Appreciation for The Team and Players

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Appreciation for The Team and Players

Post by UsuallyWizard » Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:55 am

In the coming days, I will be reaching level 30 after a long 4 years of playing Syvella Morning-Seeker. I've made mistakes, had issue, had good times. I've had lovely IC friends along the way, some here and some not. I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the team and the people who have helped me along the way. To start, I wanted to thank Titania for the amazing event of the Weatherstone. So many times it can feel like so many of us fade into the background in certain areas, but DM events such as this one really made me feel part of the community and gave me a small part to shine in the grand scheme. It was well thought out and amazing to experience this amazing in game event. It was unlike any other event on a game I've played and it deserves to be written about in a high regard. So thank you Titania and the team fore the writing, modeling, planning and everything else that went into the process of the event.

To the friends who helped me make it to 30, it was a hard road. Being a Sun Elf and having a con 6. I died to a sneeze many times and through all the resurrections and protections, you all made it possible for me to make it here. I just wanted to make a post thanking everyone who I will list below for helping me. You are all part of this game and have made it a better space for other players, myself included. I hope I am able to affect other players the way you all did for me and many others. It really is the kindness of players like you that make others want to come back, time and time again. I will try to name as many who have helped me along the way as possible in no particular order whether it was with writs or RP:

Evemere Dundragon-RP/Writs
Leoric Whitewind-RP/Writs
Tsukimono no kage Kurai (Necromance me)-RP/Writs
Albet Lianlen-RP
Abigail Reyne (Spelling?)-RP
Ginny Rivorndir-RP
Thomas Castemont-RP
Urshak Dragonskin-RP
Lefric Ruston-RP
Thekla Gawain(Thekla Castemont)-RP
Juniper Oakley-RP
Maya Kaimana-RP/Writs
Syl'daviir Morning-Seeker-RP
Alyssia Kinsley-RP
Narr Nolkus-RP
Estelle Misthollow-RP
Iliquen Y'Nalo-RP
Lora Thendry-RP

I'm sure there are many more, but I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who helped me along the way, guiding me through my mistakes, helping me shape my character and so much more. I appreciate you all.

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Re: Appreciation for The Team and Players

Post by omnirikku » Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:14 pm

Congratulations to you! Syvella, for some reason, always warmed my heart. Maybe it was how you write her, maybe it was her slow and steady progress, or maybe it was just that she was kind. I remember bringing her to Mt. Celestia to cleanse her of an ooze ages back, her catching a stray arrow in Cordor, and a few other places. She's always been a bright spot to play with.

Congratulations on hitting 30. What a journey to take over four years. I'm happy for you, and I hope to see you for more years to come!

All the best!

PS: It's Evemere! Hiii~

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Re: Appreciation for The Team and Players

Post by LurkingShadow » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:26 am

I love a story like this one! Creating your own little legacy and history! I used to play on Amia like this, just taking my time, slowly levelling.

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Re: Appreciation for The Team and Players

Post by Morto » Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:30 pm

Hi UsuallyWizard / Syvella!

I always regarded you as an especially kind and friendly person! I wish I had taken more opportunities with you. But I. Know the time we did get together was special and I'm glad we got to make a positive impact on one another and others!

I hope you have all the joy and happiness you deserve in Arelith and life going forward!

(Also. 4 years! Wow, what a journey! Congratulations!)

Thekla('s player)


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