Blood Homonculus vs Bleed Resistance/Immunity

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Blood Homonculus vs Bleed Resistance/Immunity

Post by preggy » Fri May 17, 2024 5:24 pm

Description of Bug Experienced:
The blood homonculus spawned is based on blood stacks consumed and HP consumed (Which is itself based on maximum hp)
The issue, is that Having bleed immunity (Such as from certain Hemomancer items or the spell "Vitae's Coronet") or Bleed Resistance (Such as from essences) reduces the amount of bleed damage the spell actually applies, and it is this number that the "HP Consumed" amount is drawn from -- not % of your HP calculated.

Steps to reproduce the Bug:
Repeatable without issue, just casting the spell while having bleed immunity or resistance will reduce the Tier of the Homunculus. This makes having Vitae Coronet on effectively prevent getting a tier 2 or higher Homonculus, even with max blood stacks.

Expected Result:
Higher Tier Homonculus

Actual Result:
Lower Tier Homonculus


Additional Information/Notes
Suggested change: while bleed damage is thematically apropriate for the spell, swap the damage type to something unresistable (or prevent the damage from being reduced by Immunity/resistance), this way the character is still paying the appropriate tithe without needing to stop, rest and remove their clothes weapons and spells just to get the higher level result.

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