the East Arelith Company from their contract before boarding the large warship and weighing anchor.

"The Gilded Flagship of Lord Aldahoon, having spent so long docked in the West Wheel, finally raised its anchor and lowered its sails. Slowly, it moved across the canal to turn broadside with the District of Greyport. With the sound of Clunk, Clunk, Clunk, the artillery positioned within the many ports along this almighty flagship spoke. What followed next lit up the great cavern with the flash of cannonade and sounds of heavy impacts that caused the entire city of Anundor to shake! To the peeling thunder of a hundred blasts, Hell was rained upon The District of Greyport. After what seemed like an eternity, the rain of iron ceased its fall, recompense for the District's betrayal given. With a ponderous turn, the warship of Lord Aldahoon Embers departed the waters of Andunor, its fury spent."

Firsthand Witness account of the Bombardment of Greyport

What remained of Greyport after the departure of Lord Embers' warship was swaddled within fiery flames and charred corpses. The efforts of various citizens lured to the scene by the display succeeded in bringing the worst of the inferno under control. Before the heat haze had dissipated from the district's smoldering ruins, true to Andunorian custom, blame for what occurred would be leveled freely in the attack's aftermath. From Lairilwa's statement, "All... On fire. The whole district--Everybody's dead. Ulvorne's dying in the caves. What the dragon said was false--An elf from Myon shot explosives and about blew them both up." To the ghostly Pufferfish of light appearing before travelers and declaring. "Ulvorne was responsible for the attempt on the Lord of Ember's life. He worked with a moon elf tiefling this resulted in the shelling of Greyport." To address the concern of what transpired, a small group led by Goblin Chef Stink traversed the Red Tower mines to investigate the ambush scene.

The group would locate debris from various explosive devices in a strategically located bend of the mine's lower tunnels. With a squint and stick tap, Stink declared, "Ulvorne got access to tower, which mean he got access to mine. No gobs tell Stink Ulvorne setting up hoard in there though. If Ulvorne 'was' looking to kill dragonlord, mine good spot. If there 'was' going to be hoard - OR ambush - it be here."

With the bloodshed so recent, few desired motives or reasons for the attack and instead placed blame on the Dragon Lord himself or, as is Underdark tradition, upon Myon.


Shortly after Greyport's burning, the districts of Andunor agreed to hire the Gnoll bard Darruz Scumhand as an unaffiliated third-party investigator to examine the affair. Though the Shadowclaw kobold clan still publicly demanded revenge against the departed Dragon Lord, the gnoll continued to maintain his neutrality and conducted an in-depth investigation.

"A Tragedy Overlooked"

"It amuses me to no end that even now, with the passing of time, many in the city still see Lord Ember's attack on Greyport as a form of betrayal. Seeking the Dragon Lords head 'On a Pike' as it were."

"Yet how many understand the great bombardment of Greyport was not the Dragon Lord's desire, but the result of another's foolish action? The city might have forgotten Lord Ember's desire to open trade between his floating island and Greyport with the intention to turn Andunor's 'cast off District' into a capital of wealth and power within the dark, but I have not."

"That was of course the plan only until a trap set for him was sprung upon his servant. A trap that failed mind you, yet managed to show Lord Ember's the true nature of our grand city of trade."

"Is it any wonder he weighed anchor and left, never to return, after a parting gift of cannon fire."

"Perhaps instead of seeking to hunt the victim of betrayal, those of the city might hunt those responsible for it hm?"

"Just a thought."

Day 21, Month 9 (Eleint), 176 AR
Adelyn Belle'rose

Eventually, after much effort, the gnoll completed the comprehensive inquiry and published his findings which can be summarized in the entry below.

"The Investigation of Greyport's Burning - Conclusions"

"The recommended sequence of events leading up to the Burning of Greyport, based on the motives, testimonies, and likelihood is this: Ulvorne gathered the explosives within the Copper Mine, which were provided by the Erudite Arcanum, for some sort of plot against Aldhoon, however it was Elin'teerm that accompanied him. Whatever this plot was, it was not fulfilled as instead the archer, agent of some other force, found out about the explosives and waited for the other two to arrive. The explosion was then set off by this archer, based on testimony provided by Elin'teerm and the latest testimony by Ulvorne the archer was horned, it could also be possible that they were eleven and feminine. Due to the lack of horned beings within Andunor, it is very likely that the archer was an agent of a Surface or Interplanar organization. In these events, Greyport became a victim of the archer's patrons taking advantage of Ulvorne's scheming, through which Aldhoon and his associates were used as tools to wreck damage upon the district."

Day 22, Month 9 (Eleint), 176 AR
Darruz Scumhand

When presented to the city's leaders, many directly involved with the event had by now departed the archipelago. Lord Ulvorne relinquished his mantle as leader of Greyport to flee the city around the same time the goblin Stink Spellworped, leaseholder of the Red Tower, quit the Underdark with pockets ladened with gold. As with most things related to Andunor, retribution was never found, and over time recollections of that bombardment faded until the event had been largely disregarded. Only the sense of what might have been lingered with those who had taken part in the affair. Yet another opportunity squandered for an individual's gain that, despite their efforts, resulted in nothing of value being genuinely wrought.

As for myself, I at least enjoyed meeting Lord Embers and learning about his floating island of wealth. Perhaps one day I shall make use of the relic left to me as payment, though in honesty, I am not entirely sure. With only a single activation, such an artifact would prove an impractical, abet powerful protagonist. Time will tell, as it does with all things.




* Written Record(s):
[1] Darruz Scumhand, "The Investigation of Greyport's Burning"
[2] Laerca Avyn, "SYCOPHANTS"
[3] Adelyn Belle'rose, "The Bells have Tolled!"
[4] Adelyn Belle'rose, "INTEL: Shadowclaw Clan, Internal Strife"
[5] Adelyn Belle'rose, "The GRAND BALL has Arrived!!!"
[6] Adelyn Belle'rose, "A Tragedy Overlooked

* Interview(s):
[1] Darruz Scumhand
[2] Elin'teerm of House Embers
[3] Lord Aldahoon Embers
[4] Stink Spellworped
[5] Ulvorne
[6] Kasima Shadowclaw



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her crimson gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

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