Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

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Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Haniaboo » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:03 pm

When I first joined Arelith, I had never rp’d or played on an rp server, I had no idea what to expect (I even looked up some ‘how to rp’ tutorial on YT). I had absolutely no idea what my character was going to be, except a thief who disliked nobles. I randomly generated a name I thought sounded pretty cool “Sili Aseph” (Yes, I eventually realised it sounds like Silly AF)
Now, around three years later, she has gone from comedic-relief thief, to paranoid mess, to religious zealot. Unfortunately every story needs to end and eventually you’ll get burned out on a single character, and that’s happened with Sili, so it’s time I retire her for now.

So, I’d like to thank anyone who has ever interacted with Sili, anyone who has made a custom fixture description that I read, people who helped me when I was completely new. You’ve all not only helped Sili grow as a character but helped me ooc, to come up with ideas for new characters, to try and write better and to become a huge fan of the world/lore etc of the Forgotten Realms (I really like the deities and religions of it, if you couldn’t tell.) I even played my first table-top game of dnd through friends I made on Arelith.

Over three years, I’ve met a lot of characters but I want to give shoutouts to characters who were very close to Sili and her story. I’m also an idiot irl, so I’m sorry if I forget anyone and for how long and poorly formatted this post is -

Zemys - Proof that best friends are forged when you racially profile a Hin and accuse him of murder. Sili and Zemys had so many adventures together…mostly involving murder for some reason. From their time in the Merchant Navy, to Gimli/Legolas style “who can kill more Golden legionnaires in battle?”, to helping save Arelith from an undead menace. They were constantly insulting each other and their home countries but deep down they loved each other as best friends, not that they’d ever admit it. I think they threw up after hugging each other.

Thomas - Chomas Tastemont, a man who Sili loved to annoy but who she constantly wanted respect from. She even calmed down her crimes because she promised Thomas that she would and she would feel genuinely bad for if she betrayed his trust. Thomas is such a fun character to interact with and clearly the server knows because he’s always so busy. Also stop saying Bane’s name, you’re going to get smited!

Ginny - Their relationship started very poorly, during Sili’s paranoia arc. Sili thought Ginny was out to get her, Ginny…I assume barely knew who Sili was. Eventually during Ginny’s trial, Sili miraculously apologised and from there they became friends. I wish Ginny and Sili got to have more of their debates. I loved each interaction where Sili would refuse to admit being wrong, so they would argue on a loop until they both realised they didn’t even care much about what they were arguing about. Ginny is a really interesting character, the devoted follower of Siamorph who feels she owes it to Cordor to steer it in the right direction as chancellor (and who would definitely become a benevolent dictator if she could) but who also just wants to retire and have a family.

Juniper - Sili and Juni’s friendship felt extremely real. Sili tried her best to be nice to Juni but was so socially inept that she kept constantly insulting her and failing to understand why Juni might be insulted. One of the few characters to get a genuine apology from Sili too. (Juni's player is also one of the nicest people I've spoken to ooc)

Elder Malek - Malek was like a strange grumpy grandfather/mentor figure to Sili, a character who she was afraid of getting the cane from but enjoyed tormenting. Such an inclusive player, his diplomatic tasks for Sili helped me from getting burned out because interacting with Malek was too much fun. Thank you for teaching me how to use pins for notes too, I was genuinely typing them into chat for around six months before.

Maria - Capitana of the Merchant Navy, one of the most loveable, inclusive characters on the server. I loved every interaction with Maria and Sili’s days in the MN were some of the most memorable moments on Arelith. Maria and Sili were like sisters who constantly annoyed but loved each other. Can’t believe Maria died just to prove that Sili could cry though, smh. Sili would greet everyone with “Hola” for years after Maria’s death, just to honour her.

Flynn - Another of Sili’s best friends, I loved Sili and Flynns one on one talks that would last rl hours. Weird that he tried to kidnap a baby though.

Ren - Pretty sure Sili and him had a silent dislike of each other, that over time grew into a friendship they would never admit to. Even more so when the definitely real psychic bond between Sili and Flynn turned into a bond between all three.

Varfogar - The first person I think I ever interacted with on the server, met when I was on writ work in the sewer and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. From there I joined the Silvermanes which was my introduction to factions, so much of what Sili became comes from that one interaction in the sewer and her time in the Silvermanes.

Izahne - Izahnes player works so hard to come up with grand events and stories that can affect the whole server. Sili’s interactions with Izhane were such a large chunk of her time on arelith. From friends to enemies to kind of friends again to definite enemies, I really enjoyed our interactions.

Xun’sali - I’ll try to avoid repeating what I’ve already said on the other thread, but Xun’sali is one of the most inclusive characters I’ve met, always interacting with different people. Such an in-depth character, I loved all the stories she would tell Sili. Sili and her could be sat alone in a room for rl hours and it’d be one of the most memorable, funniest or saddest moments I’ve had on the server. I really enjoyed Sili and her relationship. (Obviously I love Mala too)

Warre - Another character who managed to get Sili to calm down on the crime. Warre is one of the most realistic paladins I met on the server. As fun as tormenting Warre was, she also managed to help Sili become a better person. (Apparently not everyone you hate should die, who knew?)

Lloyd - Another character/player who stopped me getting burned out. Sili joined the thieves guild and eventually became Lloyds right-hand. As a player, I didn’t really want to take the lead role in a guild, so Sili became the second in command. It felt like an IC tutorial on how to be a guild head and come up with tasks for other players, if I ever did create my own faction. Lloyd’s player not only came up with an interesting/realistic feeling crime-boss, they also made a guild that is constantly giving out tasks for other characters to do, rewards for those characters and imo fun theft rp for the victims and the thieves and helped me better interact with/ come up with jobs for faction members without putting too much pressure on me as a player.

Evemere - Eve is such an inclusive character, interacting with basically everyone no matter what. I was amazed by the amount of rp that went into forging Sili’s daggers, that she still uses to this day. Asking questions, getting to know Sili and then writing one of the most detailed descriptions I’ve seen, all for two simple daggers. Those descriptions helped me to try and improve my own fixture descriptions.

Seitera - Sei and Sili had a complicated relationship, from disliking each other to years later realising they weren’t actually sure why they disliked each other in the first place (I blame Izahne). Each interaction was fun

Fiyo - You make a druid mask for a Hin one time and he becomes one of your good friends, who sleeps far too much. I enjoyed Sili and his conversations as they stood for hours on a single corner.

Jess - Sili started off hating her for being a Banite, then she learned that “hey maybe if I sit down and speak with people, I’ll find they’re not so bad.”...Then it turned out Jess was a Zhent the whole time, Jess’ farewell arc was really fun and inclusive, Zemys and Sili got to play detective, trying to figure out exactly what happened with her. (V is also a great character, thank you for the Agony)

Bryan Rook - Bryan Crook, Sili’s archnemesis who was mostly just bullied by Sili without her realising she was being rude to him or why he might be annoyed by her. Bryan is just a normal half-elf who unfortunately ran into a woman who had never seen glasses before, every single interaction was hilarious. (Aster also makes very cool art)

Shanty - I'm still stunlocked by the slime insta-killing me and you shooting that table in the Cordor Square.

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Hazard » Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:34 pm

Sili is one of my favourite characters interacted with, ever. She has always come across as a very real person, with flaws, strengths and a realistic perspective on the setting world that really makes RPing with her a powerfully immersive experience.

I've had the pleasure of knowing Sili multiple times, in very different and contrasting ways, over several characters. Each one seeing a different side to her and learning different things about her/seeing her in a totally different light.

I'm shocked to learn it was only 3 years ago that you started RPing. Your character feels very present and real, and the effort you put into playing them and portraying them really shows in the quality of RP you've generated.

Sili goes in my all time Hall of Fame for Arelithian characters. I really look forward to seeing what kind of character you come up with next.

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Twohand » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:19 am

Worst turtle dragon mom ever. :P

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by AnselHoenheim » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:45 am

Always enjoyed any interaction between Sili and Sarah, casuals most of the time, but pretty good! Kudos, and hope the next is going to be as good than the first!

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by In Sorrow We Trust » Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:32 am

sili was awesome and you're always fun to play with. I'm glad I got to play with you on two characters. what's next for you I wonder?

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by D4wN » Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:59 am

Sili could really get under Thomas' skin at times. But he felt awful after saying something truly mean to her after he was captured:


He didn't realise just how much he hurt her with this until eventually they finally talked about it and he apologised. I feel after this moment their bond actually grew much stronger. He became more tolerant of her and over time with her working in the Ministry of Faith, his respect for her grew to the point her little jabs and jokes no longer affected him. In fact, he became quite fond of her.

Sili was a complex character with a mask to the outside world using humour as a shield but having so much more underneath it. Her stance against slavery was another thing that grew the relationship between Thomas and Sili over time.

Her presence will be missed in Cordor.

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Aeryeris » Thu Feb 29, 2024 9:33 am

Awh, going to miss the goof. Ginny definitely had moments of murderous intent towards Sili, but in the end they really made up.

And hey, benevolent dictator "if she could"?! Isn't she already?!

I'm very curious to see what your next character is going to be.

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by LurkingShadow » Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:57 am

In times like this? I wish I had RPed more with a character. Sil and Sili had some interactions here and there, they where interesting always. I love these insights into Arelithian history and the sentimental nostalgia I feel by just looking in. I hope you stick around and play something else!

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Cthuletta » Thu Feb 29, 2024 2:00 pm

D'aww, that was such a nice thing to say!! <3

Sili has definitely been one of those staple characters around Cordor, first knew her as Jayna, playing sisters, then as Juni where the two had an interesting friendship. Think my favourite thing about it was anytime one of them was gone for an extended period of time, and then saw each other again, it was just a 'Hola Juni!' 'Hi Sili!' and carrying on like they saw each other yesterday.
She might have been a bit socially inept when it came to tieflings, but dangit, SILI TRIED! ... After a while! :D
She will be missed, and considering she's your first RP character, I'm really excited to see what you do next with all the experience you gained!

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Aradin » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:52 pm

I'm disappointed that I've been so busy and wasn't around for Sili's departure! She and Lloyd had a long history together in crime, so glad to have found you. A quiet depth to Sili that made me always want to have her around. Enjoy your well-earned retirement. Cheers.

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Lass is Class » Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:26 pm

Well done PC, good story arc.

Yes, it was all Izahne's fault.


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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Fenran » Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:46 pm

I have to post for Sili, I just have to.

I never really thought Flynn and Sili would get along but they did. Their ability to just talk about things for RL hours was crazy. They could bounce from concept to concept, from serious to not serious, to talk about very real things and very not real things (the psychic bond was definitely real though), with ease.

Loved how real Sili was and how she could bring out so many different flavors and angles for different characters. I will definitely miss her!

Also Flynn never tried to kidnap a baby!

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Re: Silly Sili Sails to Tethyr

Post by Rievetel » Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:57 pm

I will admit that the strange psychic bond was definitely something that Ren would never like to admit to but at the same time it was always amusing when it seems like the strange cosmic thought-processing aligned between them. Ren liked Sili but of course he would never admit to that either out of that childish spite and denial Flynn tended to always be in the middle of. Sili's had a realistic growth throughout her time in Arelith and it has been enjoyable seeing her develop as authentically as you allowed her to, whether watching that unfold through Ren's eyes or those that preceded his time.

PS: Flynn acquired that baby through legitimate legal means. The only baby that was going to be kidnapped was the murder-piglet from Cordor Farmlands (to cook).

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